Wine and song, life is geometry? Such as dew, Goes. Generous when the generous, Concerned memorable. Why grief, only Dukang. Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin. But the King and so thoughtful for now. Yo Yo Luming, Siye of Ping. I have guests, harp blowing Sheng. Clearly as the moon, when it can drop out. From which to worry, not cut off. Qian more street level, with the phase memory in vain. On the feast Lease wide, heart remembering grace. Yuemingxingxi, Ukraine magpie flying south. Juke Sanza, Ho Chi Ke Yi? Tire of the high mountains, deep sea tire. Duke spit-feeding, the world's hearts. Tateishi east to sea view. Dan Ho Dan water, mountain island heave. Forested, lush hundred herbs. Autumn wind blows, Bo filled. Sun and moon line, if out of them; Han bright star, if its inside out. Fortunately, even holy, songs to chant blog. Although turtle life, when initiatives have actually. Teng snake by fog, and finally to Tuhui. Laojifuli high aspirations; Martyrs old age, Zhuangxinbuyi. Shrinkage of the period, not only in the days; Yang Yue, a blessing, available Yongnian. Fortunately, even holy, songs to chant blog. North Taihang Mountains, where towering storm Kazuya! Osaka's long and gut, wheel worth destroying. He blows the trees! North wind is sad. Bear roots of my squat, Haw Par folders Road sing. Fewer people in the valley, where snow started falling! Long neck extended sigh, travels more than arms. Yu Ho anger my heart? Siyu Yidong return. Depth of the bridge must, Road is hovering. Confused lost it way, no places dusk habitat. Trekking day is far away, men at the same time hunger. Bear bag line to take pay, ice ax held for Mi. He Dongshan sad poems, long makes me sad. One Six long drive, ride on the wind. Line universal, way under the eight states. Clinical experience the high mountain valley, a cloud and the line. Line four overseas, and east to Mount Tai. Immortal Lady, down Ao Yu. Can drive six-Long Yin Yu pulp. The river to do, not east. Drowned their sorrows abdomen, drink jade pulp. Feng Chi-line, east to Penglai Mountain, from the days of the door. Yu-Que, the introductions have in, Akamatsu relative, surrounded by Gu Wang, as is [the fire Kun] Huang. Xing Yu heart is open, the gas to one hundred. Pass on infinite closed its mouth, but when the love of gas life years. East to the sea, and the days with. Heart Tiantan, nothing [忄 Camps]. For closed-door sitting sober, and heaven and on gas. God is willing to have people coming in a cloud by car, Can deer drive, on the day the door, to give God the drug. Kneeling by it, worship together. If so, Road unsolicited. Second, Hua Yin, thinking big. High Baizhang, cloud cover whom. Immortal want to come out of the wind, out in the rain. Blow me xiao harp piano, where □ □ ("gate" in the "Introduction", the sound "Silver")! Wine and song plays, the phase Lok Shing for fun today. Lady, the dance when the number transfer. He advocated a Cao Cao. Come from the northwest, driving more