楚国 屈原 Qu Yuan  楚国   (B.C.340~B.C.278)
One poem at a time

Qu Yuan
A prince am I of ancestry renowned,
Illustrious name my royal sire hath found.
When Sirius did in spring its light display,
A child was born, and Tiger marked the day.
When first upon my face my lord's eye glanced,
For me auspicious names he straight advanced,
Denoting that in me Heaven's marks divine
Should with the virtues of the earth combine.
With lavished innate qualities indued,
By art and skill my talents I renewed;
Angelic herbs and sweet selineas too,
And orchids late that by the water grew,
I wove for ornament; till creeping Time,
Like water flowing, stole away my prime.
Magnolias of the glade I plucked at dawn,
At eve beside the stream took winter-thorn.
Without delay the sun and moon sped fast,
In swift succession spring and autumn passed;
The fallen flowers lay scattered on the ground,
The dusk might fall before my dream was found.

Had I not loved my prime and spurned the vile,
Why should I not have changed my former style?
My chariot drawn by steeds of race divine
I urged; to guide the king my sole design.

Three ancient kings there were so pure and true
That round them every fragrant flower grew;
Cassia and pepper of the mountain-side
With melilotus white in clusters vied.
Two monarchs then, who high renown received,
Followed the kingly way, their goal achieved.
Two princes proud by lust their reign abused,
Sought easier path, and their own steps confused.
The faction for illict pleasure longed;
Dreadful their way where hidden perils thronged.
Danger against myself could not appal,
But feared I lest my sovereign's sceptre fall.

Forward and back I hastened in my quest,
Followed the former kings, and took no rest.
The prince my true integrity defamed,
Gave ear to slander, high his anger flamed;
Integrity I knew could not avail,
Yet still endured; my lord I would not fail.
Celestial spheres my witness be on high,
I strove but for his sacred majesty.
Twas first to me he gave his plighted word,
But soon repenting other counsel heard.
For me departure could arouse no pain;
I grieved to see his royal purpose vain.

Nine fields of orchids at one time I grew,
For melilot a hundred acres too,
And fifty acres for the azalea bright,
The rumex fragrant and the lichen white.
I longed to see them yielding blossoms rare,
And thought in season due the spoil to share.
I did not grieve to see them die away,
But grieved because midst weeds they did decay.

Insatiable in lust and greediness
The faction strove, and tired not of excess;
Themselves condoning, others they'd decry,
And steep their hearts in envious jealousy.

Insatiably they seized what they desired,
It was not that to which my heart aspired.
As old age unrelenting hurried near,
Lest my fair name should fail was all my fear.
Dew from magnolia leaves I drank at dawn,
At eve for food were aster petals borne;
And loving thus the simple and the fair,
How should I for my sallow features care?
With gathered vines I strung valeria white,
And mixed with blue wistaria petals bright,
And melilotus matched with cassia sweet,
With ivy green and tendrils long to meet.
Life I adapted to the ancient way,
Leaving the manners of the present day;
Thus unconforming to the modern age,
The path I followed of a bygone sage.

Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears,
To see my people bowed by griefs and fears.
Though I my gifts enhanced and curbed my pride,
At morn they'd mock me, would at eve deride;
First cursed that I angelica should wear,
Then cursed me for my melilotus fair.
But since my heart did love such purity,
I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.

I marvel at the folly of the king,
So heedless of his people's suffering.
They envied me my mothlike eyebrows fine,
And so my name his damsels did malign.
Truly to craft alone their praise they paid,
The square in measuring they disobeyed;
The use of common rules they held debased;
With confidence their crooked lines they traced.

In sadness plunged and sunk in deepest gloom,
Alone I drove on to my dreary doom.
In exile rather would I meet my end,
Than to the baseness of their ways descend.
Remote the eagle spurns the common range,
Nor deigns since time began its way to change;
A circle fits not with a square design;
Their different ways could not be merged with mine.
Yet still my heart I checked and curbed my pride,
Their blame endured and their reproach beside.
To die for righteousness alone I sought,
For this was what the ancient sages taught.

I failed my former errors to discern;
I tarried long, but now I would return.
My steeds I wheeled back to their former way,
Lest all too long down the wrong path I stray.
On orchid-covered bank I loosed my steed,
And let him gallop by the flow'ry mead
At will. Rejected now and in disgrace,
I would retire to cultivate my grace.
With cress leaves green my simple gown I made,
With lilies white my rustic garb did braid.
Why should I grieve to go unrecognised,
Since in my heart fragrance was truly prized?
My headdress then high-pinnacled I raised,
Lengthened my pendents, where bright jewels blazed.
Others may smirch their fragrance and bright hues,
My innocence is proof against abuse.
Oft I looked back, gazed to the distance still,
Longed in the wilderness to roam at will.
Splendid my ornaments together vied,
With all the fragrance of the flowers beside;
All men had pleasures in their various ways,
My pleasure was to cultivate my grace.
I would not change, though they my body rend;
How could my heart be wrested from its end?

My handmaid fair, with countenance demure,
Entreated me allegiance to abjure:
"A hero perished in the plain ill-starred,
Where pigmies stayed their plumage to discard.
Why lovest thou thy grace and purity,
Alone dost hold thy splendid virtue high?
Lentils and weeds the prince's chamber fill:
Why holdest thou aloof with stubborn will?
Thou canst not one by one the crowd persuade,
And who the purpose of our heart hath weighed?
Faction and strife the world hath ever loved;
Heeding me not, why standest thou removed?"

I sought th'ancestral voice to ease my woe.
Alas, how one so proud could sink so low!
To barbarous south I went across the stream;
Before the ancient I began my theme:
"With odes divine there came a monarch's son,
Whose revels unrestrained were never done;
In antics wild, to coming perils blind,
He fought his brother, and his sway declined.
The royal archer, in his wanton chase
For foxes huge, his kingdom did disgrace.
Such wantonness predicts no happy end;
His queen was stolen by his loyal friend.
The traitor's son, clad in prodigious might,
In incest sinned and cared not what was right.
He revelled all his days, forgetting all;
His head at last in treachery did fall.
And then the prince, who counsels disobeyed,
Did court disaster, and his kingdom fade.
A prince his sage in burning cauldrons tossed;
His glorious dynasty ere long was lost.

