for or during the whole of the working day or week
keep intact
maintain whole
n. ' 谚语, 格言(精练的俗语, 或为普遍道理或为劝戒语, 如`一个巴掌拍不响'或`不要把全部家当放在一处') short well-known saying that states a general truth or gives advice, eg `It takes two to make a quarrel' or `Don't put all your eggs in one basket
(=one hundred percent)百分之百; 纯粹; 完全 a hundred percent
(of)洗手不干; 不再负责; 完全退出 wash one's hands
(交叉口处)行人安全岛 a pedestrian island
(亦作 all to a man)到最后一人, 全部; 全体一致地 to a man
(保险用语)全部损失 total loss
(学校的)全体教职员 the magistral staff
(完全)停止 come to a (full) stop
(完全)出乎意料地 beyond(all) imagination
(完全是)另一回事[问题] another pair of shoe s
(尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同 as different as chalk from cheese
(把所欠的债等)全部还给某人; 分摊财政负担; 缴纳应纳税款; 纳教区税 pay sb.'s scot and lot
不管怎样,他住在迪涅担任教职九年以后,当初成为那些小城市和小人们谈话的题材的闲话,都完全被丢在脑后了。 However that may be, after nine years of episcopal power and of residence in D----, all the stories and subjects of conversation which engross petty towns and petty people at the outset had fallen into profound oblivion.
当戴维表演完那段插曲时,全班同学都捧腹大笑。 All the classmates burst into laughter when David acted out the episode.
“唉,先生!完全是始料不到的事。 "Alas, sir, in the most unexpected manner.
我们在这所学校中看到的各个部门是全国各校的缩影。 The division we saw in this school was the epitome of those occured throughout the whole country.
我们在这所学校中看到的各个部门是全国各校的缩影。 The division we see in this school is the epitome of those occur throughout the whole country.
全新世时期或该时期的沉积系统 The Holocene Epoch or its system of deposits.
全新世的属于或表示全新世的 Of, belonging to, or denoting the Holocene Epoch.
世界到了全人类都自觉地改造自己和改造世界的时候,那就是世界的共产主义时代。 The epoch of world communism will be reached when all mankind voluntarily and consciously changes itself and the world.
全新世的属于、归于或指明在地质年表上第四纪后两世从更新世结束一直到现在岩石时期的泥沙时期 Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, or sedimentary deposits of the more recent of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period, extending from the end of the Pleistocene Epoch to the present.
那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向--简而言之,那时跟现在非常相象,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容词的最高级来形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好,也是最高级的。 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
这听起来轻松平常,实际上却完全可以称作划时代的。 That sounds soft and mushy and commonplace, but in fact it can legitimately be called epochal.
1999年伊始,男孩们已在结束他们在全美的一路满座巡演,为录制下张专辑拟定了录音室工作计划,同时还目睹了乐队首张同名专辑的冲天销量。 As 1999 began,the boys were finishing their sold-out U.S.tour,planning a studio stint to record their next album,and watching sales of their eponymous debut skyrocket.
完全相等的或相似的 Exactly equal and alike.
全线出击的口号,是伴随军事冒险主义而来的军事平均主义。 This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism.
不过,他们并未完全放弃平等的幻想。 But they haven't given up all illusions of equality.
由于全国被监禁的人数爆涨,管教官员和情绪不正常的人的家属对把精神病患者关进监狱所带来的问题感到担忧,被专家们称为精神病犯罪的情况已经发展成为一个严重问题。 What experts call the criminalization of the mentally ill has grown as an issue as the nation's inmate population has exploded and as corrections officials and families of the emotionally disturbed have become alarmed by the problems posed by having the mentally ill behind bars.
对于这种必然性的认识是必要的,否则游击战争的领导者们全无准备,一旦遇到敌人严重地进攻的形势,必至惊惶失措,被敌击破。 It is essential to recognize the inevitability of such attacks, for otherwise the guerrilla commanders will be caught wholly unprepared, and in the face of heavy enemy attacks they will undoubtedly become alarmed and confused and their forces will be routed.
每年有数百人死于高速[警匪]追逐,情况越来越令人警惕。全国各地警察单位,各州以及联邦立法机关,正在限制疯狂的好莱坞式的追逐……。 Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases…
认为等同于或完全一致;使相等 To consider as identical or united; equate.
火警铃的叮当声惊动了全村的人。 The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.
ems告警列表(全部apf) EMS Alarm list (all APFs)
安全报警设备 Safety and Alarm Systems
来自于正六角形的两个完全等边三角形组成的正多边形。 a regular polygon formed by completing two equilateral triangles from a regular hexagon.
全套马车带马的马车的全套装备,包括挽具和随从 An outfit of a carriage with its horse or horses; equipage.
设备或装备齐全的 Properly furnished or equipped.
太阳(全色)照相仪装备来拍摄太阳的望远镜 A telescope equipped to photograph the sun.
因此,只有以我们人类共有的多样性为基础,通过广泛和持续的努力创造共同的未来,才能使全球化充分做到兼容并蓄,公平合理。 Thus, only through broad and sustained efforts to create a shared future, based upon our common humanity in all its diversity, can globalization be made fully inclusive and equitable.
为提高人类的安全、更好地施政、促进公平发展并尊重人权,联合国展开各种活动,并通过这些活动来帮助解决战争的根源问题,给世界增加一份安全。 Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
派克斯,罗萨生于1913美国民权领导人,她因在美国阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝让座给一个白人,而引起了全市范围汽车公司的联合抵制,激起了全国的民权运动 American civil rights leader. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, resulted in a city-wide boycott of the bus company and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.
必须根据公平和社会正义的基本原则,以公平承担有关代价和负担的方式处理各种全球挑战。 Global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly in accordance with basic principles of equity and social justice.
二全音符相当于两个全音符的一个音符 A note equivalent to two whole notes.
含糊的保留;避免完全断定的话。 an equivocal qualification; a word used to avoid making an outright assertion.