我们要彻底清除“四人帮”的流毒,把尽快地培养出一批具有世界第一流水平的科学技术专家,作为我们科学、教育战线的重要任务。 We must eradicate for good the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four and take up the major task of producing -- as quickly as possible -- experts in science and technology who are up to the highest international standards.
1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒团伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品交易市场和网络。 Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug-infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug-dealing markets and networks.
1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒团伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品交易市场和网络。 Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug- infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug- dealing markets and networks.
这批货物应密封包装运送。 The goods are to be sent in airtight package.
第二章 资格条件和审批程序 Chapter 2. Qualifications, Criteria and Approval Procedures
她批准了这项计画,但附加了几项意见。 Roval to the scheme but not without several qualifications.
有所保留地批准此计画 Give the scheme only qualified approval
此外,有些上级的领导人员还喜欢摆架子,耍威风,只是教训人,批评人,而不能向下级请教,不能听下级的批评,不能对下级作自我批评。 Moreover, some leaders at higher levels like to put on airs and make a great show of their authority. They are wont to lecture and criticize people, and are unwilling to seek advice or listen to criticism from their subordinates or make any self-criticism in their presence.
这批商品的质量不够一等品。 The quality of this article cannot qualify for first-class.
机场官员检查了这批货物。 Airport official inspect the shipment.
[20]在洛杉矶以东约6o英里的一个干燥、多尘的城市——桑伯纳迪诺市里,一批体育专家通过“旁门左道”使学校的体育课程成了典范,给孩子们的体格健康水平带来了可观的提高。 [20] In San Bernardino, a dry, dusty city about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, a team of PE specialists used a side-door entrance to turn the school PE programme into a model that has produced quantifiable improvements in children's fitness levels.
一批板条;板条 A quantity of laths; lathing.
大量地,大批地 In large bulk or quantity.
大量批发销售药品 Sells drugs wholesale and in quantity.
比如说rogerpenrose,在批判人工智能的时候,他皈依了量子力学的信仰。哲学家davidchalmers谈到意识是宇宙中的基本不同特征。 I think Roger Penrose, for instance, has succumbed to the religion of quantum mechanics in his criticism of AI. And the philosopher David Chalmers has talked about consciousness being a fundamentally different quality in the Universe.
不吹毛求疵或批评将是明智的。 It would be wise not to carp or criticize.
不断地批评;吹毛求疵 To criticize repeatedly; carp.
一批科学工作者怀才抱志,开始了毕生的探索和追寻。 A batch of scientific workers with high aspirations embarked on a lifetime journey of exploration and quest.
我们空运了这批货物,是因为我们的代理商已用完库存了。 We airfreight the shipment because our agent has run out of stork.
我们空运了这批货物,是因为我们的代理商已用完库存了。 We airfreight the shipment because our agent run out of stork.
我们不能忍受那种吹毛求疵的批评。 We had no patience with quibbling criticism.
挑剔的讼棍和吹毛求疵的辩护人——爱德蒙德·贝克;她那挑剔、吹毛求疵的批评;认为她的编辑是在没必要的吹毛求疵;挑剔的律师意见;对找碴的批评者失去了耐心。 caviling pettifoggers and quiggling pleaders-Edmund Burke; her nagging and carping attack; thought her editor unnecessarily nitpicking; a pettifogging lawyer's mind; had no patience with quibbling critics.
上述各件,打算明日付邮,查前寄两批货,快的半个月,慢的一个多月,方可抵澳,那末,明日寄出的一批,至迟六月中便可收到。 I am going to post the foregoing items tomorrow. According to our experience with the two previous parcels, it takes half a month at the quickest and one month or more at the latest for the parcels to be delivered to Australia. In that case the parcel we will post tomorrow will be received by you in mid June at the latest.
已批准额度和已实际汇入金额的差额,在经批准取得新的投资额度前不得汇入。 thereafter the difference between approved quota and the actual amount shall not be remitted inward prior to the obtaining of a newly approved investment quota.
年度木材生产计划不得超过批准的年采伐限额。 The annual timber production plan shall not exceed the approved annual cutting quota.
受让方在获得国家外汇局额度批准和证券投资业务许可证后,受让资产值低于外汇局批准额度的,可以按差额汇入本金。 After getting Securities Investment Licence from CSRC and investment quota from SAFE, the transferee can remit the difference as its principals if the value of the transferred assets is lower than the investment quota approved by SAFE.
第十八条 合格投资者在经批准的投资额度内,可以投资下列人民币金融工具: Article 18. Subject to the approved investment quota, QFII can invest on the following RMB financial instruments:
您能不能报给我们一批中性商标的罐头? Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral packing, in cans?
据了解,张淑云在院工作期间,由于其工作表现不好,受到领导和同事批评,后来发现她经常指使由福利院监护养育长大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照. An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret.
据了解,张淑云在院工作期间,由于其工作表现不好,受到领导和同事批评,后来发现她经常指使由福利院监护养育长大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照,并在拍照时有意将病童摆弄成某种姿势。艾明还叫另外两个大孩子展×和翟×同他一起拍照。 An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret. Before taking pictures Ai Ming put sick children in special poses and asked two bigger children Zhan and Zhai to help him.
在通航或者竹木流放的河流上修建永久性拦河闸坝,建设单位必须同时修建过船、过木设施,或者经国务院授权的部门批准采取其他补救措施,并妥善安排施工和蓄水期间的航运和竹木流放,所需费用由建设单位负担。 When building permanent dams and sluice gate structure on navigable or bamboo and log rafting streams, the construction unit must simultaneously build facilities for ship or log passage or, after being approved by departments authorized by the State Council, take other remedial measures and also make adequate arrangements for navigation and bamboo and log rafting during the construction period and the initial filling period, and bear the expenses thereby incurred.
跨行政区域的水量分配方案,由上一级人民政府水行政主管部门征求有关地方人民政府的意见后制定,报同级人民政府批准后执行。 Article 31: In runoff regulation and water allocation, water demands from both upstream and downstream as well as from both sides of the river, requirements from navigation bamboo and log rafting, fishery and ecological environment protection, shall be taken into account.