"But stern and pious was their ancient sire,
And his successor too did faith inspire;
Exalted were the wise, the able used,
The rule was kept and never was abused.
The august heaven, with unbiassed grace,
All men discerns, and helps the virtuous race;
Sagacious princes through their virtuous deed
The earth inherit, and their reigns succeed.
The past I probed, the future so to scan,
And found these rules that guide the life of man:
A man unjust in deed who would engage?
Whom should men take as guide except the sage?
In mortal dangers death I have defied,
Yet could look back, and cast regret aside.
Who strove, their tool's defects accounting nought,
Like ancient sages were to cauldrons brought."
Thus I despaired, my face with sad tears marred,
Mourning with bitterness my years ill-starred;
And melilotus leaves I took to stem
The tears that streamed down to my garment's hem.
Soiling my gown, to plead my case I kneeled;
Th'ancestral voice the path to me revealed.

Swift jade-green dragons, birds with plumage gold,
I harnessed to the whirlwind, and behold,
At daybreak from the land of plane-trees grey,
I came to paradise ere close of day.
I wished within the sacred brove to rest,
But now the sun was sinking in the west;
The driver of the sun I bade to stay,
Ere with the setting rays we haste away.
The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem,
As I urged on to seek my vanished dream.

The dragons quenched their thirst beside the lake
Where bathed the sun, whilst I upon the brake
Fastened my reins; a golden bough I sought
To brush the sun, and tarred there in sport.
The pale moon's charioteer I then bade lead,
The master of the winds swiftly succeed;
Before, the royal blue bird cleared the way;
The lord of thunder urged me to delay.
I bade the phoenix scan the heaven wide;
But vainly day and night its course it tried;
The gathering whirlwinds drove it from my sight,
Rushing with lowering clouds to check my flight;
Sifting and merging in the firmament,
Above, below, in various hues they went.

The gate-keeper of heaven I bade give place,
But leaning on his door he scanned my face;
The day grew dark, and now was nearly spent;
Idly my orchids into wreaths I bent.
The virtuous and the vile in darkness merged;
They veiled my virtue, by their envy urged.
At dawn the waters white I left behind;
My steed stayed by the portals of the wind;
Yet, gazing back, a bitter grief I felt
That in the lofty crag no damsel dwelt.

I wandered eastward to the palace green,
And pendents sought where jasper boughs were seen,
And vowed that they, before their splendour fade,
As gift should go to grace the loveliest maid.
The lord of clouds I then bade mount the sky
To seek the steam where once the nymph did lie;
As pledge I gave my belt of splendid sheen,
My councillor appointed go-between.
Fleeting and wilful like capricious cloud,
Her obstinacy swift no change allowed.
At dusk retired she to the crag withdrawn,
Her hair beside the stream she washed at dawn.
Exulting in her beauty and her pride,
Pleasure she worshipped, and no whim denied;
So fair of form, so careless of all grace,
I turned to take another in her place.

To earth's extremities I sought my bride,
And urged my train through all the heaven wide.
Upon a lofty crag of jasper green
The beauteous princess of the west was seen.
The falcon then I bade entreat the maid,
But he, demurring, would my course dissuade;
The turtle-dove cooed soft and off did fly,
But I mistrusted his frivolity.
Like whelp in doubt, like timid fox in fear,
I wished to go, but wandered ever near.
With nuptial gifts the phoenix swiftly went;
I feared the prince had won her ere I sent.
I longed to travel far, yet with no bourn,
I could but wander aimless and forlorn.
Before the young king was in marriage bound,
The royal sisters twain might still be found;
My suit was unauspicious at the best;
I knew I had small hope in my request.

The world is dark, and envious of my grace;
They veil my virture and the evil praise.
Thy chamber dark lies in recesses deep,
Sagacious prince, risest thou not from sleep?
My zeal unknown the prince would not descry;
How could I bear this harsh eternity?

With mistletoe and herbs of magic worth,
I urged the witch the future to show forth.
"If two attain perfection they must meet,
But who is there that would thy virtue greet?
Far the nine continents their realm display;
Why here to seek thy bride doth thou delay?
Away!" she cried, "set craven doubt aside,
If beauty's sought, there's none hath with thee vied.
What place is there where orchids flower not fair?
Why is thy native land thy single care?

"Now darkly lies the world in twilight's glow,
Who doth your defects and your virtue know?
Evil and good herein are reconciled;
The crowd alone hath nought but is defiled.
With stinking mugwort girt upon their waist,
They curse the others for their orchids chaste;
Ignorant thus in choice of fragrance rare,
Rich ornaments how could they fitly wear?
With mud and filth they fill their pendent bag;
Cursing the pepper sweet, they brawl and brag."
Although the witches counsel I held good,
In foxlike indecision still I stood.
At night the wizard great made his descent,
And meeting him spiced rice I did present.
The angels came, shading with wings the sky;
From mountains wild the deities drew nigh.
With regal splendour shone the solemn sight,
And thus the wizard spake with omens bright:

"Take office high or low as days afford,
If one there be that could with thee accord;
Like ancient kings austere who sought their mate,
Finding the one who should fulfill their fate.
Now if thy heart doth cherish grace within,
What need is there to choose a go-between?
A convict toiled on rocks to expiate
His crime; his sovereign gave him great estate.
A butcher with his knife made roundelay;
His king chanced there and happy proved the day.
A prince who heard a cowherd chanting late
Raised him to be a councillor of state.
Before old age o'ertake thee on thy way,
Life still is young; to profit turn thy day.
Spring is but brief, when cuckoos start to sing,
And flowers will fade that once did spread and spring."

On high my jasper pendent proudly gleamed,
Hid by the crowd with leaves that thickly teemed;
Untiring they relentless means employed;
I feared it would through envy be destroyed.
This gaudy age so fickle proved its will,
That to what purpose did I linger still?
E'en orchids changed, their fragrance quickly lost,
And midst the weeds angelicas were tossed.
How could these herbs, so fair in former day,
Their hue have changed, and turned to mugworts grey?
The reason for their fall, not far to seek,
Was that to tend their grace their will proved weak.

