这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之一。 This is a key reason why rampant corruption in the country cannot be eradicated.
雌雄同体热带大型常绿树种,生长快,披针状叶,有光泽;分布在苏门答腊和菲律宾到昆士兰北部一带。 a large fast-growing monoecious tropical evergreen tree having large glossy lanceolate leaves; of rain forests of Sumatra and Philippines to northern Queensland.
汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。 The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house.
外宾:谢谢,但是我想要一床棉被。 Thank you, but I should like to have a quilt.
7岁那年父母离异,她和母亲与妹妹雷切尔一起搬到了宾夕法尼亚州。 Her parents separated when Christina was seven,and she moved to Pennsylvania,with her mom and sister Rachel.
说故事的那位来宾,指那句话是出自圣经! The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.
雅各宾党人法国大革命中激进的民主分子 A radical republican during the French Revolution.
外宾:那里经常下雨吗? Does it often rain?
随着这些动作,拉尔夫·斯宾塞消失了,取而代之的是基米·范林丁。 With that act Ralph D.Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.
基米来到了普兰特旅馆登记时签的是拉尔夫·d·斯宾塞,他在那里租赁了一个房间。 Jimmy went to the planters’ Hotel, registered as Ralph D.Spencer, and engaged a room.
他从斯宾塞鞋店对面马路的一家杂货店中,详细地观察了拉尔夫·斯宾塞的一举一动。 From the drugstore across the street from Spencer’s shoe-store he got a good look at Ralph D.Spencer.
拉尔夫·斯宾塞先生,这只由基米·范林丁的灰烬中再生的凤凰——灰烬是由突然袭来的爱情之火燃成的——在爱尔摩定居下来了,并且取得了成功。 Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden attack of love—remained in Elmore and prospered.
宾夕法尼亚大学兽医生理学家拉尔夫·布林斯特拥有的一项专利是,首先对携带“有害基因序列”的男子进行睾丸活组织检查,取出一些会生长成精子的原始细胞。 A patent held by veterinary physiologist Ralph Brinster of the University of Pennsylvania describes how a man with a "deleterious genetic trait" would first have a testicular biopsy to remove some of the primitive cells that develop into sperm.
在一年的时间里,拉尔夫·斯宾塞先生达到了这样一种境况:他赢得了本地大多数居民的尊敬;他的鞋店生意兴隆;他和安娜贝尔也将于两周内喜结良缘。 In a year the situation of Mr. Ralph Spencer was this: he had won the respect of most of the inhabitants of the place, his shoe-store was prospering, and he and Annabel were to be married in two weeks.
巡逻骑兵状态良好的镶铜卡宾枪——f·v·w·梅森。 the trim brass-mounted carbine of the ranger- F.V.W.Mason.
外宾:我觉得很冷。 I feel rather cold.
用于制粗麻线的硬纤维,取自菲律宾龙舌兰属植物。 hard fiber used in making coarse twine; from Philippine agave plants.
外宾:真是美极了。 They are really wonderful.
外宾:这价钱倒可以。 That seems more reasonable.
为了安全起见,来宾受到了检查。 For security reasons the visitors were secarched.
它给《现代启示录》的拍摄带来了困难,导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波勒被迫使用菲律宾军队的直升飞机和飞行员,拍摄期间,这些飞机常常起飞去进攻真正的反叛游击队。 This created difficulties for Apocalypse Now, as director Francis Ford Coppola was forced to use helicopters and pilots from the Philippine army, who flew off regularly during filming to attack real-life rebel insurgents.
二战期间日军在菲律宾群岛的岛屿上包围美军;美军于1942年投降于1945年夺回领地。 the peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War II; US surrendered in 1942 and recaptured the area in 1945.
巴丹半岛菲律宾吕宋岛西部的半岛,在马尼拉湾和南中国海之间。在第二次世界大战中,经过一场持久的围攻之后,1942年4月美军和菲律宾军队向日军投降。1945年2月,美军收复了这个半岛 A peninsula of western Luzon, Philippines, between Manila Bay and the South China Sea. After an extended siege U.S. and Philippine World War II troops surrendered to the Japanese in April1942. U.S. forces recaptured the peninsula in February1945.
柯雷吉多尔岛马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫将这个设防小岛放弃给日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛 An island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March1945.
来宾在到达时应当知会接待员. Visitors should inform the receptionist of their arrival.
这两年,我一直都在宾馆打工,当招待员、服务员或助手,学到了许多与人打交道的技巧。 In the past two years I've been working part-time as a receptionist, a waitress, or an assistant in hotels. I've learned a lot about the skills to interact with people.
外宾:我看乘哪次车好? which train do you recommend?
外宾:还有什么别的地方吗? Any other places do you recommend?
度假胜地的宾馆在旅游旺季招揽比较有钱的游客,在淡季则推出广告以低价吸引其他消费群。 Hotels in resorts may go after affluent consumers at the height of their season, then try to attract other groups by advertising lower prices in the off-season.
那个懦弱的家伙转头逃跑了;一个要树白旗的、懦弱的建议;懦弱的骑士——斯宾塞。 the craven fellow turned and ran; a craven proposal to raise the white flag; this recreant knight- Spenser.
西班牙在菲律宾的经济改革 Spanish economic reformation in Philippenes
请填写宾馆登记簿。 Please fill in the hotel registration form.