这本书是插话式的,事件不是总连贯发生的。 the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together.
吟唱圣经引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的一段圣经短文 A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
耶稣的使徒;约翰的兄弟;在《新约圣经》中《詹姆士使徒书》的作者。 disciple of Jesus; brother of John; author of The Epistle of James in the New Testament.
(罗马天主教)一种紧跟在弥撒使徒书后的唱和(通常取自《圣歌》中)。 (Roman Catholic) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass.
没有结果的书信爱情;书信体小说。 an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs; the epistolatory novel.
他脑中有万卷藏书。 He is a vast library in epitome.
二零零零年四月,政府引进精简纪律处分程序的措施,并设立独立的公务员纪律秘书处,以持平和公正的态度集中处理纪律个案。 In April 2000, the Government introduced measures to streamline the disciplinary procedures and set up an independent Secretariat on Civil Service Discipline to handle disciplinary cases in a prompt, impartial and equitable manner.
股东资本证书。 Certificate of equity capital.
本合资企业将发给合资各方一份股东资本证书,证明其投资的数量和份额。 The joint venture shall issue certify of equity capital show the amount and proportion of the parties' contribution.
但是,她发誓要以取得法律学位来拯救哥哥的这种途径对她来说是一个非常严峻的挑战,当时,贝蒂·安妮住在罗得岛的东格林威治,只有普通同等学历证书。 But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne, then living in East Greenwich, R.L., who had only a General Equivalency Diploma.
本来是一度出现在经济教科书里的一句意义含混的用语“创造就业机会”,在此选举年开始在美国政治辞汇里大行其道。其所以如此,杜卡基斯与布什都有责任。 Job creation, an equivocal phrase once found mostly in economic textbooks, has entered the nation's political vernacular with a vengeance this election year, and both Michael S.Dukakis and George Bush are responsible.
不许把参考书拿出阅览室。 Reference book is not al low to is take out of the read room.
有许多学者似乎生活于不同的时代里,相距多年,然而他们思想的方法和他们的情感却那么相似,使人在一本书里读到他们的文字时,好象看见自己的肖像一样。 Scholars seem to have lived in different ages, separated by centuries, and yet their modes of thinking and feeling were so akin that their coming together across the pages of a book was like a person finding his own image.
我从书架上伸手摸到了这本书和一瓶墨水,便把门推开一点,漏进点亮光,我就写字消遣了二十分钟。 I reached this book, and a pot of ink from a shelf, and pushed the house door ajar to give me light, and I have got the time on with writing for twenty minutes;
这家飞机得到了适合飞行的证书。 the plane received a certificate of airworthiness.
1993年获会计资格证书 Got an accountant qualification certificate in 1993
我获得了工程师资格证书、会计师资格证书、计算机操作证书和导游证书。 I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate, an Accountant Qualification Certificate ,a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate and a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate.
(三)专利代理人姓名及其资格证书; the names of patent agents and their certificates of qualification;
全面推行职业资格证书制度,并建立了从初级工到高级技师的职业资格体系。 The vocational qualification credentials system is being introduced, and a vocational qualification system has been set up covering workers at all levels, from basic workers to senior technicians.
第十九条获得《专利代理人资格证书》,五年内未从事专利代理业务或者专利行政管理工作的,其《专利代理人资格证书》自动失效。 Article 19 In case bearers of "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate" fail to engage in patent commissioning business or patent-related management for 5 years, their "Patent Agent Qualification Certificates" are automatically rendered ineffective.
第十一条专利代理机构应当聘任有《专利代理人资格证书》的人员为专利代理人。 Article 11 Patent agencies shall employ as patent agents persons with "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate".
已有51万余人参加各类技术培训班,39.8万余人获得技术等级证书。 over 510,000 had attended various technical training courses, and 398,000 received certificates of technical qualification.
(三)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书; having mine managers who have received training according to law and obtained the mine manager qualification certificates;
(四)特种作业人员经依法培训合格,取得操作资格证书; having specially skilled workers who have received training according to law and obtained the operation qualification certificates;
你需要有资格证书才可成为一名游泳教练。 You need qualifications to be a swimming instructor.
你取得过什么执照或资格证书吗? Do you have any licenses or other special qualifications?
目不识丁的浙江农家女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。 Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
你的英语程度教书不够格。 A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English.
插入成份,插入词在书写中插入的与上下文的语法结构没有关系的限定或补充的词、短语或句子 A qualifying or amplifying word, phrase, or sentence inserted within written matter in such a way as to be independent of the surrounding grammatical structure.
圆括号,圆括弧两个直立曲线或其中之一,(或),用于标出解释文字及书写或打印中的限定语或包含一个和、积或其它在数学运算中作为或被当作是一个集体的性质的表达式 Either or both of the upright curved lines,( or), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.
发现此书是一个必不可少的信息宝库 Found the book an indispensable quarry of information.
申请书从四面八方涌来。 Applications poured in from all quarters.