  • 她适当的谦虚;举止适当的;老是要钱对绅士来说使不礼貌的;体面的葬;举止适当。
    her becoming modesty; comely behavior; it is not comme_il_faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money; a decent burial; seemly behavior.
  • 因此,自私自利,消极怠工,贪污腐化,风头主义等等,是最可鄙的;而大公无私,积极努力,克己奉公,头苦干的精神,才是可尊敬的。
    Hence, selfishness, slacking, corruption, seeking the limelight, and so on, are most contemptible, while selflessness, working with all one's energy, whole-hearted devotion to public duty, and quiet hard work will command respect.
  • 由一名中士率领的四名士兵伏在十字路口
    Four men lead by a sergeant lie in ambush at the crossroads.
  • 俄国日前对一个车臣小村庄平民进行十四个月的战事以来最猛烈的攻击行动,而该村周日已开始葬多名在攻击行动中丧生的罹难者,同时,莫斯科当局也试图从一场对抗叛离共和国中分离派游击队份子战役的挫败中恢复过来。
    A small Chechen village began burying its dead Sunday from one of the worst single attacks on civilians in the 14-months war, as Moscow tried to recover from another setback in its campaign against separatist rebels in the breakaway republic.
  • 伏处猎人,尤指猎鸭人的藏身的隐蔽处
    A shelter for concealing hunters, especially duck hunters.
  • 请你用铲子把这些花生在沙土里。
    Please dig the peanuts in the sand with your shovel.
  • 葬放在墓或坟里;
    To place in a grave or tomb; bury.
  • 葬把…放入坟墓;
    To place in a grave; bury.
  • 葬在不为人所哀悼的坟墓中。
    interred in an unlamented grave.
  • 《十面埋伏》
    Ambush on All Sides
  • 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可能像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。她就死在她过去一直睡觉的床上,但在她的心里却是一片空虚,就像被葬在沙漠中一样,而且这个沙漠比葬玛侬的沙漠更干燥、更荒凉、更无情。
    whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which Manon had been interred.
  • 第三十一条 禁止将含有汞、镉、砷、铬、铅、氰化物、黄磷等的可溶性剧毒废渣向水体排放、倾倒或者直接入地下。
    Article 31 It is forbidden to discharge or dump into any water body or directly bury deadly toxic soluble slag, tailings, etc. containing such substances as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide and yellow phosphorus.
  • 我一直在办公室里头苦干。
    I've been slaving away in the office.
  • 他被活;他从社会上销声匿迹。
    He was buried alive.
  • 敌人将他活埋了。
    The enemy buried him alive.
  • 对于活的病态恐惧。
    a morbid fear of being buried alive.
  • 警察昨天打了个伏。
    The police waited in ambush yesterday.
  • 他们伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。
    They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol.
  • 他们疑心有埋伏。
    They suspected an ambush.
  • 他感到有埋伏.
    He suspected an ambush.
  • 指挥员把他的部队伏在树林里准备凌晨发起攻击。
    The commander ambushed his troops in the woods for the morning attack.
  • 他中了埋伏。
    He walked into the ambush.
  • 伺机设下埋伏以待…
    To lie in ambush for.
  • 隐蔽起来等的;伏的。
    waiting in concealment; in ambush.
  • 他们埋伏等待我们。
    They lay in ambush for us.
  • 隐蔽,伏潜伏或隐蔽时躺下;
    To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk.
  • 我们营将伏在山腰。
    Our battalion would lie in ambush on the mountainside.
  • 他们伏在暗处等着逮捕乔治。
    They laid an ambush for George in the dark.
  • 我方战士伏在丛林中等待敌人。
    Our soldiers lay in ambush in the jungle for the enemy.
  • 伏未加警告便从隐蔽处突然袭击;伏击
    To attack suddenly and without warning from a concealed place; ambush.
  • 伏着等待,举动鬼鬼祟祟或者偷偷摸摸。
    lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner.
  • 我们伏着等待捕捉敌人,结果抓到了5个。
    We laid an ambush for the enemy and caught five of their men.