即使他们不同意你的决定,他们也拿不出真正的力量来反对-他们所能做的不过是气势汹汹地叫嚣一阵,吓唬吓唬人罢了,过后还不是得乖乖地接受。 Even if they don't approve of your decision, they've got no real power to oppose it-all they can do is rattle their sabers and then quietly accept it.
尼采(nietzsche)对于叔本华(schopenhauer)也有同样的感觉,可是叔本华是一个乖张易怒的老师,而尼采是一个脾气暴躁的弟子,所以这个弟子后来反叛老师,是很自然的事情。 Nietzsche felt the same thing about Schopenhauer, but Schopenhauer was a peevish master and Nietzsche was a violent-tempered pupil, and it was natural that the pupil later rebelled against the teacher.
不过,伊丽莎白的为人一贯温柔乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他这样着迷过。 but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her.
[2]要在20年前,这位身材矮壮又稍稍超重的六年级学生很可能是站在一边忍受体育课之苦,在挑选队员的过程中蒙羞----这曾使上百万年轻人因与体育运动关系甚远而变得永远乖戾。 [2] Two decades ago, this stocky, slightly overweight sixth-grader probably would have endured physical education on the sidelines, humiliated by the team-choosing procedures that left millions of young people forever soured by anything remotely connected to athletics.
你可得学乖点,不要轻信推销员的那套话. You have to learn to resist the sales patter.
伦敦市的市长大人,一个神气十足的大员,在特恩安森林被一个翦径的强徒喝住,只好乖乖地站住不动。那强盗竟当着众随员的面把那个显赫人物掳了个精光。 that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue;
忧郁的愁容;众所周知的、性格阴沉的新英格兰清教徒;忧郁、绝望的耸肩;他陷入了抑郁、沉默;乖僻、不爱交际的习惯;忧郁、差不多厌恶整个人类的年轻天才——布鲁斯·比利芬;乖戾的性情;一群闷闷不乐的人。 a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.
一个友善的但却笨拙的侍者;一个友善的但却不乖巧的伙伴;儿子善意的努力给了爸爸的仰慕者一个异常的打击--s.w.毛姆;生硬的但却是善意的批评。 a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter; a well-meaning but tactless fellow; the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers- S.W.Maughm; blunt but well-meant criticism.
孩子们乖得像天使一样。 The children behaved angelically.
别敲鼓了,比利;放乖些,你母亲今天早上头痛。 Stop banging you drum, Billy; that's a good boy. Your mother's got a headache this morning.
杰克是一个没有过失的乖孩子。 Jack is a blameless child.
你的宝贝要吃饭了,哎呀乖宝贝。 Your baby wants his dinner, bless his little cotton socks.
笨拙的、粗鲁的和乖戾的 Clumsy, boorish, and surly.
她老爱在老板面前讨好买乖。 She always butters up the boss.
乖乖就擒吧。 Suffer yourself to be bound.
粗暴、乖戾、令人难以接近。 brusque and surly and forbidding.
那罪犯没有办法,只好坦白承认。我们迫使他乖乖地听话。 The criminal had no other alternative but confess; we had him over a barrel.
这孩子一周来一直很乖,但这种好事不会长久的。 The little boy has been consistently nice all the week, but it is too good to last.
难对付的;乖戾的 Troublesome to deal with; contrary.
乖僻的脾气坏的,易怒的;乖僻的 Morose or peevish; crabbed.
年老使我的性格变得乖戾。 Old age had crabbed my nature.
急躁的评论;暴躁的老头;他那乖戾的性情;粗暴的举止;粗暴的答复。 crusty remarks; a crusty old man; his curmudgeonly temper; gruff manner; a gruff reply.
女儿很乖巧,文文静静,对妈妈从不隐瞒什么。这让妈妈很高兴。 She is a cute,quiet girl.As a daughter,she has no secrets towards her mother,who is very much pleased with her.
“乖乖的,不要怕,妈在这里哩。” "Darling, ma is here with you. Don't be afraid."
“我的乖乖,不要哭,妈现在不痛了。 "Darling, don't cry. Ma does not feel any pain now.
令所有人都感到惊讶的是,他低声轻语道:“你是我的乖女儿。 " He surprised everyone when he whispered," You're my darling daughter.
困苦使他的性情变得乖僻。 Hardship warped his disposition.
乖戾;尖刻性情等的尖酸刻薄 Sourness, as of disposition.
宇宙之生灭甚奇,人情之变幻甚奇,文句之出没甚奇,诚而取之,自成奇文,无所用于怪妄乖诡也。 He who keeps his vision sane and clear will have always this sense of wonder, and therefore has no need to distort the truth in order to make it seem wonderful.
在公司里,科奇弗乖乖地对自己的性倾向保持缄默。 Kirchofer duly kept mum about her sexual orientation at work.
不管我们喜欢与否,"中庸回教徒"这个标签将不会消失。因为这是分别一般回教徒和少数乖离回教的"不良回教徒"最容易的方法。 Like it or not, the "moderate Muslims" label is likely to stay because it is the easiest way for the world to tell Muslims apart from small minority of "bad Muslims" who stray from their religion.
一般的房屋看起来好象是一个乖张的、易变的孩子所造的四方木头,这个孩子还没有把木头造好时,对这种工作已经感到厌倦,终于把没有造好的木头弃置在一边了。 The average building looks like wooden blocks built by a peevish or fickle child who is tired of the game before he finishes building, and leaves them unfinished and uncrowned.