“怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。 IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatoryone? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral.
“怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。 IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatory one? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral.
德国队眼看要赢得这场比赛,而恰在终场前对方把比分扳平。 Germany is winning the match until just before the end when the other team equalize.
伴奏的配器法也同样质朴,同样地恰到好处。 The orchestration was equally simple and equally just right.
当多个修饰符在一个给定的findxx消息中联合使用时,优先级顺序用于决定对结果的恰当的排序方法。 The precedence order is used to determine the proper ordering of results when multiple search qualifiers are combined in a given find_xx message.
好问是非者,恰是是非之人。 Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.
突然插到排队的行列中去是不恰当的。 It is improper to cut in on a queue.
他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。 His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.
一个恰当的背景将有助于信息处理。 An appropriate context can aid information processing.
恰恰在这个时候,电话铃响了。 At exactly that moment, the telephone rang.
他苦苦思索寻找恰当的词语。 He ransacked his memory for suitable words.
一番评论恰恰强调了推论的错误 Comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.
我们在这方面控制得严一点,不会影响外商来华投资,恰恰相反,外商会更放心。 Tightening our control in this area will not deter foreign businessmen from investing in China; on the contrary, it will reassure them.
由于这样的恐慌,处于与英国作自由竞争地位的那些国家,它们的全部工业:信用系统,不但是这些,还有农业,甚至整个经济系统,都发生了根本动摇,这些国家在创且痛深以后、还要通过提高了的价格来大大的报答英国商人——恐慌演变的结果往往如此。在这样情况下,对于各国商业关系的解释,是否应当以单纯价值理论和世界主义原则为依据;我们对于这一点的恰当性还不应当发生极大疑问吗? If we consider how often by such crises the whole manufacturing power, the system of credit, nay the agriculture, and generally the whole economical system of the nations who are placed in free competition with England, are shaken to their foundations,and that these nations have afterwards notwithstanding richly to recompense the English manufacturers by higher prices, ought we not then to become very sceptical as to the propriety, of the commercial conditions of nations being regulated according to the mere theory of values and according to cosmopolitical principles?
一次新审讯问题已经诉讼法庭已经给予判断决定已被相同的法院再检查;由于过程的错误发生在当最初审讯被发现不恰当或者不公平时。 a new trial in which issues already litigated and to which the court has already rendered a verdict or decision are reexamined by the same court; occurs when the initial trial is found to have been improper or unfair due to procedural errors.
驳回;否决因无效、不真实或不恰当而否认 To reject as invalid, untrue, or improper.
我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。 I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter.
适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的 Strikingly appropriate and relevant.
政府最近频频表态,强调艺术的重要性,但在艺术越来越蓬勃的今天,面对艺术家进行非传统的尝试,政府如何恰当的应对,是个挑战。 While the government has been stressing the importance of the arts, how to respond to the increasingly adventurous and non-traditional arts forms is a great challenge.
恰恰相反,产生的收益才是归还大多数贷款的主要资金来源。 On the contrary, the generating revenue is the primary source of repayment of most loans.
心理学家声称,重复的工种恰恰可能是一种有压力的工种,有如更为费神的工种,但多变的工种就不同了。 Psychologist claimed that repetitive work can be just a stressful as more demanding but varied work.
我想要个妻,敬烟、上点心、斟酒、倒咖啡,恰到好处,大方得体。 I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are offered a second helping of the food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they like it.
我们学校里所有女孩子都崇拜那个恰巧是单身汉的英俊数学老师。 All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacher who happens to be a bachelor.
失败者抑制自己的能力,使自己不能自然而然恰如其分地展现其所有可能的行为。 A loser represses his capacity to express spontaneously and appropriately his full range of possible behavior.
这条路恰巧只容得下三个人并排走。 The path just admitted three.
巴黎圣母院这座令人叹为观止的教堂,我们在前面曾试图为看官尽量恢复其原貌,简要指出了这座教堂在十五世纪时诸多美妙之处,而这些妙处恰好是今天所见不到的。 We have just attempted to restore, for the reader's benefit,that admirable church of Notre-Dame de Paris. We have briefly pointed out the greater part of the beauties which it possessed in the fifteenth century, and which it lacks to-day;
屈光正常当平行光线恰好聚焦于视网膜并形成清晰视觉时正常眼睛的状态 The condition of the normal eye when parallel rays are focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect.
跳恰恰跳这种节奏明快的交际舞 To perform this rhythmic ballroom dance.
恰恰舞一种源自拉丁美洲的节奏明快的交际舞 A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.
他无法恰当地表达出他的感情。 He could not adequately express his sentiment.
通过调查研究确定已制定的过程、指令、规格说明、代码和标准或其它适用的合同和特许要求是否恰当和被遵守,以及其实现是否有效而进行的活动。 An activity to determine through investigation the adequacy of, and adherence to, established procedures, instructions, specifications, codes, and standards or other applicable contractual and licensing requirements, and the effectiveness of implementation.
通过调查研究确定已制定的过程、指令、规格说明、代码和标准或其它适用的合同和特许要求是否恰当和被遵守,以及其实现是否有效而进行的活动。 An activity to determine through investigation the adequacy of, and adherence to, established procedures,instructions, specifications, codes, and standards or other applicable contractual and licensing requirements, and the effectiveness of implementation.