唐代 独孤及 Dugu Ji  唐代  
杂曲歌辞·太行苦热行 Potpourri songs Taihang And Heat
海上寄萧立 Carriage by sea Send Xiao Li
三月三日,自京到华阴,于水亭独酌,寄裴六、薛八 Mar three days From Beijing to Hua Hin in Shuiting Drinking alone by moonlight Send Peiliuxueba
代书寄上裴六冀、刘二颍 Allograph Send six Ji Pei Ying Liu 2
下弋阳江舟中代书寄裴侍御 Next Yiyang Jiang zhou center Allograph Jipei Shi Yu
癸卯岁赴南丰道中闻京师失守寄权士繇韩幼深 Mao-year-old went to Nam Fung Road News Capital (of a country) Fall Send the right of persons Youhanyoushen
贾员外处见中书贾舍人巴陵诗集览之怀旧代书寄赠 merchant Ministry councillor Department see the book Gu sheren Baling tomb Poetry Fact sheet Nostalgia Allograph Complimentary Copy
代书寄上李广州 Allograph Send Li canton
酬梁二十宋中所赠兼留别梁少府 Pay beam Score Song of the grant and Give souvenir on parting girder shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
庚子岁避地至玉山,酬韩司马所赠 Boxer-year-old to avoid land Yushan mountains Pay Korea Minister of war in ancient china The gift
酬皇甫侍御望天灊山见示之作 fulfil A surname Shi Yu Wang, see show of the day to kneel Hill
送陈兼应辟兼寄高適、贾至 Chen and shall be provided and sent to Lodge at gao shi Gu Zhi
送相里郎中赴江西 Delivery phase in Physician trained in herb medicine attend Jiangxi
观海 Sea View
雨晴后陪王员外泛后湖得溪字 Yuqing To accompany the king after Ministry councillor extensive Rear lake Get the word River
题思禅寺上方 Si temple issue at the head of
季冬自嵩山赴洛道中作 The last month of winter from Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan Road to go to Los
早发若岘驿望庐山 Premature Ruoxianyiwang Lushan Mountain
寒夜溪行舟中作 Cold night, chilly night River Bank Boat for
壬辰岁过旧居 Imjin-year-old had Old home
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷247_33
