  • add
  • gain
  • Increase
  • increase, add to, augment
  • increase
  • expand
  • add
  • augmented
  1.   (增产)奖励工资   incentive wage
  2.   (英军代理下士而薪俸并不加的)一等兵   lance corporal
  3.   (随着年龄长而)戒掉一个坏习惯   outgrow a bad habit
  4. adv.  , (与一对比较级形容词、副词连用, 表示两者同时递或递减), (与比较级形容词、副词连用)由于, 因为…更, 愈, 有关, 非常, 最, 挺   the
  5.   264增效胺   Van dyke
  6.   X射线影像增强器   X-ray image intensifier
  7.   [美]加赌注; 冒更大的险   sweeten the pot
  8. vt.  annexe,附加,添,Aninsurancepolicywasannexedtothecontract.   annexed
  9.   n. 爆炸;爆发;激增   explosion
  10.   n.号外;副刊;增刊   supplement
  11.   n.更新(新闻内容);强(时效性)   update
  12.   pci增强桥   pci expander bridge (pxb)
  13.   v. 爆炸;爆发;激增   explode
  14.   vi. 猛,高耸,高飞,翱翔   soar
  15.   vt. 增强,加强   reinforce
  16.   vt.加高,提高;增加   heighten
  1. 然而我要说的是,它们仍然不能确保圣洁,或甚至不能保证诚实。它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用它伪装起来时,就更加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。
    but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.
  2. 通货膨胀中的一个阶段,价格以很高的速度长而货币迅速贬值。
    an episode of inflation in which prices increase at an increasing rate and currency rapidly loses value.
  3. 训练者必须利用这个经历性记忆从错误中吸取经验,或者记住关键的步骤防止困难的情况下加不必要的复杂性。
    Trainees must utilize this “episodic” memory to either learn from mistakes or to remember key moves that prevented troublesome situations that unnecessarily increase complexity.
  4. 价格惊人地增长。
    Prices have increased alarmingly.
  5. 当我们面临惊恐的局面时,我们的大脑会释放出肾上腺素及其他化学物质。这些化学物质会导致我们心跳加速、血压高(使血液流向我们的肌肉和大脑)、呼吸急促、消化速度放慢。我们会感到体内能量一阵快速涌流。
    When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
  6. 现在铁路事故惊人,去年一年发生行车重大事故和大事故七百五十五件,比事故最少的一九六四年的八十八件加好多倍。
    The present number of railway accidents is alarming. There were 755 major ones last year, some of them extremely serious. This is many times greater than the figure of 88 accidents for 1964, the year with the lowest rate.
  7. 尽管有关美国繁荣兴旺的故事传奇不胜枚举。可是,在那儿不仅存在着贫穷,而且形形色色犯罪的长也已达到令人震惊的程度。
    In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.
  8. 政府对暴力犯罪案件的急剧加感到恐慌。
    The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime.
  9. 除了传统项目外,还加了田径、球类、马术、射击、武术、棋类、拔河等比赛。
    Besides the traditional events, track and field, ball games, equestrian sports, shooting, wushu, chess and tug of war and so on ,have been set up.
  10. 公共消防设施、消防装备不足或者不适应实际需要的,应当建、改建、配置或者进行技术改造。
    In case public fire control facilities and equipage are insufficient or do not fit in with actual demand, efforts should be made on expansion, rebuilding, allocation and purchase or technical reform.
  11. 为提高人类的安全、更好地施政、促进公平发展并尊重人权,联合国展开各种活动,并通过这些活动来帮助解决战争的根源问题,给世界加一份安全。
    Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
  12. 坚持发展经济和控制人口两手抓,把控制人口长,提高人口素质,合理分布人口,开发人力资源,纳入西部大开发战略的总体规划。
    The policy of slow-down population growth, enhancement of population quality, equitable distribution of population, and the development of human resources should be incorporated into the said strategy so that a coordinated development of economy and population can be reached.
  13. 那时,在改造农业方面我们提倡建立互助组和小型合作社,规模比较小,分配也合理,所以粮食生产得到长,农民积极性高。
    At the time, in our effort to transform agriculture, we advocated establishing mutual aid teams and small cooperatives. Since they were small and distribution among the peasants was equitable, the output of grain increased and peasants' enthusiasm for production was enhanced.