I thought upon the orchids I might lean;
No flowers appeared, but long bare leaves were seen;
Their grace abandoned, vulgar taste to please,
Content with lesser flowers to dwell at ease.
To boasts and flattery the pepper turned;
To fill the pendent bag the dogwood yearned;
Thus only upon higher stations bent,
How could they long retain their former scent?
Since they pursued the fashion of the time,
Small wonder they decayed e'en in their prime.
Viewing the orchids' and the peppers' plight
Why blame the rumex and selinea white?

My jasper pendent rare I was beguiled
To leave, and to this depth then sank defiled.
It blossomed still and never ceased to grow;
Like water did its lovely fragrance flow:
Pleasure I took to wear this bough in sport,
As roaming wild the damsel fair I sought.
Thus in my prime, with ornaments bedecked,
I roved the earth and heaven to inspect.

With omens bright the seer revealed the way,
I then appointed an auspicious day.
As victuals rare some jasper twigs I bore,
And some prepared, provision rich to store;
Then winged horses to my chariot brought
My carriage bright with jade and ivory wrought.

How might tow hearts at variance accord?
I roamed till peace be to my mind restored.
The pillar of the earth I stayed beside;
The way was long, and winding far and wide.
In twilight glowed the clouds with wondrous sheen,
And chirping flew the birds of jasper green.
I went at dawn high heaven's ford to leave;
To earth's extremity I came at eve.
On phoenix wings the dragon pennons lay;
With plumage bright they flew to lead the way.
I crossed the quicksand with its treach'rous flood,
Beside the burning river, red as blood;
To bridge the stream my dragons huge I bade,
Invoked the emperor of the west to aid.

The way was long, precipitous in view;
I bade my train a different path pursue.
There where the heaven fell we turned a space,
And marked the western sea as meeting-place.
A thousand chariots gathred in my train,
With axles full abreast we drove amain;
Eight horses drew the carriages behind;
The pennons shook like serpents in the wind.
I lowered flags, and from my whip refrained;
My train of towering chariots I restrained.
I sang the odes. I trod a sacred dance,
In revels wild my last hour to enhance.
Ascending where celestial heaven blazed,
On native earth for the last time we gazed;
My slaves were sad, my steeds all neighed in grief,
And gazing back, the earth they would not leave.

Since in that kingdom all my virtue spurn,
Why should I for the royal city yearn?
Wide though the world, no wisdom can be found.
I'll seek the stream where once the sage was drowned.
Translated by Google

Qu Yuan
Jiri Xi Liang Chen, Mu Yu Xi Shang Huang will.
Yu-Xi Fu sword Joel, cited Qiang Ming Xi gem.
Yao Xixiyutian, He'll Come Qiongfang.
Lan Xi Hui by steaming meat dish, lay the pepper pulp Xi Gui wine.
Yang Xi serrata pat drums, respite Festival Song Come On, Come Hao Chen yu se initiatives.
Xi Jiao Jian Yan Ling clothing, Fong Fei-fei Xi full house.
Xi Fan Fun pentameter would, Jun Xi Yue Xin Xin Kang.
Translated by Google

