  • division
  • example
  • master
  • model
  • teacher
  • specialist
  • a division (milit.)
  • expert
  1.   (亦作 eat one's dinners [terms]) 准备当律, 在法律系学习   eat for the bar
  2.   (军队)会; (与人)联合, 通力合作   join force with
  3.   (在教师面前)背书   say one's lessons
  4.   (师范生)见习   school visit
  5.   (帝俄时的)师范学校   pedagogical seminary
  6.   (律师)业务繁忙   have plenty of briefs
  7.   (律)为…辩护, 接受…委托的案件   accept a brief on behalf of
  8.   (律师)接受诉讼案件   take a brief
  9.   (教师用的)讲义夹   a lecture portfolio
  10.   (由服饰华丽的男演奏演奏的)闪烁摇摆乐   glitter rock
  11.   (由被告在法庭上选定的律担任的)法庭辩护   dock brief
  12.   (研究降低成本、提高功效的)效率工程[专家]   efficiencyengineer [expert]
  13.   (美国东北部哈佛、哥伦比亚等八个名牌大学的)常春藤联合会; 属于该组织的名牌大学或其生; 名牌大学派头   I-League
  14.   (诉讼中)当辩护律师   hold a brief
  15.   (赛马骑)力求竞赛的马竭其全力   ask a horse the question
  16.   (赛马骑)力求竞赛的马竭其全力   ask a horse a question
  1. (美国国教)管理一个小礼拜堂的牧
    (US Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel.
  2. 英国国教教堂中长期帮助牧处理事务的教员。
    an officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters.
  3. 美国新圣公教会教堂掌管教堂的牧
    A cleric in charge of a chapel in the Episcopal Church of the United States.
  4. 硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多秉赋特出的工程、科学家、企业家从世界各地聚集来这里,一起追求成名致富,并投身于技术革命的大潮,其影响及于人类,必将远超过划时代的欧洲文艺复兴和产业革命.。
    Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.
  5. 变得强硬的渔夫;这个农夫,黑皮肤,瘦脸,能适应强风-罗伯特.林德;我们的继承者…可以是雕刻,是更坚强和更稳定的人-v.s普瑞切特。
    hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
  6. 由于阿拉丁拒绝这样做,魔术心想:“让他在这里呆上一晚上,明天他就会照我的话去做的。”
    As Aladdin refused to do so, the Magician thought, "I will leave him for a night, and tomorrow he will do as I say."
  7. “拿好这药粉,”阿拉丁对公主说,“把它放进魔术的食物里。
    "Take this powder," Aladdin said to the Princess." Put it in the Magician's food.
  8. 魔术把它打开了一条缝,说道:“把灯给我,阿拉丁。”
    The Magician opened it a little. He said, "Give me the lamp, Aladdin."
  9. 1954年马丁获得哲学博士学位并接受了在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的特斯塔大街洗礼堂的本堂牧的工作。
    In 1954 M.L. received his Ph.D. and accepted the job of pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
  10. 他擦去试卷上的铅笔笔迹然后递给了老
    He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher.
  11. 用黑板擦子擦去黑板上的字。
    The teacher wiped out with an eraser what she had written on the board.
  12. 杰别斯·伯兰德罕牧是不是你母亲的亲戚?
    Was not the Reverend Jabes Branderham akin to you on the mother's side?
  13. 我获得了工程资格证书、会计资格证书、计算机操作证书和导游证书。
    I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate, an Accountant Qualification Certificate ,a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate and a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate.
  14. 亨利25岁就取得律资格。
    Lawyer qualification was just obtained to Henry when 25 years old.
  15. 教育部近日发布了《教资格条件》实施办法。
    The Ministry of Education issued the enforcement measures of the Teachers' Qualification Terms recently.
  16. 我们会提升教的专业资格,以及提高教在社会的地位。
    We will upgrade the professional qualification of teachers and enhance their status in this community.
  17. 全面推行职业资格证书制度,并建立了从初级工到高级技的职业资格体系。
    The vocational qualification credentials system is being introduced, and a vocational qualification system has been set up covering workers at all levels, from basic workers to senior technicians.
  18. 训与资咨询委员会。
    Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications
  19. 凡1994年1月1日以后进入教队伍的人员和符合教资格认定条件的中国公民将可根据法定的教资格认定程序获得教资格。
    People who have been engaged in teaching since January 1st, 1994 and Chinese citizen who are up to the standard of qualification confirmation will get a teacher's qualification through the legal teacher's qualification confirmation process.
  20. 由二零零三至零四学年开始,所有新入职幼稚园教必须在入职前具备合格幼稚园教的资格。
    Moreover, from the 2003-04 school year, all new kindergarten teachers must possess a pre-service QKT qualification.
  21. 资格制度今年将全面实施。
    her qualifications for the job are excellent; one of the qualifications for admission is an academic degree.
  22. 我们需要合格的教
    We need qualified teacher.
  23. 她是一个合格的初级律
    She is a qualified solicitor.
  24. 他做教师合格。
    He is qualified as a teacher.
  25. 她已够资格做会计
    She has qualified as an accountant.
  26. 她已够资格做会计
    She have qualified as an accountant.
  27. 保留意见并不一定意味着公司的这些会计数字有假,只要审计无法满意这些数字的公正表达,他就应该对这些项目保留意见。
    A qualified opinion does not necessarily imply that the accounting figure in question is false. As long as the auditor is not satisfied with the fair-presentation quality of any material financial, he should qualify his audit opinion with respect to that financial.
  28. 他们聘用了26位十分合格的工程
    They employ twenty-six highly qualified engineer.
  29. 有资格执行外科手续的牙科医
    a dentist qualified to perform surgical procedures.
  30. 犹太学者,法有资格解释犹太法律的学者
    A scholar qualified to interpret Jewish law.
  31. 他明年将取得律资格。
    He will qualify as a solicitor next year.
  32. 要获得医资格需时六年。
    It takes six years to qualify as a doctor.