  • 然而,一部分同志曾在这个伟大斗中跌下了或跌下过机会主义的泥坑,这仍然是因为他们不去虚心领会过去的经验,对于中国的历史状况和社会状况、中国革命的特点、中国革命的规律不了解,对于马克思列宁主义的理论和中国革命的实践没有统一的理解而来的。
    Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  • 目前,多数无线局域网工作在日益拥挤的2.4ghz频率上,在此频率上,它们要与微波炉、无绳电话和其他消费类电子产品发出的信号夺空间。
    Most wireless LANs currently operate at the increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz frequency, where they compete for airspace with signals from microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other consumer electronic products.
  • 参加选拔为了工作或运动员资格而参加竞性资格测试
    To undergo a competitive qualifying test, as for a job or athletic team.
  • 然而这种流动是有限制的,即流动于执行这一方针的各种不同的战行动的范围中,而不是这一方针的根本性质的流动,即是说,是数的流动,不是质的流动。
    But it is fluid within limits, fluid within the bounds of the various war operations undertaken for carrying it out, but not fluid as to its essence; In other words, it is quantitatively but not qualitatively fluid.
  • 上面已经说过,在党中央和毛主席的精心领导下,二十一个月的自卫战打得很好,我们的军事力量继续在发展,再过一段时间数量上就可以同国民党军队平衡,现在质量上已经高过他们。
    As mentioned above, under the careful leadership of the Central Committee and Chairman Mao, we have successfully fought a defensive war over the past 21 months, our military forces have been expanding and, being qualitatively already superior to the Kuomintang troops, they will one day be equal in size to them.
  • 直至最近,还是放弃东北和华北不顾,忘记日本帝国主义是中国的最大敌人,而把一切力量反对红军和从事贵党自己营垒之间的内,用一切力量拦阻红军的抗日去路,捣乱红军的抗日后方,漠视全国人民的抗日要求,剥夺全国人民的自由权利。
    Being blind to the fact that Japanese imperialism is China's deadliest enemy, you have had no qualms even in recent months about abandoning northeastern and northern China, you have used all your strength to fight the Red Army and wage factional struggles within your own party, you have blocked the Red Army on its way to fight the Japanese and harassed its rear, you have ignored the nation-wide demand for resistance to Japan and have deprived the people of their freedoms and rights.
  • 这些量化分析使关于全球升温的不确定论转化成为一种非常精确的结论:可能性与预期损失相乘等于我们在减轻升温现象方面的开支。
    These quantitative analyses transform the yes-no debate over global warming into an actuarial decision: probability times expected damage equals how much we should spend now on mitigation.
  • 原子潜艇“鹦鹉螺”号的诞生不折不扣地使海底战的范围大为扩大……。有些海军将领们甚至称之为“突破性的进展”,其重要性不亚于由帆船到蒸汽机的进步。
    The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare… some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
  • 解决争吵
    Make up a quarrel
  • 争执不一致或争吵
    A disagreement or quarrel.
  • 吵架,纷争
    A quarrel or conflict.
  • 争论,争吵
    To dispute or quarrel.
  • 争吵斗争或争吵
    To fight or quarrel.
  • 争吵,打架
    To quarrel or fight.
  • 不介入争吵
    Keep out of a quarrel
  • 争吵;争论
    A quarrel; a dispute.
  • 别和他争吵了。
    Don't quarrel with him.
  • 闹事乱哄哄的吵或打斗
    A noisy quarrel or brawl.
  • 吵架喧闹的吵或
    A noisy quarrel or fight.
  • 口角;争吵
    A petty quarrel; a squabble.
  • 生气的争吵;吵架
    An angry altercation; a quarrel.
  • 这场吵是由于何种原因引起的?
    How did this quarrel arise?
  • 他们经常无缘无故吵。
    They often quarrel for nothing.
  • 吵架,对骂喧闹的吵或
    To quarrel or fight noisily.
  • 争吵的原因是什么?
    What sparked off the quarrel?
  • 两个政党间怀恨的吵。
    a bitter quarrel between two parties.
  • 他们间爆发了一场吵。
    A quarrel broke out between them.
  • 一场吵使一对年轻夫妇分离了。
    A quarrel dissevered the young couple.
  • 结束争吵并握手言和
    Buried their quarrel and shook hands.
  • 人们吵时易说出过激的话来。
    Hot Words pass when men quarrel.
  • 他们的谈话渐渐变成一场吵。
    Their conversation degenerated into a quarrel.
  • 吵是由误解而起的。
    The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.