Qu Yuan
  Then who said old preacher at the beginning
  He did not shape up and down from the examination of
  Ming Zhao Meng who is extremely dark
  However, Fung Wing as the knowledge of how
  What is the secret but obviously when
  The Ho Ho Yin and Yang of Sanhe
  Nine won the degree of what business
  Weizihegong Shuchuzuozhi
  Woweiyanji YORK Yan plus
  Eight columns where any loss when the Southeast
  On the occasion of nine days is placed
  Anyone knowing more than the number of corner Okuma
  Twelve days of any of the Da Yan points
  Sun and Moon are Liexing An An Chen
  For secondary to Monte Bom Tom Valley
  Self-evident and the unlucky few miles of the line
  Glow in the death of the German and Education
  He and Gu Jue Levy dodder in the ventral
  Yan Qi women without husbands to take nine children together
  Peter Strong Safety where the benefits in
  He opened the whole family and the dark Ming Ho
  Spica is not Dan Yao, Ling On Tibet
  Why are not yet any division of Mi-hong
  Ye Qian said, why do not class the line of Heyou
  Chiguiyexian Gunhetingyan
  To succeed Emperor Shun Yan any criminal
  How in the Hayama husband never contain no facilities for three years
  Why Peter Yubigunfu changes
  Xu then compile the former into the test function
  He continued following the industry and dedication to seek the beginning of the different
  Why fill in the deep Quan
  Why the graves of the local nine
  Ho Ho Ying-long painting of Hohai calendar
  Gun Ho Yu He Suocheng the camp
  Hong Feng anger fall back to the East and South dump why
  An error Agrestis Kyushu last modified HO
  It does not overflow its east Shuzhi
  East and West more than what its repair
  South Shuntuoqiyan geometry
  Kunlun Mountains in the county Puqikaoan
  Nine of its high a few miles Zengcheng
  Who from the door of his four-Yan
  Provision of any gas through the Northwest Yan Kai
  Long Ho Chiu-Japan less than a candle
  If Xi and the not Huahe Guang Yang
  What did any of the summer and cold winter
  For what any animal can be made by Stone Forest
  For what negative Xiong Qiu Long, to tour
  Yan Xiong poisonous snake in nine mortal
  How long the dead man Ho Shou
  Mipingjiuqu Xi Hua homes
  She Tunxiang dedication of a large Ru
  Blackwater security crisis in the three mysterious toe
  Prolong die life where the only
  Dace Ho Yan at the heap of the Qi
  Yiyanbiri Wuyanjieyu
  Yu Xian power down to save the power of four soil
  He is nothing but pass the Tu-F Sang in Taiwan
  Min Fei is the second body piece together Jue
  Hu Wei Zhao addicted to eat different flavors and fast
  After the generation of benefits for Kai from Nie Curan
  He Qi but is of concern and to arrest
  Are harmless Ju Jue go bow shooting
  He Houyi down for Geeryubo
  Kai spine Binshangjiubian Nine
  He died minutes Qin child actually to slaughter the mother
  Yi Yi Ge down evil Emperor Min Xia
  Bo Hu husband shot and Qibiluopin
  Fengyaolijue Fengxishishe
  He then offered Zhengrou the Emperor is not as cream
  Zhuoquchunhu Xuanqiyuanmou
  He Yizhishege and Jiaotunkuizhi
  He Yueyan poor expedition rock resistance
  Into any live Wu Xiong Yan Huang
  Xianbojushu Fuguanshiying
  He cast the Gun from the disease and the revised profit
  White Niyingfuhu this Church
  Andhra husband Tibetan medicine can not be fixed
  Wang Yang-style from the days of death from the Yuan
  He Mingfu Yansangjueti bird
  No. Why Ping Xing began to rain
  Essays SF Ho Ying rib of deer
  Ao Dai Shan Bian of how security
  Shizhoulingxing Why move the
  However, in the household want anything else in Sao poured
  He Shaokang by dogs and Dianyunjueshou
  Slit skirts and female differences Museum ended with the Yuan
  Temple Ho Yi Jue Almost every first and pro-
  How thick soup of seeking easy to spin
  Overturn what way to take the discretion to seek
  He attacked from Yan Jie Meng
  Moxihesi Tanghejiyan
  In my father why Guan Shun Min
  Yao Yao told two women are not any pro-
  Jue Meng Yi-Yan in the beginning of what
  Huang Yan Taiwan Kazunari who are very
  Teng Li as Emperor of what channel is still
  Nu Wa has the body of what made Carpenter
  Shunfujuedi damage then eventually
  He wantonly dogs body and the body does not risk failure Jue
  Wu is only by the ancient Nanyue until
  What was the two men on to Sri Lanka
  After the Jade Emperor Yuan Hu is decorated Xiang
  He finally by seeking to eliminate funeral Xia Jie
  Every fall under the concept of God is loved in Iraq
  Fined and shall cause any side, said Lebanese large service
  Jane Di Yi Ho in Taiwan Ku
  Black bird To Yinvhexi
  The Father is the Zang Bing Jide Jue
  Hu Hu eventually harm to a Cardiff cattle and sheep grazing
  Why dance when dry Cherish The Association
  Pingleimanfu how fat the
  Youhumushu Yunhe and every
  Bed-first-out hit from his life where
  Fu Niu Pu Hang Bing Jide nothing
  He is not only to the business class also to Paul
  Hunweizunji a restless Di
  He Fanniaocuiji Fuzaisiqing
  Xuandibingyin brother against Jue
  Any change for a long fraud heirs and every
  Cheng Tang Xin Yuan East tour with a very
  He Qi He Xiao Chen and Jifeishide
  The wooden waterfront boy was he
  Maid Accompanying her husband had any evil of women Xin
  Tangchuzhongquan Fuhezuiyou
  Cutting very heart of God husband who makes the pick
  He will practice my Korean Confederation of war
  Cang birds fly Shushicuizhi
  Liejizhougong Shudanbujia
  Premier issued any given week of pro-life to Zijie
  World and their place safety award Shi Yin
  Fanchengnaiwang against himself what Iraq
  Why fight the line of severance cutting device
  And how to drive hit the wing
  Zhaohou Cheng Yu Nantuyuandi
  Jueliweihe Fengbibaizhi
  Zhou Mu Wang Qiaomei husband what flow
  Cardiff Central, where the world to demand management
  No demon husband in the city where drag-hyun
  You-Fu Zhou concubine who punish nothing
  What side of any penalty against Destiny Yu
  Qihuan kill nine body will Curan
  Biwang Zhouzhigongshu the chaotic confusion
  What evil Fubi Chanchanshifu
  Bi Gan Shen Ho reverse the suppression of
  Ray opened the encomienda of Shun Ho
  One German soldier saints any of its anisotropy
  Mabel by mince Ji Zi Yang Kuang
  Ji-dimensional Motoko Dihezhuzhi
  Throw it into the ice bird of the sultry
  Shu Feng HE vector can rely on the bow
  Emperor excited both surprise cut of what every long
  Bochanghaocui Bingbianzuomu
  He made Chebiqishe Mingyouyinguo
  Qi He moved to the timely possession
  What has puzzled by Yin ridiculed women
  Shoucizihai West appealed
  He pro-life to God, to a fine not save Yin
  Teachers look at Sichangheshi
  Hi Ho drum knife after speaker
  Ho Yin Wu made the sad death
  He _set_ out the urgency of integration body
  Why pheasant by Berlin but their
  Any sense of day Cardiff who fear suppression
  However, what _set_s heaven ring of life
  Shouli the world and so to replace it
  Tomson Zhihouzicheng early secondary
  He finally official threads were eating soup respect
  Xunhemengsheng less discrete death
  He Zhuang Wu Jue Yan Li energy flow
  Ho Peng Xiang Kengzhenzhidi
  Morley Ho Wing by long life
  Wrath of the central Gongmuhouhe
  Ho Bee vitality solid micro-moth
  Plucking woo women how shocked deer
  Hi Ho North to four water extraction
  Brother has Shiquandihe For
  Death of the two hundred and easy without Paul
  Dusk lightning return Heyou
  Jue Yan Feng Tai does not want anything else
  Hiding in caves Yuan Fu Yun Ho
  Jing Fu Chang-hoon for the division
  More I realize how words have changed
  Peter Woo Kwong-long dispute over the country is winning
  What ring to wear out from the sub-Yuan Lu Wen Society Hill
  I report to no longer block Ao
  He try to loyal name of self-Mi Chang
Translated by Google

