米里哀先生到任以后,人们就照将主教列在仅次于元帅地位的律令所规定的仪节,把他安顿在主教院里。 On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general.
在航海史上没有先例的独特事件 A unique episode, without example in maritime history.
这些关厢村镇有些还是很大的。首先是从小塔作为起点的圣维克多镇,那里有一座在比埃弗尔河上的单拱桥,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志铭(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,还有一座有着八角尖顶、尖顶旁有四个十一世纪小钟楼的教堂(这样的教堂现在在埃唐普还有一座,还没有拆毁); Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
“唉,先生!完全是始料不到的事。 "Alas, sir, in the most unexpected manner.
考克斯等人在捏造中国“窃缺美国最先进核武器的设计机密,并在此基础上发展了中国新一代核武器谎言的同时,还十分耸人听闻地说,“中国的现代化战略核弹道导弹力量将对美国构成现实的直接威胁”。 While cooking up the lie that China "stole'' America's most advanced nuclear weapon design secrets and developed its own nuclear weapons of a new generation on this basis, Cox and others said alarmingly, "A modernized PRC strategic nuclear ballistic missile force would pose a credible direct threat against the United States.''
祖先亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二个儿子等人,是以色列十二个部落的祖先 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's12 sons, the eponymous progenitors of the12 tribes of Israel.
坚持效率优先、兼顾公平,既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对平均主义,又要防止收入悬殊。 We should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness, earnestly implementing the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guarding against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism.
平等是保证妇女参与社会发展的先决条件。 Equality is a prerequisite for women's participation in social development.
让步在比赛中事先给较弱一方一定数量的比分,以使所有参赛者获胜机会均等 A certain number of points given beforehand to a weaker side in a contest to equalize the chances of all participants.
"大使先生,我相信我没有让你感到不安。 “ Mr.Ambassador,I trust that I have not alarmed you.
例如,生物科学方面的合成牛胰岛素、酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸的人工合成,农业科学方面的杂交水稻,高能物理方面的正负电子对撞机,以及原子弹、氢弹和每秒1亿次运算的巨型计算机等的研制,“长征3号”运载火箭的发射,卫星通讯和超导研究等,这些方面都已跃居或接近国际先进水平。 In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
马科动物马科的动物,例如野生亚洲种蒙古野马或者是某些与现代马有祖先关系的已灭绝的马种 Any of various equine mammals, such as the wild Asian species E. przewalskii or certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse.
阿伦,我想你可能愿意认识一下李先生。 Alan, I think you might be interested in meeting Mr Li.
对消防工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进消防技术、消防装备。 Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.
这件事过去以后,达西要求彬格莱小姐和伊丽莎白小姐赏赐他一点音乐听听,彬格莱小姐便敏捷地走钢琴跟前,先客气了一番,请伊丽莎白带头,伊丽莎白却更加客气、更加诚恳地推辞了,然后彬格莱小姐才在琴旁坐下来。 When that business was over, he applied to Miss Bingley and Elizabeth for the indulgence of some music. Miss Bingley moved with alacrity to the piano-forte, and after a polite request that Elizabeth would lead the way, which the other as politely and more earnestly negatived, she seated herself.
一九九八年三月,政府拨款7.50亿元,设立应用研究基金,取代先前两项资助计划,为私营机构的科技开发项目提供股本融资。 A $750 million Applied Research Fund was established in March 1998, replacing two previous schemes to provide equity finance for technology ventures in the private sector.
表尊称的葡萄牙头衔;相当于英语中的先生。 a Portuguese title of respect; equivalent to English `Mr'.
法语中表礼貌的称呼用语;相当于英语中的先生。 used as a French courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'.
北印度语的谦恭的称呼用语;相当于英语中的先生。 used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'.
米尔先生受到了我们的热烈欢迎。 Mr. Mi Er has suffered our warm welcome.
克里克族一个早先居住在美国亚拉巴马州东部、佐治亚洲西南部及佛罗里达洲西北部的印第安族,现分布于俄克拉何马州中部和亚拉巴马州的南部。克里克族在19世纪30年代被移屣至印第安保护区 A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Alabama, southwest Georgia, and northwest Florida and now located in central Oklahoma and southern Alabama. The Creek were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
罢工是先从亚拉巴马州开始的。 The strike first started in Alabama.
如果是重新安装或对现有的winaip安装进行升级,请确保先为现有的安装目录(特别是带有.ini扩展名的文件)创建一个备份,因为如果在重新安装或升级winaip中操作不当,可能会抹去以前输入winaip数据,包括数据库文件、com端口的使用说明或其他选项。 If you are reinstalling or updating an existing WinAIP installation, be sure to create a backup copy of your existing installation directory (especially files with.ini extensions) since improperly reinstalling or updating WinAIP may erase WinAIP data you have previously entered, including Database Files, Com Port usage, and other options.
他一定是你最喜欢的球星,别急,我们来看一下他失败的原因吧,首先我觉得贝克尔打落地球时动作不连贯,又缺乏信心。他截击空中球时漏洞百出,他13次发球得分的机会却有10次双误,贝克尔第十一局接连两次失误使得弗里拉获得反败为胜的机会。 He must be your favorite star. Don't worry, let's see the reasons his failure. Firstly, I think that Backer's ground strokes lacked consistency and confidence, his volleys were erratic and his 13 aces were nearly erased by 10 double-faults. Two straight double-faults by Becker gave Ferreira a key break in the 11 th game.
在你需要朋友帮助前,先要考验他们。 Prove thy friend ere thou have need.
对朋友要先考验,后信任。 Try your friend ere you trust him.
孩子要走路,先得学爬行。 Children learn to creep ere they can go.
同宗的来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的 Coming from a common source; akin.
到目前为止,聪格斯先生[争取选民支持]相当成功——这些选民多半与他背景相同——因为他的沉重,不上镜头的相貌,以及淳朴的言词投合很多选民的心意。他们觉得在里根与布什当政数年的浪费与浮夸之后,应该卧薪尝胆。 So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
但是要真正偷到这笔钱,他先要找到一个超级黑客--此人的才干能使世界上最无懈可击的安全系统也变得如同儿戏。 To actually steal the money,however,he'll need a superhacker,someone whose talents make even the most airtight security systems of the world look like child's play.
先生,这是你要的药片,我还带了一个呕吐袋给你,以防你需要用。 Here you are, sir. I've also brought you an airsickness bag. Just in case you need it.