  • Ah
  • eh
  • oh
  • exclamatory particle
  • (interj.)
  • (interj. for surprise)
  • oh (interjection)
  • (a modal particle showing affirmation, approval, or consent)
  • an interjection
  • express doubt or to question
  • show realization
  • stress
  • Boo!
  • Whoopee!
  • Whoopee.
  • Aah!
  1.   (表示惊奇、惧怕、怀疑等)神明保佑! 上帝保佑! 我的天!   Saints [God, Lord]preserve us!
  2.   (表示惊奇的感叹语)天! 哎呀!   in the name of fortune
  3.   (表示惊奇的感叹语)天, 上帝   in God's [Heaven's] name (=in the name of God [Heaven], in the name of goodness)
  4.   (表示感叹或发誓)的确, 确实; (表示惊讶, 懊丧等)哎呀! 糟糕! 天!   ByGeorge
  5.   .., 唉, 哎呀(表示惊讶、痛苦、恐惧、赞叹等)   o
  6.   ..好啊!   Hey for...!
  7.   =(Good God! Great God! My God! Oh, God!)天! 呀! (表示悲哀, 痛苦或愤怒等)   God !
  8.   [口]多么丰盛的酒席!   What a spread!
  9.   [口]我的天! 好家伙! 怎么搞的! (表示惊异、责怪等的戏谑语)   Ye gods and little fishes!
  10.   [常用作反语]好极了, 好   very fine
  11.   [废]上帝! 我的天! (表示惊讶、懊丧的感叹词)   by cock's body!
  12.   [废]上帝! 我的天! (表示惊讶、懊丧的感叹词)   God's body !
  13.   [废]上帝! 我的天! (表示惊讶、懊丧的感叹词)   body of our Lord!
  14.   [废]上帝! 我的天! (表示惊讶、懊丧的感叹词)   body of [o'] me!
  15.   [废]我的天!好家伙!糟糕!   od's bread !
  16.   [废]我的天!好家伙!糟糕!   God's bread !
  1. 咳,这倒霉的茶和坏脾气的影响
    Alas, for the effects of bad tea and bad temper!
  2. 真、善、美!天,善之常常如是不真,真之常常如是不美,美之常常如不是善!
    The Good, the True, the Beautiful! Alas, the Good is so often untrue, the True so often unbeautiful, the Beautiful so often not good.
  3. 阿兰心里想道:要是我们从未到过那个地方该多好
    If only we’d never gone there, thought Alan.
  4. 嗨,看,那架喷气式班机起飞了。
    Hey, look, that jet airliner is hopping off.
  5. 38岁的都勒是美军驻阿第82空降师的代理外科医生。他说:"我每天都要跑步锻炼身体。当我第一次看到空气中的大量尘土时就想,上帝,我会得病的。
    "I go running every day. The first time I saw the dust in the air, I thought 'Oh my God, I'm going to get so sick,'" said Doyle, 38, acting surgeon for the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan.
  6. ,翱翔蓝天展翅高飞的羽翼。
    And oh ye high flown quills that soar the skies.
  7. 倘若你记住了你的梦,那你打开灯将梦记下来。因为你若是图省事,说:“哈,我做了这个梦,明早还会记得的。”结果你很可能记不住。
    If you succeed in remembering your dream then turn on the light and write it down. Because if you take path of least resistance and say: “Aha, I have the dream and I’ll remember it in the morning,” the chances are you won’t.
  8. !如此说来,经理入迷的是高尔夫球。
    Aha! So it 's golf that turns the manager on.
  9. !现在这好像是很有可能的。
    Aha! Now that 's something that has potential.
  10. !现在这好像是很有可能的。
    Aha! Now that's something that have potential.
  11. 哈,你明白我的意思了。
    Aha? You catch my drift.
  12. 哈,原来你在这里。
    Aha, so there you are!
  13. 哈,原来是你躲在这儿!
    Aha, so it's you hiding there.
  14. !如此说来,经理入迷的是高尔夫球。
    Aha! so it's golf that turn the manager on.
  15. 孙:,这儿有家理发馆。
    Ah, there's a barber's here.
  16. !是你呀,唐太斯?”
    "Ah, is it you, Dantès?"
  17. ,正是我想见的人。
    Ah, just the man I want to see.
  18. ,你是个早起的人!
    Ah, you are an early bird then!
  19. 请张开口说“啊”。
    Please open your mouth and say"ah".
  20. 把嘴张开,说“”。
    Open your mouth and say " ah ".
  21. (查阅预订记录),是的。
    (checking the reservation list) Ah, yes.
  22. 但那些成功登上峰顶的人,
    But those who reach the top.Ah。
  23. 啊!你的车胎爆了。
    Ah, you've got a flat tire.
  24. ,好啦,一样白米养百样人嘛。
    Ah, well, it takes all kinds!
  25. ,这些饺子真好吃。
    Ah, these dumplings are really delicious.
  26. ,体育,你就是正义!……
    Ah, Sports, you are the justice!
  27. ,体育,你就是美丽!……
    Ah, Sports, you are the beauty!
  28. ,就跟拉斯维加斯一样,是吗?
    Ah, just like Las Vegas, huh?
  29. ,那是一辆旧车。”
    "Ah, it was an old jalopy."
  30. !我可把你难住了!
    Ah ! I have got you there!
  31. !我可抓到你的错了!
    Ah ! I have found you out!
  32. ,第一道菜端来了。
    Ah, here comes the first course.