  14. 设立专项产业投资基金缓解资时中方股本金不足的问题;
    special industrial investment fund may be set up to buffer insufficient equity capital from the Chinese side when increasing investment in an invested enterprise;
  15. 年轻投资人士一般从股票的资本值中获益,因为他们通常是长线投资,不太在意眼前的收益。
    Younger investors will benefit from equity capital growth because they are generally investing for the longer term and not unduly concerned about the lack of immediate yield.
  16. 模棱两可的声明;投票选举对可能获选的女性候选人具有复杂而又含糊的意义;政府官员暧昧的行为加了受害人的不安;流行是一个有歧义的桂冠;对尴尬的问题做出的模糊反应。
    an equivocal statement; the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates; the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness; popularity is an equivocal crown; an equivocal response to an embarrassing question.
  17. -采取特别措施来应付非洲消除贫穷和促进可持续发展的挑战,包括取消债务,改善市场准入条件,加官方发展援助,加外国直接投资的流入量以及转让技术。
    To take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment, as well as transfers of technology.
  18. 暴力罪案的加与失业的加有关。
    The increase in violent crimes is al'lied to the rise in unemployment.
  19. 像在塔底排列或大。
    arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid.
  20. --在优化结构和提高效益的基础上,国内生产总值到二0二0年力争比二000年翻两番,综合国力和国际竞争力明显强。
    -- On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns, efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020, and China's overall national strength and international competitiveness will increase markedly.
  21. 他的股票收入已经至四倍。
    His stock earning quadrupled.
  22. 目前,中国正在制定国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标,计划到2000年,在中国人口将比1980年长3亿左右的情况下,实现人均国民生产总值比1980年翻两番;基本消除贫困现象,人民生活达到小康水平。
    At present, China is drawing up the Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and a longrange objective for 2010. It plans to quadruple the 1980 per capita GNP and ensure that people have enough food and clothing and live a comparatively comfortable life by 2000, even though China's population will by then have increased by about 300 million over that of 1980.
  23. 1995年与1949年相比,粮食总产量长了3倍多,年均递3.1%。
    Total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 3.1 percent a year.
  24. 在量级上每加一个数字意味着地震所释放的能量加32倍。
    Every increase of one number in magnitude means the energy release of the quake is 32 times greater.
  25. 里氏震级每降低一个单位,地震发生的数量就会加10倍。
    There are about 10 times as many quakes for every decrease in Richter magnitude by one unit.
  26. 在一定情况下加或减少的钱数。
    an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances.
  27. 极谱法定量分析或定性分析中的一种电化学方法,是以通过被分析溶液的一束正在强的电流和用来产生该电流的正在强的电压间的关系为基础
    An electrochemical method of quantitative or qualitative analysis based on the relationship between an increasing current passing through the solution being analyzed and the increasing voltage used to produce the current.
  28. 此外,我还看到,由於国家未来的经济发展,将会要求经济长的方式要从数量转为质量,先进的管理和彻底的市场研究和高科技的发展都是必须努力做到的事情。
    In addition, we have to note that the future economic development of our country demands a shift from the quantitative approach to a qualitative one. Efforts should be made to employ advanced management skills, conduct thorough market research and develop high technology.
  29. 淮海战役是二野、三野联合作战,用毛主席的话说,二野三野联合作战,不只是加一倍两倍的力量,数量变,质量变,这是一个质的变化。
    The Huai-Hai Campaign was a joint operation of the Second Field Army and the Third Field Army. As Chairman Mao said, the joint operation of the two armies meant not just a two- or three-fold increase of strength, a quantitative change, but a qualitative change.
  30. 非连续形式的数据,即出现的值的大小是跳跃式的或等量加的(量子化的)。
    A discontinuous form, i.e. larger or smaller amounts occur in jumps or increments(quanta) of equal size.
  31. 数量上或价值上加的。
    increasing in quantity or value.
  32. 法例规定,香港有27种传染病须向当局呈报,包括霍乱、鼠疫及黄热病等检疫疾病,以及新的水痘。
    Hong Kong lists 27 statutory notifiable infectious diseases, including the newly added chickenpox. Cholera, plague and yellow fever are quarantinable diseases.