mystical smoke Long riding a cloud, Yu Ho [Lv Services] [Lv Services]. Travel octupole, is to the Kunlun Mountains, Western Queen side, the gods of gold only Yu-ting. To those for whom? Akamatsu Wang Qiao, De spin is the door. Le total diet to dusk. Multi-drive joint sitting, long live the long, should future generations. Third Yu Chun-shan, very true. Ballast Cui Wei Ge, Seoul from God. Taiwan is the Queen Mother, Kim Yu-order for the Church, chicho Health Dianpang. What hand, off full house. Should be just the beginning of Changle grandchildren. Often wish the owner by year, and spend the day. 厥初生,造划之陶物,莫不有终期。 莫不有终期。 圣贤不能免,何为怀此忧? 愿螭龙之驾,思想昆仑居。 思想昆仑居。 见期于迂怪,志意在蓬莱。 志意在蓬莱。 周礼圣徂落,会稽以坟丘。 会稽以坟丘。 陶陶谁能度?君子以弗忧。 年之暮奈何,时过时来微。 天地间,人为贵。 立君牧民,为之轨则。 车辙马迹,经纬四极。 黜陟幽明,黎庶繁息。 於铄贤圣,总统邦域。 封建五爵,井田刑狱。 有燔丹书,无普赦赎。 皋陶甫侯,何有失职? 嗟哉后世,改制易律。 劳民为君,役赋其力。 舜漆食器,畔者十国, 不及唐尧,采椽不斫。 世叹伯夷,欲以厉俗。 侈恶之大,俭为共德。 许由推让,岂有讼曲? 兼爱尚同,疏者为戚。 Wine and song, peace, the officials do not call door. King Yin and Ming, the prime minister Gugong are good people. Salty courteous, nothing contentious people. Geng has nine years storage, warehouse valley full. Gray does not load. Yu Chak so, with a hundred into a valley. Is cursory, to manure the soil field. Jazz 公侯伯子男, salty love the people, to demote and promote nether. If the parent and child support are brothers. Guilty of etiquette, with the severity of the punishment. Supplements of the private road no. Imprisoned empty, Winter Festival continued. Were the oldest old, are to be of old age. End wide and vegetation insects. 惟汉廿二世,所任诚不良。 沐猴而冠带,知小而谋疆。 犹豫不敢断,因狩执君王。 白虹为贯日,己亦先受殃。 贼臣持国柄,杀主灭宇京。 荡覆帝基业,宗庙以燔丧。 播越西迁移,号泣而且行。 瞻彼洛城郭,微子为哀伤。 Kanto are righteous, Hing Bingtaoqunxiong. UNITA initially fluid, is the heart in Xianyang. Missing military force, hesitated and flying geese. Snobbish people fight, Si also autocorrelation Qiang. Huainan brother title, engraved seal in the north. Health Ji armor lice, million last name to death. Bones exposed in the wild, thousands of miles without cock. Shengmin a hundred left, and read the breaking of human intestinal. Week West Chang, Huai this holiness. Third of the world, while the other. Xiu Feng contribution, Chen Jie is not Long. Chong Hou misrepresent it, is to arrest system. See amnesty after the original, give the ax, was the conquest. Referred to as the Zhong Ni, up to and virtue, Utah Feng Shi Yin, the United States on Syria. Qi Huan Gong, for the tyrants of the first. Nine co-princes, one Marina world. All Better world, not to military vehicles. Is not deceitful, the German transmission said. Confucius sighed and said Yiwu, China by its grace. Confer with the temple gift, no worship life. White did not dare Seoul, Tianwei right close in the Yen. ANESTHESIOLOGY are tyrants, bow Mukden king. Kyu-chan by the gift, [Ho Ju] Yi Chang Tong bow Lu bows and arrows thousand, three hundred people Huben. Wei served princes, the division of the statue. Octagon heard of it, were sub-Qihuan. Hayang of the Council, misrepresentation Zhou Wang, is the name of Fun Pa. 