Qu Yuan
Surging muong xia Xi, luxuriant vegetation.
Xi Yong sad sad, confused the Migration of Southern soil.
Dazzled Xi Yao Yao, Kong Jing humor.
Stagnation Yu Zhen Xi, and long bow from the Min.
Chi Fu Xi love efficiency, grievances and self-suppression.
Xi Wan side that won, not for regular degree.
The beginning of the Di Yi Xi, rustic gentleman.
Ink painting Zhi Xi Chapter, the former figure not changed.
Come inside the thick mass is, the Sheng adults.
Qiao Xi Chui not hack, what is hear his call.
Xi Wen Xuan quiet place, Mongolia is not blind that the chapter;
Come from the Air micro-Lou, that the blind ignorance.
Black and white that Xi and pour that next.
Fenghuang in Nu Xi, chicken duck Xiangwu.
Come with Rou jade, covers the phase volume.
However, the rustic solid partisan husband Xi, the Zang Yu Qiang do not know.
Xi Ren Sheng overloaded, rather than economic stagnation trap.
Huai Jin Xi Yu grip, as shown in the poor do not know.
Yap group of barking dogs Xi, bark of the blame also.
Non-Jun Xi Jie suspect, Yong solid state as well.
Come inside the sparse text quality, the public do not know more than the EXTRAORDINARY SPLENDOUR.
Timber volume Xi Park Commission, more than Mozhi all.
Chung-jen, meaning the passage of fortune, like thick that abundance.
Wa can not be E Xi, Yu Shu Zhi calm!
Is not inherent in the ancient and fortune, turned out the why also?
Tang Yu-old Xi, Mu Miao and can not have?
Correctional reform anger violation Xi, bradycardia and self-reliance.
Not move away from the Min Xi, is willing to blog of a like.
Come into the northbound times, at dusk it will be ignorant of the ignorant.
Ai Xi Shu worry about entertainment, so the limit of the big.
Chaos said:
Yuan-Xiang vast, streaming confused Xi.
Cover quiet road, long road suddenly Xi.
Huai-quality conditions hold, alone matchless Xi.
Bole neither, Ji Yan Cheng Xi.
Livelihood intrinsic life, all have the wrong Xi.
Centering Hiroshi, I fear what the Xi?
Mourning was hurt Yuan, Xi Yong sigh.
World cloudy Mo I know, people can not be said Xi.
Know that death is not so willing to not love Xi.
Ming told the gentleman, happiness of that class Xi.
Translated by Google

Qu Yuan
  Song-Min Xi Xi so excited, for the lyrical.
  The terms of the non-Xi Zhong, means that heaven is.
  Come to a compromise that the Five Emperors, to the service of God and quit six.
  Come to serve the mountains to prepare for Yu, Yao blame to listen to straight life.
  Dried loyalty Shijun Xi, anti-outliers and redundant You.
  Forgot to back all Xi Mei Xuan, could maintain their knowledge of pending.
  Words and deeds can trace its fortune, its the same feeling and appearance.
  Jun Xi Chen Morrow phase it, so far certificates.
  Then the body Xi Yi Xian Jun Wu, Qiang all of the enemies are.
  However, his post-Chun without fortune, and all of the hatred trillion.
  One heart instead of Xi Yu, Qiang is also no guarantee.
  Disease pro-Jun Xi without him, there are flies fly way too.
  Si Jun Zhong Xi of its Mo I, cheap body suddenly forget the poor.
  Shijun Xi II not, fans do not know the pet door.
  What's wrong with the case of Xi suffering punishment, nor the chih Yu.
  Group to the top of the line is not more fortune, and all of the Tai Siu also.
  Fun Every especially from slander Xi, Jian can not release too.
  Xi Shen of the situation rather than suppression, but also shield the Mo white.
  I boast hinder heart Xi Yi Yu, and Mocha over into the situation.
  Results and annoying words can not be fixed yi Xi, Chen would like no way.
  Do I know back silent and fortune, into the No. Do I have heard another call.
  Shen boast hinder the Fanhuo Xi, the stuffy dim the Tuntun.
  Xi Xi I dream almost impossible, without Hang middle soul.
  I share the God of Li Xi, said: "very interested but not next."
  "Come the end in divorce risk independence? Said:" Jun can think of and can not rely.
  So word of the Shuo Jin Xi, if the beginning of every perilous.
  Correctional Services in the soup and blow [the whole / leek - are] Xi, where this blog is also the same?
  Worse than in former times of the state also.
  Suddenly to startle the public centrifugal Xi, how can this with also?
  Differences with the pole and Xi, how can this aid also?
  Xi Jin Shensheng the dutiful son, the father slander and bad faith.
  Yu Xi upright straight line instead of, rather than on Gun function. "
  I have heard as to create resentment Zhong Xi, suddenly that the over the floor.
  Jiu Zhe Xi arm from doctors, I ran so far known by the letter.
  Arrow with a streamer in the machine Xi Yi, Zhang Luo bird net next.
  Let Xi Zhang Jun provision to entertain, is willing to sidle up nothing.
  For dry hinder Xi Dan irresolute, but from the fear of suffering, especially heavy.
  To _set_ Come fly, and well, that thou _set_tedst little of Jun indiscriminately?
  For Ben and the loss of road Xi Wang, Chi-kin, and could not bear to cover.
  To pay back the pain Xi Ying Pan, heart blues and Yu Zhen.
  Xi Jiao Hui Mulan to trace, Zuo Shen pepper that food.
  Multicast Jiang Xi Ju Zi away and ready to spring that Qiu Fang.
  Fear of the situation do not believe the quality of the Xi, it is heavy with the self-evident.
  Hereby Xi Jiao Mei to private parts, may have been thinking and far themselves.
Translated by Google

