  • presently
  • very soon
  • suddenly
  • Russia
  • Russian
  1.   (1907 年的英、法、)三国协约; 三个协约国   the(Triple) Entente
  2.   (帝俄时的)师范学校   pedagogical seminary
  3. adj.  Orpheus的, Orpheus教的, 神秘的, 耳甫斯的, 神秘的, 玄妙的, 似耳甫斯的音乐的, 崇拜耳甫斯的神秘教的, 耳普斯的, 迷人的   orphic
  4. adj.  Orpheus的, 好听的, 迷人的, 耳甫斯的, 美妙的, 令人神往的   orphean
  5. n.  Thebes的英学, 狄浦斯(底比斯王子, 曾破解怪物斯芬克斯的谜语, 后误杀其父并娶其母为妻, 发觉后自刺双目, 流浪而死), 解迷的人, 狄浦斯   oedipus
  6.   [美](妇女在该处最先取得参政权的)怀明州   the E-State
  7.   [美]州(Ohio)的别名   Buckeye State
  8.   [美]勒冈州(Oregon)的别名   Sunset State , Webfoot State
  9. n.  一种鹿, 卡皮鹿, 霍加皮   okapi
  10. n.  七叶树之类, 美国Ohio州人, 橡树, 七叶树, 蝴蝶, 低劣的艺术品, 低级而夸张的广告, 美国州的人, 美国州人   buckeye
  11.   亚历山大一世(1777-1825国皇帝, 在位期间1801-25)   Alexander I
  12. n.  亲俄者, &adj.亲俄分子   russophile
  13. n.  人民党所倡的民粹主义, 旧集产主义, 人民党主义、政策, 民粹主义, 人民党主义, 旧民粹主义   populism
  14. v.  从语原文重新翻译的《战争与和平》   War and Peace', newly translated from the original Russian
  15. n.  他正讲俄罗斯文学.   He is lecturing on Russian literature
  16. v.  他的演讲我大部分都听不懂--全是用语讲的.   I couldn't make much of his speech it was all in Russian
  1. "阿拉斯加州是由罗斯人取名的,因为阿拉斯加是在1867年从罗斯购买的。"
    "Alaska was named by the Russians, from whom Alaska was bought in1867."
  2. 阿拉斯加一度曾是国的领土。
    Alaska was once possessed by Russia.
  3. 现在,当我们由于新的历史环境而进入于一个新的时代——无产阶级革命的时代,舍米契在这一切以后却引证斯大林在国资产阶级民主革命时期所写的那本小册子中的一个地方,这能有什么意义呢?
    After all this, what significance can Semich's reference to the passage in Stalin's pamphlet, written in the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, have at the present time, when, as a consequence of the new historical situation, we have entered a new epoch, the epoch of proletarian revolution?
  4. 早晨,我们还要同我们在得克萨斯州休斯敦控制中心、亚拉巴马州亨茨维尔操作控制中心和莫斯科罗斯控制中心的陆地工作队举行会议,每个控制中心都要向我们提出有关我们工作的问题,或者给我们安排新任务。
    We also have a morning conference with our teams on the ground at Mission Control in Houston,Texas,the Operations Control Center,in Huntsville,Alabama and Russian Mission Control in Moscow.Each control center prepares questions for us about our work or sends us new tasks.
  5. 乔克托部落居住在美国密西西比州中部和南部以及亚拉巴马州西南部的一支美洲土著部落,现在分布在密西西比州以及克拉何马州东南部。乔克托人在19世纪30年代曾被迁至印第安那地区
    A Native American people inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The Choctaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  6. 奇克索部落一支美洲土著部落,最初居住在美国密西西比州东北部和阿拉巴马州西北部,现在分布在克拉何马州中南部。19世纪30年代奇克索人曾被赶到印第安那州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Mississippi and northwest Alabama, now located in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  7. 从前居住在乔冶亚州和阿拉巴马州但现在主要居住在克拉荷马州的马斯科基语组的克里克联盟的印第安人。
    any member of the Creek Confederacy of Muskhogean peoples (especially the Muskogee) formerly living in Georgia and Alabama but now chiefly in Oklahoma.
  8. 克里克族一个早先居住在美国亚拉巴马州东部、佐治亚洲西南部及佛罗里达洲西北部的印第安族,现分布于克拉何马州中部和亚拉巴马州的南部。克里克族在19世纪30年代被移屣至印第安保护区
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Alabama, southwest Georgia, and northwest Florida and now located in central Oklahoma and southern Alabama. The Creek were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  9. 肯特市美国州东北部城市,位于亚克朗东北偏东方向。肯特州立大学(建于1910年)位于此城,在1970年举行的反越南战争的游行中,四名学生被国民警卫队成员枪杀。人口28,835
    A city of northeast Ohio east-northeast of Akron. Kent State University(founded1910) is in the city and was the site of a1970 demonstration against the Vietnam War in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard. Population,28, 835.
  10. 扬斯敦美国州东北部一城市,位于阿克纪以东,它是一个具有大型生产设备的重要的钢铁制造中心。人口95,732
    A city of northeast Ohio east of Akron. It is a major center of iron and steel production with extensive manufacturing facilities. Population,95, 732.
  11. 曼斯菲尔德美国州中北部一城市,位于阿克伦的西南偏南方,于1808年首次被查勘。该城出产多种产品。人口50,627
    A city of north-central Ohio west-southwest of Akron. First surveyed in1808, it manufactures a wide variety of products. Population,50, 627.