其一 晨上散关山,此道当何难! 晨上散关山,此道当何难! 牛顿不起,车堕谷间。 坐磐石之上,弹五弦之琴。 作为清角韵,意中迷烦。 歌以言志,晨上散关山。 有何三老公,卒来在我旁? 有何三老公,卒来在我旁? 负□(“拚”的“厶”改为“合”,音“演”)被裘,似非恒人。 谓卿云何困苦以自怨,徨徨所欲,来到此间? 歌以言志,有何三老公? 我居昆仑山,所谓者真人。 我居昆仑山,所谓者真人。 道深有可得。 名山历观,遨游八极,枕石漱流饮泉。 沈吟不决,遂上升天。 歌以言志,我居昆仑山。 去去不可追,长恨相牵攀。 去去不可追,长恨相牵攀。 夜夜安得寐,惆怅以自怜。 正而不谲,辞赋依因。 经传所过,西来所传。 歌以言志,去去不可追。 其二 愿登泰华山,神人共远游。 愿登泰华山,神人共远游。 经历昆仑山,到蓬莱。 飘遥八极,与神人俱。 思得神药,万岁为期。 歌以言志,愿登泰华山。 天地何长久!人道居之短。 天地何长久!人道居之短。 世言伯阳,殊不知老; 赤松王乔,亦云得道。 得之未闻,庶以寿考。 歌以言志,天地何长久! 明明日月光,何所不光昭! 明明日月光,何所不光昭! 二仪合圣化,贵者独人不? 万国率土,莫非王臣。 仁义为名,礼乐为荣。 歌以言志,明明日月关。 四时更逝去,昼夜以成岁。 四时更逝去,昼夜以成岁。 大人先天而天弗违。 不戚年往,忧世不治。 存亡有命,虑之为蚩。 歌以言志,四时更逝去。 戚戚欲何念!欢笑意所之。 戚戚欲何念!欢笑意所之。 壮盛智愚,殊不再来。 爱时进趣,将以惠谁? 泛泛放逸,亦同何为! 歌以言志,戚戚欲何念! 其一 古公□(“擅”去提手旁,音“胆”)甫,积德垂仁。 思弘一道,哲王于豳。 太伯仲雍,王德之仁。 行施百世,断发文身。 伯夷叔齐,古之遗贤。 让国不用,饿殂首山。 智哉山甫,相彼宣王。 何用杜伯,累我圣贤。 齐桓之霸,赖得仲父。 后任竖刁,虫流出户。 晏子平仲,积德兼仁。 与世沈德,未必思命。 仲尼之世,主国为君。 随制饮酒,扬波使官。 其二 自惜身薄祜,夙贱罹孤苦。 既无三徙教,不闻过庭语。 其穷如抽裂,自以思所怙。 虽怀一介志,是时其能与! 守穷者贫贱,惋叹泪如雨。 泣涕于悲夫,乞活安能睹? 我愿于天穷,琅邪倾侧左。 虽欲竭忠诚,欣公归其楚。 快人由为叹,抱情不得叙。 显行天教人,谁知莫不绪。 我愿何时随?此叹亦难处。 今我将何照于光曜?释衔不如雨。 其三 朝日乐相乐,酣饮不知醉。 悲弦激新声,长笛吹清气。 弦歌感人肠,四坐皆欢悦。 寥寥高堂上,凉风入我室。 持满如不盈,有德者能卒。 君子多苦心,所愁不但一。 慊慊下白屋,吐握不可失。 众宾饱满归,主人苦不悉。 比翼翔云汉,罗者安所羁? 冲静得自然,荣华何足为! Hongyan Saibei out, is in no one village. Give wings million remaining, the behavior from the trip. South in winter diet of rice, spring complex Beixiang. Tanaka has transferred Peng, the wind fluttered away. Root length and therefore must, long live the not quite. Nonetheless this Zhengfu, Andhra drive Quartet! Understand his military saddle, armor separated from Pong. Slowly to the veteran, when back home? Dragon possession of the deep springs, beast step Takaoka. Death of the first hill owned by Fox, home of Encore forget! Virtue does not stress, changes in his own often difficult. ZHENG Kang-Cheng Xing Jiu, bowed to the ground kick the bucket; GUO Jing plans to do in Park Sang life. Pu with me in the pool, where its leaves Lili. Pong can do it justice and humanity, Morrow concubine know. Zhong Koushuo gold, Shijun students leave. Jun concept to me, worry often bitter grief alone. Jun wants to see color, a sense of sadness Results spleen. Nian-jun often bitter grief, the night sleep. Do not hesitate to Hao Yin, therefore, to give up love to donate prime? Do not hesitate to fish cheap, disposable donated onion and scallion? Do not hesitate to Ma □ (on the audience of wood, the sound "hi") cheap, disposable and Kuai Jian donation? Why bother abuzz out, into abuzz need to worry. More Mening frontier, where bits and pieces of trees! To separate music from the king, sickness life future generations. Rainbow drive, take the red cloud, Teng He Jiuyi calendar Yumen. Han Ji-day, to the Kunlun Mountains, see Ye Dongjun Queen Mother. Cross Akamatsu, and tomb door, by the spirit of love to Midao. Chi-British food, drink Liquan, column stick Guizhi Peiqiu Lan. Absolutely personnel, travel Hun yuan, if the wind tour [inflammation due to] lightly. King did not shift, the line of thousands, such as the Nanshan forget life trespass. |