唐代 虞世南 Yu Shina  唐代   (558~638)
蝉 cicada
从军行二首(一作拟古) s literary or artistic style on that of the ancients
拟饮马长城窟 draft Water the horses The great wall hole
出塞 古
结客少年场行 Customer Results Youngster Field trip
怨歌行 complain a style of old Chinese poems
中妇织流黄 s organizations in the flow of yellow
门有车马客 Doors Traveling passenger
飞来双白鹤 Flying double white crane
奉和幽山雨后应令 Feng and Secluded mountain after the rain should make
赋得慎罚 Fu de Shen penalty
发营逢雨应诏 Fat Camp rains accept the emperor's order
赋得临池竹应制 Fu de Bamboo pond write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴应诏赋韵得前字 Shi Yan Accept the emperor's order Fu yun Before the word was
侍宴归雁堂 Shi Yan Return goose hall
凌晨早朝 small hours levee
奉和咏风应魏王教 Feng and Ode to the wind should be king and Education
初晴应教 Early qing Should be taught
春夜 Spring Evening
咏萤 Yong Ying
秋雁(一作褚亮诗) Qiu yan 1 for Chu liang poem
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷36_18
