你好,这是南方航空公司,需要帮忙吗? Hello. This is South Airlines Company. May I help you?
(接电话)美国航空公司,要我帮忙吗? (telephoning) American Airlines. May I help you?
我丈夫和我都很忙,我们只有时间草草完事 My husband and I are so busy that we only have time for quickie
我挤出这点儿时间来征求你的意见,正好现在刚刚不那么忙了。 I've stolen this moment to ask you,now,while things have quieted down a little.
那只兔子急忙转身循着原路逃跑。 The rabbit doubled on its tracks.
他们帮忙解决这个问题。 They aided in solving the problem.
我事业上帮忙他。 I aided him in the enterprise.
任何人都帮不上他的忙。 He was beyond reach of human aid.
我们急忙把生病的妇人送到医院。 We racing the sick woman to hospital.
我不喜欢这里的繁忙的社交。 I don't like the racket here.
玛丽过去总是忙寻欢作乐的社交活动,但现要已经改过了。 Mary used to racket about, but has mended her ways now.
苏珊过去总是忙于寻欢作乐的社交活动,但现在已经改过了。 Susan used to racket about, but has mended her ways now.
繁忙的船只在河上鸣叫着来来往往---高速快艇和笨头笨脑喘着气的拖驳。 Busy boasts chug and scurry about the river- racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs.
他勉强同意帮忙。 He unwillingly agreed to help.
慌乱慌张、忙乱或兴奋的状态 A state of agitation, confusion, or excitement.
我们国家大,党的历史很长,建国也已经有三十八年,因此好多习惯势力不能低估,而右的干扰也帮了习惯势力的忙,所以我们也不能忽视右的干扰。 China is a vast country, and the Party has a long history; it has already been 38 years since the founding of New China. The force of habit is therefore very strong and must not be underestimated. But it is aggravated by interference from the Right, which cannot be ignored either.
讲错了话错误地、不合适地或过于匆忙地讲话 To speak mistakenly, inappropriately, or rashly.
他主动帮起忙来,我怀疑其中另有文章! I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!
水手们正忙着做索梯并为靠岸作准备。 The sailors are busy rattling down and getting ready to go ashore.
匆匆忙忙,办事不当。 He sow hurry and reap indigestion.
农民们忙著在田里割稻。 The farmer is busy reaping the rice in the field.
明天你能帮个忙吗?我想把我家闲置着的那个房间里的一些东西新整理安排一下。 Can you bear me a hand tomorrow? I want to rearrange some things in our spare room.
我知道他没有做完,不过要知道,他太忙了。 I know he hasn't finished, but, after all, he is very busy.
我赶忙使他放心。 I hastened to reassure him.
每个星期总有一些地方发生叛乱,为了镇压起义,奥地利士兵被迫急急忙忙从一个城镇赶到另一个城镇。 Every week there was a rebellion somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.
我帮不了你的忙, 对不起. I can't help you, I'm afraid.
倘若需要帮忙的话, 尽管提出来(不必犹豫). Don't be afraid (ie Don't hesitate) to ask for help if you need it.
近来我一直很忙。 I am very busy recently continuously.
最近一直很忙。 I've had a busy schedule recently.
匆忙逃跑;电影票顷刻间销售一空 Ran away like a house on fire; tickets that sold like a house afire.
她的电话忙;接待员的电话总是占线;厕所正在使用;持续接受忙碌的信号。 her line is busy; receptionists' telephones are always engaged; the lavatory is in use; kept getting a busy signal.