Qu Yuan
  This odd baby clothes more than good fortune, in both the old and not bad.
  Of land with a long sword from the fortune, the crown cut cloud Cui Wei.
  Xi Pei Baolu by the moon.
  Do I know the world turbidity and fortune, my party at the expense of high-Chi.
  Can drive the white dragon blue dragon Come, I Come with the Chung-Hua Yu Yao of the garden.
  Deng Kunlun food Yu-ying Xi, Xi with the life and heaven and earth, sun and the moon Come with the light.
  Do I know the sorrow Nanyi Xi, Dan Yuji Hu Jiang Xiang.
  For the duty-bound by E Xi, Xu Hey autumn and winter wind
  Step Ma Xi Shan Gao Yu, Di Fang Xi Lin Yu car.
  I ship by small boat with windows on the Yuan Xi, Qi Wu elimination list to hit.
  Come into the content and not the ship, while the suspect lag backwater flooding.
  North Korea made in vain For Xi, Xi Chen Yang Su.
  Gou Xi Yu heart of their side straight, although remote of any injuries.
  Come into the Xupu Yu Shan irresolute, as fans do not know Wusuo.
  Xi Ming Ming Lin Yao to deep ape You of the home.
  Jun Gao Shan Xi blocks out the sun, under the quiet dark to rain.
  Come snow, sleet Fun its vast, clouds started falling and Cheng Yu.
  My life is not sad music of Come, quiet peaceful solitude in the mountains.
  I can not change of heart from the popular Xi, solid end to anxiety and poor.
  Xi Yu Kum first pick, Sang Hu naked line.
  No need to use Zhong Xi Yin do not have to.
  Child every calamity Wu Xi, Bi Gan Potamogeton mince.
  Come with the Past and the alike, how can I blame this person almost!
  Yu Yu Dong Xi Road, instead of the solid will be re-faint for life!
  Chaos said: phoenix birds Feng Huang, Xi beyond Japan.
  Songbirds Ukraine magpie nest Church altar Xi.
  Xinyi Lu Shen, Xi thin dead forest.
  Xingsao and Yu, Fang Xi not thin.
  Translocation of yin and yang, when properly Xi.
  Wai Shun Tuo hinder, the line suddenly almost Wu Jiang Xi!
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Qu Yuan
  Come heaven of impure life, how the people of the earthquake transgression?
  The relative loss of discrete public Xi, Fang Zhongchun and dongqian.
  Go home and to Come, follow Jiangxia to exile.
  Huai Zhen Xi doors abroad, toward a of the I to the line.
  Hair away Lu Xi Ying Du, Chao Yan shortage suddenly the most?
  Ji Qi and Xi Yang to accommodate, rather than be sad Jianjun.
  Xi Wang Long Catalpa and heave a deep sigh, the tears Yinyin if sleet.
  The West over the summer's first floating Xi, Gu gantry and disappear.
  Xi Yuan Chan and sad heart, I do not know their plantar subtle.
  Xi Shun storm in from the stream, Yan Yang Yang and the passengers.
  Abuse of Bom Xi Ling Yang Hou, suddenly flying the Yan thin.
  Results and understand the heart anxious Xi, Jian think not release production.
  Xi Zhou and fall will be shipped, the Dongting and xiajiang.
  Come to Zhonggu of the home, Happy now come East.
  For the soul go Qiang Xi, where even for a moment forget opposite.
  Xi Xia Pu and Xisi back, sadness and the ancient capital of Japan away.
  By Yuan Wang Xi Deng Otsuka, Shu I talk to worry about.
  Pingle sad state of earth Xi, the sad legacy of Jiang Kai.
  When lingyang of Yan to Come, Miao Yan crossed the like?
  I do not know as the hill has Come summer, what can the two East Gate of the Wu?
  Yi Xi do not mind the long-term, worry and sorrow of its phase.
  Xi Ying Road, but distant, Jiang is not involved with the summer.
  Xi suddenly not believe, has nine without reply.
  Miserable depressed and not through fortune, but with Qi Jian boast hinder.
  Cheng Huan outside of [Rui spoon] about Xi, Chen weak and rather difficult to hold.
  Xi Zhong Zhan Zhan and would like to enter, Jealous and Zhang are from the.
  The anti-line Xi Yao and Shun, the Yao Yao and thin days.
  Come all the slander jealous person, was not kind to the false name.
  The repair indignant hate the United States Lun Xi, the generosity of a good wife.
  The day the public Qie CDs Xi, the U.S. ultra-long and more than a step.
  Chaos said:
  Man I head to flow concept Xi, Ji when a hand?
  Anti-bird Come home, Fox will be the first Confucius died.
  Abandoned by the letter Xi Fei-wu crime, why forget the day and night?
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Qu Yuan
  Concerned dies of heart Come, by injury alone almost never a sigh.
  Production of thinking does not address Jian Xi, Mann was the party the night long.
  Come autumn of touching sadness, how very much back to floating.
  However, as much as a few angry Xi Sun, I Heart You You hurt.
  Ben would like to swing and Xi Wang, browse the public especially since the town.
  Results of micro situation to be heard Xi Jiao left her husband to beauty.
  Xi Xi Jun and I sincerely made, said that on the evening.
  Xi Qiang middle and back side, both the anti-his blog.
  Arrogant I Come with its beautiful, fascinating view over its repair.
  Come with more than words but not the letter, which made more than cover for anger.
  May Cheng Xi leisure and self-observation, heart telegram to offer but did not dare.
  Sad Ji Jin Xi Yi still the heart of the Dandan DA injuries.
  Xi love to submit hereby calendar, sun and not heard details of deaf.
  Solid does not cut Mei Xi person, all the fruit in my infestation.
  Chen Geng was the beginning of Wu Suo Xi, Yong Qi has its death?
  He alone of Jian Jian Xi Le Si? Beauty may be willing to sun light.
  Come look like the three kings that means that the instrument Peng Hsien.
  Husband not to any great fortune, so far heard the hard loss.
  Good not help foreign Xi, the name can not be empty for.
  Err Xi Shi and it has been reported, but there were Shubu real?
  Little song said:
  Come think with the beauty pumping, and day and night without being.
  Arrogant I Come with its beautiful, Ao I resigned rather than listen.
  Initiative said: Come for the birds from the south, to _set_ the Han North.
  Good fascinating beauty Xi, Pan alone in this foreign land.
  Qiongqiong alone but not group Xi, and unscrupulous media in their side.
  Forgot Xi Road Zhuoyuan the day, and not willing to self-application.
  Xi Wang Kitayama and runny nose, temporary water and heave a deep sigh.
  Come night short muong xia Wang, Huiming of any age if?
  Xi Ying Road, but distant, while the nine Soul passed away overnight.
  Who do not know the merits of Xi Road, South refers to the month and Liexing.
  Come May Drive passed away and without, the soul of your way of doing business.
  He believed the soul Come straight, people with heart not with my heart!
