  • contend
  • dispute
  • strive
  • vie
  • dispute, fight, contend, strive
  • chemical warfare
  • struggle
  • Fight
  1. v.  &n.推, 撞, 挤, 推, 争夺   jostle
  2.   (=take issue)论, 进行辨论   join issue
  3. vt.  (outrivaled, outrivaling)在竞中胜过, 打败, 胜过   outrival
  4.   (与...)意见不合; (与...)吵架, 论   be at loggerheads with
  5.   (中国)北伐战争   the Northern E-
  6.   (出于希望日后获得好处而)避免得罪某人; 取某人好感   keep on the right side of sb.
  7.   (化学战中使用的)神经毒气; 神经毒剂   nerve agent
  8.   (南北战前)美国南方保持奴隶制的各州   Slave States
  9.   (古希腊传说中的)特洛伊战(荷马史诗《伊利亚特》 Iliad 即以此战为中心内容)   Trojan War
  10.   (基督教《圣经》中的)四骑士(指战、饥馑、瘟疫、死亡四大害)   Four Horsemen
  11.   (战、暴政等下的)难民(略作 DP)   displaced person
  12.   (把某人)从敌对的一方取过来, 拉过来   gain over
  13.   (拳击)(扔掉擦身用的海绵)认输, 投降; 放弃斗   throw [toss, chuck] up [in] the sponge
  14.   (无竞者时)独自走完(跑场); 轻易击败(对方)   walk over
  15.   (植物)冻死; [口](用冷淡态度)使人无地自容; (用联合抵制、竞)排挤[斥], 逼走   freeze out
  16.   (用拖延等手法)赢得时间, 取时间   buy time
  1. 美国独立战时的岁月是美国历史上的重要时期。
    The year of the american revolution is an epoch in the history of the united state.
  2. 一起恐怖的汽车事故;一桩恐怖的杀人斩首的罪行;一张可怕、甚至是恐怖的照片;战是无可言喻的恐怖——温斯顿·丘吉尔;恐怖的伤口。
    an atrocious automobile accident; a frightful crime of decapitation; an alarming, even horrifying, picture; war is beyond all words horrible- Winston Churchill; an ugly wound.
  3. 取和某人平等或能与人相比。
    strive to equal or match.
  4. 但是必须反对不问一切理由的绝对平均主义,因为这不是斗的需要,适得其反,是于斗有妨碍的。
    But absolute equalitarianism beyond reason must be opposed because it is not required by the struggle; on the contrary, it hinders the struggle.
  5. 妇女仍在取与男人真正平等。
    Women are still struggling for true equality with men.
  6. 许多妇女正在为改善男女平等的法律而进行斗
    Many women are campaigning for improvements in the sexual equality laws.
  7. 对于这种必然性的认识是必要的,否则游击战的领导者们全无准备,一旦遇到敌人严重地进攻的形势,必至惊惶失措,被敌击破。
    It is essential to recognize the inevitability of such attacks, for otherwise the guerrilla commanders will be caught wholly unprepared, and in the face of heavy enemy attacks they will undoubtedly become alarmed and confused and their forces will be routed.
  8. 发展现代武器所需的费用使双方负担过重,致命的原子武器的不断扩散理所当然使双方忧心忡忡,但是,双方却着改变那制止人类发动最后战的不稳定的恐怖均势。
    Both sides over-burdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, and yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
  9. 平等的比赛小组间的艰苦斗
    any hard struggle between equally matched groups.
  10. 每个人听到了战可能爆发的消息都感到恐慌。
    Everybody was alarmed at the news that war might break out.
  11. 他们对战的前景感到惊恐不安。
    They are alarmed at the prospect of the war.
  12. 武装,使军事化为战装备或训练
    To equip or train for war.
  13. 为提高人类的安全、更好地施政、促进公平发展并尊重人权,联合国展开各种活动,并通过这些活动来帮助解决战的根源问题,给世界增加一份安全。
    Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
  14. 游击战根据地的经济政策,必须执行抗日民族统一战线的原则,即合理负担和保护商业,当地政权和游击队决不能破坏这种原则,否则将影响于根据地的建立和游击战的支持。
    The economic policy of the guerrilla base areas must follow the principles of the Anti-Japanese National United Front by equitably distributing the financial burden and protecting commerce. Neither the local organs of political power nor the guerrilla units must violate these principles, or otherwise the establishment of base areas and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare would be adversely affected.
  15. 哥伦布美国密西西比州东北部城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界,这个地区有许多南北战以前的房屋。人口23,799
    A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population,23, 799.
  16. 现在的世界,是处在革命和战的新时代,是资本主义决然死灭和社会主义决然兴盛的时代。
    The world today is in a new era of wars and revolutions, an era in which capitalism is unquestionably dying and socialism is unquestionably prospering.
  17. 我们是处在战和革命的新时代。
    We are in a new era of wars and revolutions.
