  • difference
  • mistake
  • dispatch
  • errand
  • job
  • error
  • discrepancy
  • differ
  • err
  • make a mistake
  • lack
  • send
  • a messenger
  • a mission
  • comission
  • different, wrong
  • nearly, almost
  • an officer
  • different
  • short of
  • Poor
  • uneven
  1. n.  &adj.路线偏差分子   deviationist
  2.   (大)概(误), 或然误   a probable error
  3.   (翅亚目昆虫)植物外产卵   exophytic oviposition
  4.   (距离, 高矮)相一个头   by a head
  5.   (钟表)相(快慢)三分钟   be three minutes out
  6. n.  DOS命令:比较两个文件或一组文件的内容,并报告它们之间的别   fc
  7.   U管差压计   U tube differential gage
  8.   [俚]工作轻松而报酬优厚的事; 有利的买卖; 容易取胜的比赛   soft thing
  9.   [俚]一点, 快要, 险些儿   as near as a toucher
  10.   [俚贬]干得劲, 表现不好   give a good account of oneself
  11.   [俚贬]干得劲, 表现不好   give a bad account of oneself
  12.   [口]一无所长; 各方面条件都   have nothing going for one
  13.   [口]在很大程度上, 远远地, 相很多   by a long chalk (=by (long) chalks)
  14.   [口]好事, 舒适而报酬丰厚的工作   a soft thing
  15.   [口]差点儿送命   near go
  16.   [口]既难办又讨厌的事, 苦事   sticky business
  1. 阿拉斯加与佛罗里达的气候相甚远
    The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida.
  2. 前一段出了点错没有什么了不起,不值得那么大惊小怪。
    Recently we have made some mistakes in our work, but that's nothing to be alarmed at.
  3. 地球中轴绕黄道极的缓慢旋转,主要由于太阳、月亮和其它星体对地球赤道降起带的重力作用而造成
    A slow gyration of Earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the sun, moon, and other planets on Earth's equatorial bulge.
  4. 这两个公园离火车站的距离不多相同。
    The two parks are about equidistant from the station.
  5. 装备的;小而乏味的
    Badly equipped; small and uninteresting
  6. 哦,等于不多6个月薪水。
    Oh, it is equivalent to about six months ' salary.
  7. 两者在质量上无显著异。
    There is no marked qualitative difference between the two.
  8. 概念同感觉,不但是数量上的别,而且有了性质上的别。
    Between concepts and sense perceptions there is not only a quantitative but also a qualitative difference.
  9. 质量差价
    price difference of quality
  10. 拙匠常怪工具差。
    Bad workmen quarrel with their tools.
  11. 联合太平洋号上的货物质量极,现正在检验之中。我们保留索赔的权力,今以航空寄上密封样本。
    Cargo ex pacification extremely inferior now under survey we reserve right of claim airmail sealed sample
  12. 小矿车,小贷车在轨道上运行的小型卡车,且用在矿场、码别或工厂运送物品材料
    A small truck or car operating on a track and used in a mine, quarry, or factory for conveying materials.
  13. 现在五点差一刻。
    It is a quarter to five.
  14. 现在是3点差1刻。
    It's a quarter to three.
  15. 现在是差一刻两点。
    It's a quarter of two now.
  16. 现在是差一刻两点。
    It 's a quarter of two now.
  17. 一个指挥得劲的四分卫足球员
    A quarterback who called a poor play.
  18. 发现或找出细微的
    To see or make trivial distinctions; quibble.
  19. 最近四年哥伦布大道上,不多二十多家服装店(有些家别处的分店生意仍然鼎盛)已经歇业。
    Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.
  20. 点辞了那份工作。
    She came close to quitting her job.
  21. 已批准额度和已实际汇入金额的额,在经批准取得新的投资额度前不得汇入。
    thereafter the difference between approved quota and the actual amount shall not be remitted inward prior to the obtaining of a newly approved investment quota.
  22.  受让方在获得国家外汇局额度批准和证券投资业务许可证后,受让资产值低于外汇局批准额度的,可以按额汇入本金。
    After getting Securities Investment Licence from CSRC and investment quota from SAFE, the transferee can remit the difference as its principals if the value of the transferred assets is lower than the investment quota approved by SAFE.
  23. 我网球打得很差劲。
    I'm just a rabbit at tennis.
  24. 指种族,种族性或源于种族间的异。
    of or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups.
  25. 种族异;种族歧视。
    racial differences; racial discrimination.
  26. 不同的种族别是很大的,我是说,行为上的别。
    "Different ethnicities are radically different.... I'm saying the behaviors are radically different, so we need to look at that.
  27. 网络计算机既有神秘的熟悉性、又有根本的异性,可能代表了计算发展的下一个浪潮、也可能像苹果公司newton那样(一种称作为个人数字助理的手持式装置——译注)虎头蛇尾,不了了之。
    Both mysteriously familiar and radically different, the network computer may represent the next great wave of computing, or it may sputter and fizzle like Apple Computer Inc.'s Newton.
  28. 有时候甚至微乎其微的错也会使他大发脾气。
    There were times when even the smallest mistake would make him lose his rag.
  29. 切掉了参不齐的边。
    He ragged edges has sheared away.
  30. 他切掉了参不齐的边。
    He sheared off the ragged edges.
  31. 一段右边缘参不齐的课文
    A column of text set with a ragged right margin.
  32. 在排版技术中,指行的一边竖直地排齐而另一边则参不齐的情况
    In printing, lines of type that line up vertically on one side but are ragged on the other.