宋代 List of Authors
He ZhuCai ShenOuyang XiuYang Wanli
Jiang KuiYan ShuQin GuanZhu Shuzhen
Lv BenzhongWang GuanHu QuanLi Congzhou
Liu ChenwengXin QijiWang PangPan Lang
Zhang LinJiang JieZhang XianSong Qi
Liu YongWang ZhiwangZhu ZaoYan Jidao
Zhou BangyanHe ZhuMa ZhuangfuYu Guobao
Mo MingshiLi YuanyingChen LiangGao Guanguo
Shi DazuZhang YanWang AnshiWang Yisun
Liu KezhuangWang YuanliangChou YuanPeng Taiweng
Zhao YanduanAi ShenZhang LunLi Cengba
Zhao GongkeLv NagongWang ZhidaoFang Qianli
Lu ZugaoGe LifangXu ShenMao Pang
Sun GuangxianHan ZhenYang MojiuChao Buzhi
Chao DuanliXu FeiHan YuanjiZhao Ding
Chen Fuliang
宋代  南宋(1137 AD1203 AD)

Military class《历代兵制》
Poetry《Temple and Po Lin Yi Yun Tan》   《丙辰寄国举兄》   《病余久不趋郡且迁仙岩书院於屋西有怀同志》   《berth Fishing table Under the Beach》   《长沙腊月雷是日约宴赵帅俊臣闻雷乃罢越三日雨雪帅喜以诗相贺用韵酬之》   《尝语客莼鲈橙蟹的对或言今年斗门坚寒故蟹不上又今秋风急鲈鱼亦鲜余发一笑因成二十八字》   《Chen Shou Ding Duanshu to The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Poems to Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Feng pay》   《Chen Yi Gang Note Grandbaby allow Gleaning Zeng Shi sent the rhyming》   《Chen Yi Gang, see remuneration and former rhyme》   《酬蕃叟弟韵》   More poems...

Read works of Chen Fuliang at 百家争鸣
Read works of Chen Fuliang at 诗海
  Zijun move, called only Mr. Lent, Ryan people. Time to teach young industry, in Wenruitang area famous. Sequent had the account: "public is not 30, mind elongation, Chen compiled places that Phi stripping defeat, shoot a singular meaning, the new language Mao Long, Shi Su wake up stand up, Hai never had, all with the call of his audiences from the. Although the tie up his teacher, also took the name of Chen, the world its cultural good at when. "
  Chen Fu-liang scholarship and a broad, handsome book, with "only vegetarian Collected Works," 50 vols; "Successive Military System," eight volumes; "this after the Spring and Autumn," 12 volumes and so on. Jiatai three years (1203) Winter died at home, aged 67.
  Tomb of Chen Fu-liang
  Is located in Ruian City, Town, Feng Luo Feng north slope of Phoenix Mountain Kawamura. Chen Fu-liang (1137-1203), Zi Jun held, number only, fasting, and Ryan were. Song trunk eight years (1172) Scholars, the official paternity Po Mo Court system, Yongjia School founder of Death posthumous text section. Tomb of Emperor Ningzong of Song was founded in the South years. The first year of the Qing Xianfeng (1851) rebuilt, repaired in 1988. Tomb domain is 10.50 meters long, 7.5 meters wide. Look northward. Block after block of God arch, grave 40 meters of the station door with brick. Block God archway through the middle containing a Ming tomb, inscribed: "Song Jiying Court Palace Xiuzhuan into Po-Mo Chen Shi stop fasting Tomb of the public."
  Chen Fu-liang Temple is located in the town of Ouhai Xianyan under Xianyan Hill plot Verde. Temple was built during the Hongzhi period (1488-1505). Reconstruction of the existing building for the Early Years. It covers about 700 square meters. Facing south, the axis of the order of porter, the main hall, what rooms. Porter and the main hall are Miankuo 5, up to 16.6 meters, the porter into the deep 2, pass into the depth of 4.5 meters. Depth of four main hall, through the depth of 10 meters. Hard top.
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Comments (2)

Emily wrote (2010-08-28 20:18:42):

  Please don't use Google to translate the Chinese to English. It does not make any sense. It also ruins the Chinese version. If you wanted English readers to read your posting, they won't understand at all.
Emily wrote (2010-08-28 20:22:44):

  For 青年时以教书为业 , it should be: He was a teacher by profession in his youth. Not "time to teach young industry"!!

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