  Xi Li weak and the media barrier, yet I do not know more than the calm.
  Chaos said:
  Nagase turbulence, Sujiang Tan Xi.
  Gu mad southbound Come chat with entertainment center.
  Zhen Wei Wei Shi, Jian Xi I would like.
  Super back Shido, line fade into the Xi.
  Dihuai Yi Utah, places North Kou Xi.
  Tired of injustice dim capacity, real Pei 徂 Xi.
  Hard unhappy sigh of God, the spirit away thinking Xi.
  Road distance quiet, nor the line media Xi.
  Road thinking for Chung, Come talk to save themselves.
  Worried fail, who made Sri Lanka reported Xi.
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Qu Yuan
  Think beauty Xi, Yi Lan tears the queue.
  Come stop the media ruin, words can not end the yi.
  Jian Jian Xi injustice of trouble, delay _set_tlement without hair.
  Zhong Qing Shen Xi Dan to Shu, Chi Shen Wan and Moda.
  Come ready to send words in clouds, but not to Hong Leong case.
  Returning to the speech by Xi, Xun high Qiang harder and harder.
  Dig the spirit of Sheng Xi, yi Erzhi by black bird.
  For treachery to Come from the popular, easy early and Quzhi shame.
  Single calendar year from the Min Xi, Qiang still unknown of by heart.
  Xi Min and Shoukao implicit rather, how the variation can be!
  Come to know before the rut of fail, not changed the degree.
  Britain not only cover the horse car Xi, Jian Huai this different way alone.
  Le Qi Xi Ji and more driving, as I speak of the Cepheid,
  Xi moved to shrink from meeting Erwu flooding, shall be the time to talk holiday.
  Refers to the mound to the west of Okuma Xi Bo, yellow and crimson that period.
  Come spring hair-year-old, out of a lengthy day.
  Dang Zhi Wu Jiang Xi and the happiness, follow the river summer to entertain worry.
  Fang Lan Yi Xi of large thin, 搴 places Mang Cheung Chau.
  Wu Xi Xi is less than the ancients, who I play with the grass with?
  Flat thin and mixed vegetables solution Xi, Pei prepared to pay that.
  Xi Pei Fun to transfer wind, then wither and never divorced.
  I worry, and Xi Dan irresolute to entertain and watch the Penan of metamorphosis.
  Come steal fast in the center, rather than by Yang Si Jue.
  Fang and Ze their hybridity Xi, Qiang Fang-hua from the out.
  Come the much steam Fun depressed, full of inside out Yang.
  Love letter to Paul and quality Xi, Qiang Zhang Home shield and smell.
  Li Xi so that Ficus pumila, dread lift the edge of wood toe.
  Come for Lotus and for the media, dread 褰 skirts and moisten enough.
  Come climb I did not say, into the next I can not.
  I refused to accept the form of solid Xi, then volume, and the suspicion.
  Guang Xi then before painting, this degree has not changed.
  Stop at the quiet happiness of life is fortune, not willing and the day of the evening also.
  Come alone Qiongqiong the south, think of it too salty Peng.
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Qu Yuan
  Xi Xi past the letter had, when ordered Zhao Yi Zhao.
  Fengxian power to license under the Xi, Ming testimonies of the suspects.
  Li Xi National Prosperity Act, is a minister and at Si Chen.
  _Set_ out what the secret heart of Xi, although fault still Eph governance.
  Xi Pang not discharge the pure heart, a man was jealous of slander.
  Dai Chen Xi Jun talk too much and do not clear the this through.
  The clever cover dark Jun Xi, virtual confusion error Youyi bully.
  Eph reference to test reality testing Xi, Chen and Firth moved away.
  Come slander flattering letter of turbidity, Sheng Chi and over the air.
  Ho Chen-Xi Chen of innocence, was, especially from the slander and see.
  Come the integrity ashamed condition, body humor concealed thereon.
  Pro Xi Yuan Yuan Xiang of the mysterious, Sui Zi Ren and Shen flow.
  Death did not name the body and must Xi, Xi does not obstruct the king of Zhao.
  Jun excessive and Fu Cha Xi, Tau quiet as the grass.
  Yan Shu Xi love and pumping the letter, Tim died without chat.
  Obstruct the disadvantages implicit barriers alone Xi, the Chen-chen-free by the.
  Come hear a hundred miles for the prisoner, Yiyin cooking in a child.
  Lvwang Tu in Chaoge Xi, Ning Qi Song and rice cattle.
  Not every Tangwu and Huan Xi Miao, the World what the cloud learned.
  Xi Shun Wu slander Erfu taste, Zixu dying worry.
  Zhong Xi meson standing dead, Wenjun http and pursuit.
  Ban Kai Feng Xi Shan to do this, at the leisurely Dade.
  Come a long time so the person think, because Gaosu cry of.
  Festival faithful to death, or fortune, or arrogant 谩 without doubt.
  Eph introspection while the real Come, listen to slander one of the virtual speech.
  Fang and Ze their hybridity Xi, Shen Dan and the other of what?
  Come any herb of premature deaths, down slightly frost ring.
  Unknown and the shelter obstruct understanding Cong Xi, so flattering and the day was slander.
  Yin Xi of envy from the Past, that LOH if it can not wear.
  Jealous of the sweet Xi Jia Ye, ugly woman a good mother and since Jiao.
  Although the beauty Xi Shi Xi, slander envy into the self-generation.
  Would like to petition to the white line Xi, offend the unpreparedness.
  Love injustice Come see the day out, as measured out of misplaced.
  Come by steed and ride without reins title and self-contained;
  The following flow by the Pan-Fu Xi, No Means and owned.
  Come back testimonies and the heart of governance, the provision of the same with this.
  Ning Xi that Charlie died in exile for fear of a curse then.
  Speech and not to go to Yuan Xi Bi, but unfortunately does not obstruct the king of knowledge.
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Qu Yuan
  After Wong Ka Shue, orange clothing Lai Xi.
  Ordered not to move, the Health and Tropical Xi.
  Deep solid hard re_set_tlement, but One Chi Xi.
  Green Yesu Rong, Fun Come its welcome.
  Chi Yan has spines, round fruit Tuan Xi.
  Qinghuang hybridity, articles rotten Xi.
  In fine white color, class, Xi Ren Road.
  Fun 緼 Yixiu, fascinating but not ugly Xi.
  Sigh Seoul Young Chi, there are the different Xi.
  Independence does not move, would not welcome Come?
  Deep solid hard re_set_tlement, no demand profile of its Xi.
  Su Shi independent, cross-flow instead of Xi.
  Heart from the carefully closed, the final without losing too Xi.
  Bingde selfless, the Senate Xi world.
  Years of age and would like to thank, and long friends Xi.
  Shu-off is not prostitution, stem the rational Xi.
  Age, though small, can teachers Xi.
  Line Bibo Yi, _set_ that as the Xi.
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Qu Yuan
  LOH sad Come back to the wind shaking, heart injustice Results and internal injuries.
