《宿新安江深渡館寄鄭州王使君 lodge for the night Xinan river Send shendu Museum Zheng zhou amir honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China》《春眺揚州西上崗寄徐員外 Chun-tiao Yangzhou the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s Go on duty Send Xu ministry councillor》《送李司直歸浙東幕兼寄鮑將軍(一作朱灣詩)》《望中有懷》《題虎丘山西寺》《吳興送梁補闕歸朝賦得荻花 Wu Xing delivery Liang bujue Go towards Fu de Di Hua》《句 sentence》