因为他是智谋,而不是用巫术,所以,虽然他出身于最破旧的雪屋,却登上了首领的位子,在以后的岁月里,他的臣民过着幸福的生活,没有人因为饥饿而在夜里暗暗哭泣。 Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
同学们正在专心静静地听课;她在小声哭泣。 the class was listening quietly and intently; she was crying quietly.
这就应验了主借先知耶利米所说的话:“在拉玛,你会听到号啕痛哭的声音,这是拉结在哭她的孩子们,而且谁也劝不住,因为她的儿女们再也不在人世了。” So the words spoken through Jeremiah the prophet were fulfilled: ‘A voice was heard in Rama, wailing and loud laments; it was Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing all consolation, because they were no more.'
"她哭着,跑向姑姑。 she cried,racing to her aunt.
这孩子气得直哭。 The child wept with rage.
可不管她怎样大哭、大喊大嚷和祈求,她清楚地感到一个痛苦的事实——她的双眼再也不会复明了。 But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return.
他们纷纷的你一句,我一句,她只是哭,她也知道自己理曲,妇人的职务是什么? And so both of them carried on, alternately putting in their words, while she just cried. She herself knew the rationale. What is a woman's duty?
“我从未哭过,也没出现过呼喊‘天哪,我的希望破灭了’的时候。”33岁的马丁尼奥说道。她现在芝加哥一家广告部门做广告编写人,对自己的选择毫不后悔。 “I never burst into tears or had the ‘Oh my God, my hopes have been dashed’ moment,” says Martineau, 33, now a copywriter at a Chicago ad ag ency with no regrets.
哭哭啼啼是丑女的避难所,却是糟蹋美人儿之地。 Crying is the refuge of plain women, but the ruin of pretty one.
近日,一位英国教区牧师的一句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他说,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。 A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
近日,一位英国教区牧师的一句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他说,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。 Several hundreds of students dressed as Santa Claus A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
“等我走出学校,我要叫人把你们俩狠狠揍一顿,我一定要,”那孩子回答说,开始哭鼻子。“你叫人,我们也会叫人,你不要忘记。”汤姆说。 "I'll have you both licked when I get out, that I will," rejoined the boy, beginning to snivel. "Two can play at that game, mind you," said Tom.
她大哭一场,发泄她的感情。 Her feelings were relieved by a good cry.
她哭泣着撕破了衣裳。 She wept and rent her garments.
而我不是在这里哭泣的仅有的波伦亚人:不,这地方是这样地充满着我们,在萨维拿河和累诺河之间也没有这么多的人说‘西巴'; I'm not the only Bolognese who weeps here - hardly! This place is packed with us; in fact, there are more of us here than there are living tongues, between Savena and Reno, saying"Sipa";
你眼眶红红的说明你哭过了。 your red-rimmed eyes reveal that you have been crying.
痛哭的回音在我的胸膛震荡。 Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.
眼眶发红(如因哭泣) Red-rimmed eyes, eg from weeping
从"大同和小康"的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学、《道德》的哲理,"送元二使安西"送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。以不同的方式,不同的角度,反映不同的社会,表达不同的情操,但同样的引人入胜。 From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterisation of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q"; these works portray different societiesand sentiments using different styles and different angles, but they are all equally riveting.
当他走到巴士站时,发现钱包不见了,急得在路边哭了起来,这时一辆汽车突然停在他的面前,从车里走出一位先生,他问清楚了情况,立即叫他上车,然后载他回家。 At the bus stopped, he noticed that his wallet was missing. Scared and nervous, he began to cry on the roadside. Then, a car pulled up beside him, and a man got out. On learning the boy's plight, he invited him into his car and drove him home.
所以,如果你的室友或者伴侣在看电影的时候开怀大笑或者为受伤的小狗伤心哭泣的时候,你也许会和他们一样--只不过这需要一些时间。 So if your roommate or lover laughs out loud at movies or gets weepy over hurt puppies, you may too -- given time.
从“大同和小康”的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学,“送元二使安西“送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。 From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterization of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q";
汤姆因出言不逊被他妈妈惩罚,我听到他在家里哭。 Tom got what for from his mother for answering her rudely, and I heard him crying in the house.
"我把制服弄坏了,"拉泽娜哭着。 “ I ruined my uniform,” Razeena was crying.
对植物紧张生活的最新声学研究发现:采花时,花朵会哭泣;摘瓜时,黄瓜会尖叫;甚至连正常生长的水果也会发出咯咯的声音。 flowers cry when cut, cucumbers squeal and even healthy fruit gurgles according to new acoustic research on the stressful life of plants.
冲过终点线后,只见他攥紧拳头的右手使劲一挥,便跪在跑道上,低下头哭了。 After he dashed over the finish line, he forcefully waved his grasping right fist and knelt on the runway, he cried.
我以为他早就把信寄出了,没想到一周后他却哭丧着脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。 I thought that he'd posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he'd found it still in his pocket.
她为自己的悲惨命运而哀哭。 She wept her sad fate.
他为他的悲惨命运而哭泣。 He wept over his sad fate.
用哭泣来表达的悲伤。 sadness expressed by weeping.
她老是在哭;事实上,她哭得那么凶,使得每一个人的鸡眼都发疼了。 She was always crying; in fact, she wept so much she made everybody's corns ache.
她老是在哭;事实上,她哭得那么凶,使得每一个人的鸡眼都发疼了。 She is always crying, in fact, she weeps so much she makes everybody's corn ache.