唐代 崔湜 Cui Shi  唐代  
横吹曲辞·折杨柳 The music diction break poplar and willow
塞垣行(一作崔融诗) Cypriot wall line 1 for Cui rong poem
送梁卿王郎中使东蕃吊册 Send Liang Qing Wang Physician trained in herb medicine List of eastern Fan Hanging
饯唐州高使君赴任 Jiantangzhougao honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China go to take one's post
冀北春望(一作崔液诗) Northern Hebei Province Spring hope 1 for Cui ye poem
景龙二年余自门下平章事削阶授江州员外司马…途中言志 More than two years since the Dragon King A hanger-on of an aristocrat To make comments (on literary work) Things cut order granted Jiangzhou Ministry councillor Minister of war in ancient china En route Yan Zhi
大漠行(一作胡皓诗) Desert Line 1 for Hu hao poem
奉和登骊山高顶寓目应制 Feng and Teng li shan high top look over write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和送金城公主适西蕃应制 Feng and Accompany golden city archduchess fitness western barbarians write poem according to the emperor's order
幸白鹿观应制(一作郑愔诗) Favour white deer to look at write poem according to the emperor's order 1 for Zheng yin poem
幸梨园亭观打球应制(一作梨园亭子侍宴应制) Favour theatre pavilion view batting write poem according to the emperor's order 1 for Theatre Belvedere Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
慈恩寺九日应制 Jionji The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar write poem according to the emperor's order
边愁 Edge worry
酬杜麟台春思 Choudulintai Spring Thinking
寄天台司马先生 Send a roof Minister of war in ancient china baas
唐都尉山池 Tang dynasty (618-907) Title of the military officer subter general Hill Pond
襄城即事(一作江楼有怀) Xiangcheng is a matter for River building Are pregnant
秦州薛都督挽词 Qinzhou Xue Governor of province Wan-term
奉和春日幸望春宫(一作立春内出彩花应制) Feng and spring xing wang porno 1 for The beginning of spring inner To be injured flower write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和幸韦嗣立山庄侍宴应制 Feng and favour Wei sili Village Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷54_10
