她不参加任何活动,把所有的心思都花在涂抹那闪光的粉红指甲油上。 Brushing off the entire episode, she turns her talents toward tracking down the perfect iridescent pink nail polish.
平等是保证妇女参与社会发展的先决条件。 Equality is a prerequisite for women's participation in social development.
让步在比赛中事先给较弱一方一定数量的比分,以使所有参赛者获胜机会均等 A certain number of points given beforehand to a weaker side in a contest to equalize the chances of all participants.
在金牛星座天赤道东部的星座;包含参宿四(位于猎户星座的一颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年)和参宿七(猎户座星群中的一颗明亮的双星)。 a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.
猎户座在天球赤道上靠近双子座和金牛座的星座,包括参宿四和参宿七 A constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.
马术是奥运比赛中唯一一种没有规定哪些项目女子能参加或哪些项止女子不能参加的运动。 Equestrian is the only one of the Olympic sports that doesn't specify which event is accessible or which event is inaccessible to women.
请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam
对参加扑救外单位火灾的专职消防队、义务消防队所损耗的燃料、灭火剂和器材、装备等,依照规定予以补偿。 Full time fire brigade and obligatory fire brigade shall be compensated for fuel, extinguishant and device and equipage used in taking part of fire fighting and rescue for other units.
--支持中国航天企业在平等、公平、互利的原则下积极参与国际航天商业发射服务。 - Supporting Chinese space enterprises to participate in international space commercial launching services in line with the principles of equality, equity and reciprocity.
加兹登,詹姆斯1788-1858美国外交家、政治家和铁路创办人,曾参与加兹登购地的谈判 A city of northeast Alabama northeast of Birmingham. It is an industrial center. Population,42, 523.
不许把参考书拿出阅览室。 Reference book is not al low to is take out of the read room.
对显示器的某个区来说,说明防止显示数据被操作员删除或更改。参阅protectedfield。 Of an area of a display, prevented from having contained data erased or changed by an operator.
一种不包括数据仅有参考结构的数据媒体。如预印格式、仅有中导孔的穿孔纸带、已清除的磁带等。 A data medium that does not contain data other than a frame o f reference, for example, a pre-printed form, tape punched only with feed holes, a magnetic tape t hat has been erased.
我们于佛晓出发去参观金字塔,所以你得很早起床。 We set off for the pyramid at dawn, so you'll have to get up very early.
(三)临时通过中国领陆、领水、领空的外国运输工具,依照其所属国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照互惠原则,为运输工具自身需要而在其装置和设备中使用有关专利的; Where any foreign means of transport which temporarily passes through the territory, territorial waters or territorial airspace of China uses the patent concerned, in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the foreign means of transport belongs and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity, for its own needs, in its devices and installations;
由于各参与院校均承认学员修读毅进课程所取得的学历,因此,这项计划可以帮助中五离校生和成年学员符合重要的入学条件,让他们能够继续修读较高程度的持续教育课程。 With the agreement of participating institutions to mutually recognise Project Yi Jin qualifications, the programme will provide secondary school leavers and adult learners with an important entry qualification to pursue higher education through the progression ladder of continuing education.
已有51万余人参加各类技术培训班,39.8万余人获得技术等级证书。 over 510,000 had attended various technical training courses, and 398,000 received certificates of technical qualification.
它是一门很难学的课程,而且考试又很严格,因此其结业成绩是很有(参考)价值的资格证明。 It’s a tough course with a fairly tough exam, so that the end product is a really worthwhile qualification.
1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四名,也无缘参加奥运会。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race.
1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四名,也无缘参加奥运会。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race. He was not lucky enough to participate in the Olympics.
该修饰符仅用于与传入的categorybag参数相协作,同时uddi注册中心中的关于分类类别的搜索组件将仅以businessentity包含或引用的businessservice元素所包含的categorybag元素为搜索对象,而会忽略businessentity元素的直接子categorybag元素中的任意条目。 This qualifier is used in only in conjunction with a passed categoryBag argument and causes the component of the search that involves categorization to use only the categoryBag elements from contained or referenced businessService elements within the registered data, and ignores any entries found in the categoryBag direct descendent element of registered businessEntity elements.
具体信息请参考附录中的搜索修饰符部分。 See the Search Qualifiers appendix for more information.
他们在6个获得参加决赛资格的队中列倒数第一,排在乌克兰和西班牙队后面。 They were last of the six qualifiers, behind Ukraine and Spain.
由命令本身以及命令可能含有的参数及限定词所组成的整个命令串。 The entire command string, including the command and any parameters or qualifiers it may have.
参阅附录中的搜索修饰符部分以及各个findapi消息以获得更多信息。 See the Search Qualifiers appendix and the documentation for the individual find API messages for more information.
奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个官方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲)会产生出其不意15名男子和15名女子的参赛名额。 Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
我们队有参加第二轮比赛的资格吗? Will our team qualify for the second round?
他们正努力锻炼,使自己达到标准来参加这次运动会。 They are training hard to qualify for participation in these games.
我们来决定自己的队到什麽时候才有资格参加比赛。 We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
参加选拔为了工作或运动员资格而参加竞争性资格测试 To undergo a competitive qualifying test, as for a job or athletic team.
而在这之前,1950年7月,钱学森就被美国政府取消了参加机密研究的资格和自由,并被拘留。 Prior to this, in July 1950, the US Government canceled the security clearances qualifying Qian Xuesen to participate in secret research, and he was detained.
去年10月底,印尼多个城镇同时举办第一届汉语水平考试(hsk)竟有1200人参加; Last october, in a pleasant surprise, the first-ever Chinese language qualifying test, or the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, which was held simultaneously in some Indonesian cities, attracted about 1,200 participants.