宋代 赵师侠 Zhao Shixia  宋代  
万年欢 Everlasting Joy
水调歌头(龙帅宴王公明) Shuidiaogetou Long Yan Shuai Princes bright
水调歌头(癸卯信丰送春) Shuidiaogetou Mao Xinfeng Chun sent
水调歌头(戊申春陵用旧韵赋二词呈族守德远) Shuidiaogetou The forty fifth of the sexagesimall Chun Ling Outwear Yun Shou-Fu 2 family of German words were far
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
水调歌头(和石林韵) Shuidiaogetou and Hoodoos charm
水调歌头(丁已长沙寿王枢使) Shuidiaogetou Ding has been Changsha municipality birthday Wang shu employ
满江红(甲午豫章和李思永) Azolla Sino-Japanese Tree or camphor tree And Lee See-young
满江红(辛丑赴信丰,舟行赣石中) Azolla Boxer went Xinfeng Boat Gan rock
满江红(壬子秋社莆中赋桃花) Azolla Prince Po in the fall of society Fu Peach
满江红(丙辰中秋定王台即席饯富次律) Azolla Bing-Chen Mid-autumn Dingwangtai Extempore Preserves the rich sub-law
满江红(丁已和济时几宜送春) Azolla Ding has been and Economic time Several desirable Chun sent
沁园春(和伍子严避暑二首) Qin Yuan Chun and sub-Yan Wu Summer 2
沁园春 Patio Spring
酹江月(题赵文炳枕屏) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river inscribe Zhao wen Ping Ping Pillow
酹江月(丙午螺川) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Heigo Lo River
酹江月(乙未白莲待廷对) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Yi Wei White lotus stay to respond to the emperor's queries at court
酹江月(乙未中元自柳州过白莲) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Yi Wei Zhong Yuan from Liu zhou across White Lotus
酹江月(万载龙江眼界) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river 10 000 _set_ Dragon river view
酹江月(足乐园牡丹) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river ample Paradise peony
促拍满路花(信丰黄师尹跳珠亭) Promote film flower moon road Master Yin Shun Feng Huang Chu Ting jump
古诗 ancient style poetry