  18. 它反映了在第二次世界大战胜利后世界人民铲除法西斯主义、根除战祸害和维护人的基本权利的普遍要求,对促进世界人权有巨大的功绩。
    It represented the common demand of the people throughout the world to eradicate fascism and the catastrophe of war and safeguard the basic rights of human beings following victory in World War II. In this way it greatly promoted progress in human rights the world over.
  19. 中国政府正在致力于发展经济,加强法制,消除一切歧视或轻视妇女的落后观念,促进中国法律赋予的男女平等权利在社会生活中全面实现,取本世纪在中国实现《内罗毕战略》的各项发展目标。
    The Chinese government is making every effort to develop the economy, strengthen the legal system, eradicate all backward ideas of discriminating against and looking down on women and promote equal rights for men and women in all spheres of social life as stipulated in Chinese law. This will speed the realization of the various development goals of the Nairobi Strategies in China before the end of this century.
  20. 在新的世纪里,中国政府将在全国深入持久地开展禁毒斗。毒品一日不绝,禁毒一刻不停。
    During the new century, the Chinese government will wage an unremitting, thoroughgoing struggle against drugs nationwide and will not stop its efforts until drugs are eradicated.
  21. 彻底消除战惨祸,实现全面、持久的和平,依然是爱好和平的人们所面临的一
    The complete eradication of the disaster of war and the realization of a complete and lasting peace, remain a highly complex and difficult task before the
  22. 因此,彻底消除战惨祸,实现全面、持久的和平,依然是爱好和平的人们所面临的一项十分复杂和艰巨的任务。
    The complete eradication of the disaster of war and the realization of a complete and lasting peace, therefore, remain a highly complex and difficult task before the peace-loving people of the world.
  23. 27.我们支持巩固非洲的民主,并帮助非洲人为实现持久和平、消除贫穷和促进可持续发展而斗,从而将非洲纳入世界经济的主流。
    27. We will support the consolidation of democracy in Africa and assist Africans in their struggle for lasting peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development, thereby bringing Africa into the mainstream of the world economy.
  24. 凡此一切流寇思想的表现,极大地妨碍着红军去执行正确的任务,故肃清流寇思想,实为红军党内思想斗的一个重要目标。
    All these manifestations of the ideology of roving rebels seriously hamper the Red Army in performing its proper tasks; consequently its eradication is an important objective in the ideological struggle within the Red Army Party organization.
  25. 那场战的起因有几个。
    Al causes operated to bring about the war.
  26. 肯特市美国俄亥俄州东北部城市,位于亚克朗东北偏东方向。肯特州立大学(建于1910年)位于此城,在1970年举行的反越南战的游行中,四名学生被国民警卫队成员枪杀。人口28,835
    A city of northeast Ohio east-northeast of Akron. Kent State University(founded1910) is in the city and was the site of a1970 demonstration against the Vietnam War in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard. Population,28, 835.
  27. 阿基坦法国西南部一个历史地区,位于比利牛斯山和加隆河之间,在1137年阿基坦的埃莉诺与国王路易斯七世结婚之后阿基坦公国加入法国,但当她再嫁英国亨利二世后,其归属权便受到
    A historical region of southwest France between the Pyrenees and the Garonne River. The duchy of Aquitaine was joined with France after the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to King Louis VII in1137, but its possession was disputed after her subsequent marriage to Henry II of England.
  28. 由于第一次世界大战,原定于1916年在柏林举行的四年一度的奥林匹克运动会被迫中断。这次战历时4年,28个国家卷入其中,近1000万军人在战火中丧生。
    The Olympic quadrennial,scheduled for Berlin in 1916,was interrupted by World War I which had involved 28 countries and killed nearly 10 million troops in four years.
  29. --在优化结构和提高效益的基础上,国内生产总值到二0二0年力比二000年翻两番,综合国力和国际竞力明显增强。
    -- On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns, efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020, and China's overall national strength and international competitiveness will increase markedly.
  30. 到目前为止,聪格斯先生[取选民支持]相当成功——这些选民多半与他背景相同——因为他的沉重,不上镜头的相貌,以及淳朴的言词投合很多选民的心意。他们觉得在里根与布什当政数年的浪费与浮夸之后,应该卧薪尝胆。
    So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
  31. 有同志反映:在同林彪、“四人帮”的斗中,政治干部上当受骗甚至陷进去的,从数量上说,比其他干部多。
    Some comrades say that in the struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, more political cadres were duped -- or even "trapped in the quagmire" -- than others.
  32.  中华人民共和国诞生以后,当时的美国政府本来可以从中国内战的泥潭中拔出来,但是它没有这样做,而是对新中国采取了孤立、遏制的政策,并且在朝鲜战爆发后武装干涉纯属中国内政的海峡两岸关系。
    At the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China the then U.S. administration could have pulled itself from the quagmire of China's civil war. But it failed to do so. Instead, it adopted a policy of isolation and containment of New China. When the Korean War broke out, it started armed intervention in the inter-Taiwan Straits relations which were entirely China's internal affairs.