宋代 张栻 Zhang Shi  宋代   (1133~1180)
水调歌头(联句问讯罗汉同朱熹) Shuidiaogetou Joint sentences Waylay 梵 arhat same Zhu Xi
安国晚酌葵轩分韵得成字 Yasukuni Late discretion Kiken Sub-yun Get into character
安国置酒敬简堂分韵得柳暗六春字 Yasukuni Zhijiu Dear Jane Hall Sub-yun Liu Chun-six characters were dark
芭蕉茶送伯承伯承赋诗三章次韵 Banana Tea sent Bocheng Bo Cheng Indite Chapters write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
跋王介甫游钟山图 travel Wang jie Fu Yu Zhong Hill Figure
彪德美来会于泉有诗因次韵 Biao Germany and the United States to be in a poem by Izumi write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
别离情所钟十二章章四句送定叟弟之官严陵 Leave Love the clock Troubadour Chapter 4 old man sent to his brother officer Yanling _set_ Tomb
古诗 ancient style poetry