  12. 坎顿美国州东北部一城市,位于阿卡伦东南偏南。是威廉·麦金利总统的故乡。人口84,161
    A city of northeast Ohio south-southeast of Akron. It was the home of President William McKinley. Population,84, 161.
  13. 麦地那美国东北部一城市,位于阿克隆西北偏西处。它是一个产品加工和销售中心。人口19,231
    A city of northeast Ohio west-northwest of Akron. It is a processing and marketing center. Population,19, 231.
  14. 不伦瑞克州东北部一城市,克利夫兰和阿克隆的一近郊住宅区。人口28,230
    A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland and Akron. Population,28, 230.
  15. 阿莱恩斯美国州东北部一城市,位于扬斯敦西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  16. 罗斯队派出他们的大明星斯韦特兰娜·霍尔金娜打头阵,她以39.005的最高分数压倒了所有36位获得星期四个人全能决赛资格的运动员。
    Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.
  17. 一种兰花,花淡绿色、成总状花序、长在靠近地面的叶子中央;产自勒冈州北部和蒙大纳州、横穿加拿大、向东至美国一带。
    orchid having a raceme of large greenish-white flowers on a single flower stalk growing between two elliptic or round basal leaves lying on the ground; from northern Oregon and Montana across Canada to the eastern United States.
  18. 有淡绿色芳香总状花序的多年生缠绕植物;中国西部至罗斯。
    twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers; western China to Russia.
  19. 伽莫夫,乔治1904-1968国裔的美国核物理学家,因在射线遗传信息方面的研究和有关普及物理理论的书籍而闻名于世
    Russian-born American nuclear physicist known for his work on radioactivity and genetic information as well as his books popularizing theories of physics.
  20. 巴特而斯维尔位于克拉何马东北一城市,位于塔尔萨北部的,是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心。人口34,256
    A city of northeast Oklahoma north of Tulsa. It is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region. Population,34, 256.
  21. [参议院]外交委员会听证会一开始,海尔姆斯参议员就大声疾呼说国人可能欺骗——“实际上,他们目前正在欺骗。”
    As soon as the Foreign Relations Committee opened its hearings, Senator Jesse Helms began to rant and rave about the possibility that the Russians would cheat— "In fact, they are cheating right now."
  22. 怀明市美国密歇根中西部一城市,是大拉皮兹的制造业郊区。人口63,891
    A city of west-central Michigan, a manufacturing suburb of Grand Rapids. Population,63, 891.
  23. 达基列夫,谢尔盖·巴甫罗维奇1872-1929罗斯芭蕾舞团经理,其芭蕾舞团于1909年在巴黎成立,有许多特别的天才是其特色,其中有舞蹈家尼金斯基和帕瓦洛娃、舞蹈动作指导富基尼和马歇尼、作曲家拉威尔和斯塔维斯基以及美术家莱热和毕加索
    Russian ballet impresario whose Ballets Russes company, founded in Paris in1909, featured the extraordinary talents of, among others, the dancers Nijinsky and Pavlova, the choreographers Fokine and Massine, the composers Ravel and Stravinsky, and the artists L間er and Picasso.
  24. 瑞斯忒斯阿加曼农和克莱德姆内斯特拉的儿子,和其姐姐埃勒克特拉通过杀其母及其母情人艾吉其塞斯而为其父报仇
    The son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who with his sister Electra avenged the murder of his father by murdering his mother and her lover Aegisthus.
  25. (希腊神话)阿伽门农和克吕泰涅斯特拉的女儿;劝弟弟(瑞斯忒斯)为父亲报仇,杀死母亲和她的情夫。
    (Greek mythology) the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; persuaded her brother (Orestes) to avenge Agamemnon's death by helping her to kill Clytemnestra and her lover.
  26. 以后,又有罗斯、塔塔尔等民族移居新疆。
    Afterwards, Russians and Tatars migrated into Xinjiang.
  27. 自从罗斯联邦总统叶利钦克服政变,一周以来他的权力日增,举国惶恐,因此他今天采取行动向毗邻的共和国以及反对他的政界人士保证,他决非立意要以一个东山再起的罗斯取代共主义。
    After a week of growing alarm in the nation over the power he has accumulated since his triumph over the coup, President Boris N.Yeltsin of the Russian republic moved today to reassure neighboring republics and his political opponents that he is not bent on replacing Communism with a resurgent Russia.
  28. 埃塞比亚语古代埃塞比亚使用的一种闪语,现在仍在埃塞比亚基督教会礼拜仪式中使用
    The Afro-Asiatic language of ancient Ethiopia that is still used as a liturgical language in the Christian Church in Ethiopia.
  29. 库希特语族亚非语族的一个分支,使用于索马里、埃塞比亚以及肯尼亚北部地区,包括有贝贾语、奥罗英语和索马里语
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken in Somalia, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya and including Beja, Orono, and Somali.
  30. 国一九○五年革命失败以后,革命由高涨时期转入逐渐低落时期的退却。
    The period after the December uprising of 1905 was defeated, in which the revolutionary tide in Russia gradually receded.
  31. 分布在巴基斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗、罗斯和波斯海湾的一种伊朗语。
    an Iranian language spoken in Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan and Russia and the Persian gulf.
  32. 勒冈州波特兰总部的招聘人员向西南走出217英里,到库斯湾的马歇菲尔德中学去动员并吸引学生放弃上大学的打算而乐意到高技术工厂去。
    in Oregon, Portland-based recruiters often journey 217 miles southwest to Marshfield High School in Coos Bay to entice students to put off college in favor of a high-tech factory.