也有人在网上说:“东芝副总裁的那一大堆外交辞令,很容易就让中国消费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。” "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
传染病一次性猛烈的爆发造成的死亡也许没有一次狂怒的洪水或者一次长期的旱灾吞噬的人多,但是它一旦在一个地区生了根,就难以根除并会蔓延到其它地区。 It may kill fewer people in one fell swoop than a raging flood or an extended drought, but once it takes root in a community, it often defies eradication and can invade other areas.
欧蓍草一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科南欧派利吞草)植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油 A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia.
快而贪婪地吃某物;狼吞虎咽 Eat sth quickly and greedily
放射疗法用放射进行的疾病治疗,尤指用x射线或其它电离辐射的有选择放射和吞下放射性同位素 Treatment of disease with radiation, especially by selective irradiation with x-rays or other ionizing radiation and by ingestion of radioisotopes.
狂涛吞没了那条小船。 The raging sea devoured the boat.
他狼吞虎咽地把晚饭塞下肚,好象3天没吃过东西似的。 He rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
史密斯囫囵吞枣地把晚饭塞下肚,好像三天没吃过东西似的。 Smith rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
狼吞虎咽的贪婪食肉的;贪婪或贪吃的 Greedily predacious; voracious or rapacious.
迅速地喝或吞咽一大口食物(含液体)。 drinking large mouthfuls rapidly.
于是,巴黎最富有历史意义的建筑艺术便天天在消失,历史古迹日益减少,仿佛眼睁睁看这些古迹淹在房舍的海洋中,渐渐被吞没了。 Thus the historical significance of its architecture is being effaced every day. Monuments are becoming rarer and rarer,and one seems to see them gradually engulfed, by the flood of houses.
什么,生吞一只老鼠? What, eat a rat alive?
最近,美国科学家首次开始研究流行毒品和"帕金森氏症"之间的微妙联系。研究结果显示,那些在酒吧寻求刺激的人们一晚上很容易就能吞掉两三片摇头丸,而这个剂量已经足以对脑部神经控制细胞造成永久性的破坏。 Just two to three Ecstasy tablets - a quantity that thousands of clubbers take during raves - can permanently destroy brain cells that affect movement and reasoning, according to American research that links the drug to Parkinson's for the first time.
狼吞虎咽狼吞虎咽的人的行为 The action of one that ravens.
那只怒吼的狮子贪婪地吞食捕获物。 The roaring lion was ravening the prey.
贪吃的吃掉或想吃大量的食物;狼吞虎咽的 Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food; ravenous.
大火吞噬了整个郊区,那里的木房子被夷为平地。 Fires swept through the outskirts, where the houses, being mostly of wood, were razed to the ground.
喉咙发出的一种间歇性反射,好象在吞咽东西。 a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing.
在新生哺乳动物中存在的一种反射;包括找到乳头并将其放入口中吸吮、吞咽乳汁。 reflex behavior in newborn mammals; includes finding and grasping the nipple in the mouth and sucking on it and swallowing the milk.
如果真的出现这样的情况,由于台湾问题迫使中美关系倒退的话,中国不会吞下去。 Should this really be the case, that is, should the Taiwan question force a regression in Sino-U.S. relations, China will definitely not give way.
这种话说多了并不好,但要明确一点,即在台湾问题上如果需要中美关系倒退的话,中国只能面对现实,不会像美国有些人所说的那样,中国出于反对苏联的战略会把台湾问题吞下去,这不可能。 While it is improper to dwell too much upon this matter, we must be clear that if the Taiwan question causes a regression in Sino-U.S. relations, China cannot but face reality and take an approach quite contrary to what some Americans have declared. China will not simply set aside the Taiwan question out of consideration of its strategy against the Soviet Union.
然而在出现了这种情形之时,不是日本进攻中国的放松,反而是它进攻中国的加紧,因为那时它只剩下了向弱者吞剥的一条路。 But in that case, so far from relaxing her aggression against China she will intensify it, because then the only way left to her will be to gobble up the weak.
今后将进一步完善这些制度,保持合理的粮食储备量,充实粮食市场风险基金,增强政府对粮食市场的吞吐调节能力。 China will further perfect these systems, maintain reasonable amounts of grain in reserve, replenish the grain market risk funds and reinforce the government's ability to regulate grain markets.
巨噬细胞网状内皮系统中任何一个巨大吞噬细胞 Any of the large phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system.
那是施米特的一贯手法。他的律师执照已被吊销,因为他执业方法多半是用张三的钱还李四,然后再吞没李四的钱。 It was a common tack for Mr.Schmidt, not disbarred for dipping into clients' funds, whose practice consisted largely of robbing Peter to pay Paul, and then robbing Paul as well.
拉斐特美国路易斯安那州中南部一城市,位于巴吞鲁日西南偏西。由卡迪亚人所建,是一个商业和造船业中心。人口94,440 A city of south-central Louisiana west-southwest of Baton Rouge. Settled by Acadians, it is a commercial and shipping center. Population,94, 440.
亚历山大美国路易斯安那州中部城市,位于巴吞鲁日的西北部的红河沿岸。原城市于1864年在内战中被联邦军队所毁。人口49,188 A city of central Louisiana on the Red River northwest of Baton Rouge. The original city was destroyed by Union troops in May1864 during the Civil War. Population,49, 188.
肠道炎牛和家畜因吞食的含水野菜或绿色饲料发酵而形成过多气体,造成的胃和肠道肿大 A swelling of the rumen or intestinal tract of cattle and domestic animals that is caused by excessive gas formation following fermentation of ingested watery legumes or green forage.
汹涌的大海吞没了那艘小机帆船。 The stormy sea engulted the small motor sailboat.
你受到控诉,你要被流放,逐离这块吞噬被你残杀的兄弟的鲜血的土地。 Now you are accursed, and banished from the ground which has opened itsmouth wide to receive your brother's blood, which you have shed.
断头台是刽子手的同伙,它在吞噬东西,在吃肉,在饮血。 The scaffold is the accomplice of the executioner; it devours, it eats flesh, it drinks blood;
马克对老板成天粗暴的批评只得忍气吞声,而回到家里就骂孩子出气。 Mark had to take his boss's rough criticisms all day and he would blow off steam at home by scolding his children.