靠隐藏跟踪或埋伏来猎取猎物。 hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing.
更何况,教育的本质在于启发人们的思想,发展他们的潜能和创造力,而不是不断的埋头苦读,不惜任何代价争取好成绩。 Moreover, it would surely defeat the quintessence of education which is to open up one’s mind to develop potential and creativity, and not merely to slog relentlessly for better grades at all costs.
在英国刚刚从印度殖民地撤走之后的大屠杀中,有个摄影记者竟让一位死者悲痛的家人们数度将埋葬好的亲人挖出来再埋下去,直到获得一张满意的照片为止。 In the massacre that followed the British quitting India, there was a photographer who made a sorrowing Indian family bury and rebury its dead several times till he got a perfect shot.
坏女人会埋怨好多男人,而好女人则只埋怨一个男人。 A bad woman raises hell with a good many men while a good woman raises hell with only one.
尖锐地说出埋怨之词 Rap out a complaint.
只听见一片埋怨声和咒骂声,把弗朗德勒人、府尹大人、波旁红衣主教、司法宫典吏、奥地利的玛格丽特公主、执棒的捕役、天冷、天热、刮风下雨、巴黎主教、狂人教皇、柱子、塑像、这扇关着的门、那扇开着的窗,总之,把一切的一切全骂遍了。散布在人群中的一堆堆学子和仆役听后畅快极了,遂在心怀不满的人群中搅乱,挑逗促狭,挖苦讽刺,简直是火上加油,更加激起普遍的恶劣情绪。 Nothing was to be heard but grumbling and imprecations against the Flemings, the Cardinal de Bourbon, the Chief Magistrate, Madame Marguerite of Austria, the beadles, the cold, the heat, the bad weather, the Bishop of Paris, the Fools’ Pope, the pillars, the statues, this closed door, yonder open window—to the huge diversion of the bands of scholars and lackeys distributed through the crowd, who mingled their gibes and pranks with this seething mass of dissatisfaction, aggravating the general ill-humour by perpetual pin-pricks.
在那里,是荫蔽精干,长期埋伏,积蓄力量,以待时机,反对急性和暴露。 In the Kuomintang areas our policy is to have well-selected cadres working underground for a long period, to accumulate strength and bide our time, and to avoid rashness and exposure.
可怕的伤口;爆炸的恐怖后果;掩埋受害人的恐怖任务;可怕的谋杀;人祭的可怕证据;关于中世纪战争和瘟疫的恐怖故事;精神病人假想的恐怖折磨。 ghastly wounds; the grim aftermath of the bombing; the grim task of burying the victims; a grisly murder; gruesome evidence of human sacrifice; macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages; macabre tortures conceived by madmen.
一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。 A rebel force was beguiled into ambush.
在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。 Rebury hastily at dead of night.
一种有入口的地下隧道,在那儿人的躯体被埋葬于此(像在古罗马)。 an underground tunnel with recesses where bodies were buried (as in ancient Rome).
不要整天埋头看书,你需要休息和娱乐。 Don't stick at your books all days you need a little rest and recreation.
据美国垃圾管理委员会——一家收集。处理和回收垃圾的商业组织透露,大约有83%的美国垃圾都埋入了地下。 According to the US National Solid Wastes Management Association, an organization of businesses that collect, dispose of, and recycle trash, about 83 percent of US solid waste goes into landfill dumps.
一味埋头干下去不做及时的经验总结是不可取的。 It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.
就像有些人不愿意离开埋葬着亲人的地方一样,公爵在女儿去世后仍旧留在巴涅尔。一天早上,公爵在一条小路的拐角处遇见了玛格丽特。 One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres just as people will remain on ground where a piece of their heart lies buried, caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等 A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.
它也会重新掀起一场运动:把高压电线埋入地下或移开远离住家。 It could also reopen campaigns by local groups to have power lines buried underground or moved away from homes.
那位年轻妇女对他在家庭生活中应履行的责任总是埋怨。 The young woman repined against the duties that she had to perform in the household.
打入工作的任务是:长期埋伏,进行隐蔽的、巧妙的、谨慎的宣传组织工作,积蓄力量,提高自己和革命者、抗日分子的地位,以待时机,配合反攻,适应革命的需要。 The tasks are: to lie low and conduct covert, resourceful and discreet propaganda and organizational work; to build up strength and to raise our political position, in addition to that of other revolutionaries and anti-Japanese people, so that when the time comes, they can support counter-offensives and meet the needs of the revolution.
一台新的名叫“显宝器”的机器已被发明用来探寻埋在地底下的黄金。 A new machine called' The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.
匆忙得不像样的掩埋;无礼行为;不适合女士说的语言。 was buried with indecent haste; indecorous behavior; language unbecoming to a lady; unseemly to use profanity; moved to curb their untoward ribaldry.
安葬埋葬或掩埋的行为或仪式 The act or ritual of interring or burying.
这条道路埋有地雷。 The road is mined.
强盗埋伏着等待有钱的旅客。 The robber is lying in wait for the rich traveler.
压条将枝条埋在土中使其生根,而同时又是存活的母体植物的一部分 A stem that is covered with soil for rooting while still part of the living plant.
牙医把卡在我齿龈上的食物移出;他最后能够把埋在废。 The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums; He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble.
这种被命名为“老鼠”机器人的动物将来能够用以挽救埋在碎石下的地震灾民,搜寻地雷,甚至在微型摄像机的帮助下,监视内部的秘密装置。 "Ratbot", as the creature has been named, could one day be used to rescue earthquake victims buried under rubble, seek out land mines or even, with the help of miniature video cameras, spy inside secret installations.
很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里 Many people are entombed in the rubbles of the bombed buildings
他们必须适应新环境,并且停止埋怨。 The just had to accustom, themselves to the new conditions, and stop complaining.
是在组织方式和斗争方式上采取荫蔽精干、长期埋伏、积蓄力量、以待时机的政策。 With regard to the forms of organization and struggle, our policy is to have well-selected cadres working underground for a long period, to accumulate strength and bide our time.
”这足以证明会给男人一个冲击,使他们赶忙去埋头读书,并填写大学入学申请书。 " It could prove enough of a shock to send the guys scurrying off to hit the books--and fill out some college applications.
暖和的天气诱使我不想埋头学习。 The warm weather seduced me away from my studies.