晋代 人物列表
陶渊明 Tao Yuanming(晋代)王衍 Wang Yan(晋代)潘岳 Pan Yue(晋代)潘尼 Pan Ni(晋代)
傅玄 Fu Xuan(晋代)何劭 He Shao(晋代)张翰 Zhang Han(晋代)张华 Zhang Hua(晋代)
张协 Zhang Xie(晋代)张载 Zhang Zai(晋代)陆机 Liu Ji(晋代)陆云 Liu Yun(晋代)
石崇 Dan Chong(晋代)孙楚 Sun Chu(晋代)曹摅 Cao Shu(晋代)郭璞 Guo Pu(晋代)
刘琨 Liu Kun(晋代)卢谌 Lu Chen(晋代)荀勗 Xun Xu(晋代)桓伊 Huan Yi(晋代)
晋代  西晋(262年303年)

诗歌文集 poetry corpus《陆清河集》
诗词《大将军宴会被命作诗∶一 Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Poetry 1》   《大将军宴会被命作诗∶二 Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Poetry 2》   《大将军宴会被命作诗∶三 Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Three Poems》   《大将军宴会被命作诗∶四 Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry four》   《大将军宴会被命作诗∶五 Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry five》   《大将军宴会被命作诗∶六 Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry hexad》   《征西大将军京陵王公会射堂皇太子见命作此诗∶一 Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Poetry 1》   《征西大将军京陵王公会射堂皇太子见命作此诗∶二 Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Poetry 2》   《征西大将军京陵王公会射堂皇太子见命作此诗∶三 Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Three Poems》   《征西大将军京陵王公会射堂皇太子见命作此诗∶四 Zheng xi title of military officer in ancient china jing ling princes church will be shot crown prince see order for this poem four》   更多诗歌...


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