唐代 卢纶 Lu Lun  唐代   (739~799)
塞下曲之二 Border-songs II
塞下曲之三 Border-songs III
送李端 A Farewell to Li Duan
晚次鄂州 A Night-mooring at Wuchang
塞下曲之一 Border-songs I
塞下曲之四 Border-songs IV
送惟良上人归江南(一作郢上人) Send Korenaga Buddhist monk return South of the changjiang river 1 for Ying Buddhist monk
送韩都护还边 Sent to South Korea Title of the highest administrative commanding officer in border area Also edge
送吉中孚校书归楚州旧山(中孚自仙官入仕) accompany Ji zhongfu Old school books go Chuzhou In the mountains Since fu Sin officer Official Position
送姨弟裴均尉诸暨(此子先君元相旧判官) Pei Wei brother were sent to Aunt Zhuji this sub- Deceased father Element with the old official
送邓州崔长史 aide
送盐铁裴判官入蜀 Send salt PEI Official Shu
送潘述应宏词下第归江南 Reference should be sent to Pan Macro word Fail in an exam return south of the Changjiang River
送从舅成都县丞广归蜀 accompany From uncle Chengdu Assistant of county magistrate Shu Guang return
送宋校书赴宣州幕 Send Songxiaoshufu XuanZhou screen
送李纵别驾加员外郎却赴常州幕 Add to Li longitudinal Biejia Ministry councillor man It went Changzhou act
送元赞府重任龙门县 Songyuanzanfu Burden Longmen County
送黎燧尉阳翟 Songlisuiwei Clan
送丹阳赵少府(即给事中涓亲弟) Zhao Danyang delivery Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty namely Name in ancient Juan own younger brother
送菊潭王明府 Send Ju Tan Wang ming changwat
送申屠正字往湖南迎亲兼谒赵和州…并戏简前历阳李明府 accompany Surname Correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word go Hunan Send a party to escort the bride to the groom's house And Ye Zhao and state and pre-historical drama Jane Yang Li ming changwat
送李尚书郎君昆季侍从归觐滑州 Songli Shang shu man monarch Kun quarter Minister Guijinhuazhou
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷276_71