  A micro-meteorite material of the Xi, there is an underlying sound of the first initiatives.
  He made her husband think of Xi Xian Peng, cum Chi Kai and forget!
  Shall cover the situation changing fortune, what hypocrisy can be long!
  No group of birds to Xi Ming, grass Ju Fang than not.
  Fish scales to self-repair Do not Come, hidden dragon of their articles.
  Therefore, different acres of water chestnut Come Tu, Lan You-Zhi Fang and independence.
  However, all beauty of Xi Yong, more unified world and self-Kuang.
  Polygala the reach of subtle Xi, pity the phase cloud sheep.
  Introduction subtle temptations of the Xi Chi, poetry of the Ming burglary.
  However, the unique beauty pregnant Xi, discount if a self-Law Department.
  Xu Xi Xi was the sigh sigh, single blind and thoughts.
  Tiqi pay the desolately Xi Shu think does not sleep well.
  Come the final night of the Man-man, and not to cover the sadness.
  Http calm the flow of Xi Zhou and talk Happy to count on.
  Come injury heave a deep sigh of pity pity, gas and can not stop in Yap.
  Jiu Xiang Xi thinking mind that the compilation sorrow that Ying.
  If the wood in order to shield off light Xi, with Piaofeng of the remains.
  Come save and not see if the heart of its active, if soup.
  Pei-ren in the case of Chi Fu Xi, and carry out over desolate desolate.
  If the decadent age of its Xi Hu Hu, time will slowly but is coming.
  Fan Heng is issued while the section from the Xi, Fang to rest and not over.
  Correctional pity not think heart Come, talk not permit the remark.
  Ning Xi that Charlie died in exile, often the heart can not bear this sorrow.
  Xi Yin and wipe tears soliton, put sub out but not yet.
  Practice makes thought without hidden fortune, the smell of the salt according to Peng.
  Luan Shi Xi Tang to Yuan Wang, Lu Miao Miao of silence.
  Into the King should not affect the fortune, but could not smell the province would like.
  Come quickly dies of worry-free, home sad and unsolvable.
  Custodial rather than open heart Ji Xi, gas wind turned to self-association.
  The vast Mu Miao Miao Xi, Mang Mountain Mountain of no instrument.
  There is an underlying sense of sound relative to Xi, and materials are pure and impractical.
  Man Man is not the amount of Miao Xi, misty rain, not the cops.
  Come quietly worry about the often tragic, Pina jis of the non-entertainment.
  Xi Ling Dabo and the wind flow, Forex Capital Market LLC Peng salt of the home.
  High rock cliffs on the shore of Xi, at the standard of female rainbow Britain.
  According to Hong Xi Qing Ming and the vent, then mortal and palpable days.
  The floating suction Zhan Lu Xi cool, rinse Cream of the atmosphere atmosphere.
  Self-interest by Wind Point Xi, suddenly dumping http to be joined.
  Kunlun to Kan Feng Xi fog, hidden Minshan to Qingjiang.
  □ turbulence of dread cap Chung Xi, listening to the sound of waves on strong.
  Come Rongrong of Fun without the neglect of non-discipline Mount Mountain.
  No way of rolling ocean of Xi, Chi Yan Committee moved the stop.
  Looking through the upper and lower drift fortune, left and right wing distant.
  Pan-bubble bubble around their fortune, accompanied by relaxation of the letter.
  Gas phase is still the view of Xi Yan, glimpse of the liquid smoke product.
  Come under the frost of all sad, listening to the tide of the phase hit.
  By circumstances in the past to Come, Shi Huang spine of wasted policy.
  Come find meson of the deposit, see the release Boyi track.
  Heart scheduling Erfu to Xi, the non-engraved fitness blog.
  Said: I blame the old wing of the Xi, condolences to those of Titi.
  Floating River, Huai Hai Xi into the room, from Zixu and adaptive.
  Zhou Zhu Xi river of hope, compassion only the anti-trace applications.
  Not listen at first admonished Jun Xi, Yi Ho heavy stone!
  Results and understand the heart anxious Xi, Jian think not release production.
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Qu Yuan
  I Child to clean Xi Qing, body and make sense without foam.
  This Sidley Come Lord, led by Wu at the vulgar and offensive.
  Come on Sidley nothing to test this long away from the calamity and sorrow.
  Emperor Wu Yang report said: "Some people in the next, I want to supplemented.
  Soul discrete, Ru to the divination. "
  Wu Yang answered: "palm dream! God:
  From his difficult; if necessary to the divinatory,
  Xie after fear can not reuse. "
  Wu Yang Yan is the next move, saying:
  "Soul come back! To the king of constant dry
  What is four more? The king of music at the homes,
  He left some of the ominous. Soul come back!
  East can not care more.
  One thousand yards long, but the soul is some claim.
  The 10th generation of that, some golden melt stone.
  He is learning of all, the soul will be released to some.
  Come back! Can not care more.
  Soul come back! Not only some of the South.
  Carved black teeth, was human flesh Yi Si, with its bone to mince more.
  Viper Zhen Zhen, Feng Fox miles more.
  Poisonous snake nine male, between the mortal, eat more people to benefit the heart.
  Come back! Prostitution is not a long time more.
  Soul come back! The scourge of the West, sand thousands of miles more.
  Screw Lei Yuan, [extravagant / 灬] scattered and not just some.
  Fortunately Detuo, some of its external Kuang Yu.
  If you like red ants, bees if the pot more mysterious.
  Grains are not raw, Cong Kan is the food more.
  The soil loser, find some water with nothing.
  Pangyang nothing to lean on, nothing great majority of these.
  Come back! Since the thieves left behind some fear.
  Soul come back! North not only some.
  Mindanao Mindanao by ice, snow thousands of miles more.
  Come back! Not longer.
  Soul come back! Jun no God more.
  Haw Par nine off, pecking damage more servants.
  Kazuo nine, pulling wooden nine thousand more.
  Wolves from the head, between the large crowd large crowd more.
  Hanging people to play, throw something into the abyss.
  Fatal in Dili, and then have to close the eyes more.
  Return! Fear of some danger to the body.
  Soul come back! Jun quiet all this without some under.
  Nine soil around Bo, the angle of Yiyi more.
  London Mei blood of the thumb and by some people Pei Pipi.
  Participation head tiger head, the body if the cattle more.
  Euphemistically Gan people.
  Return! Fear of some disaster from the left.
  Soul come back! Repair the door into something.
  Public Zhu Zhaojun, back row first more.
  Qi Qin cage thread, Cheng Mian network more.
  Move with the equipment, some call Xiao Yong.
  Soul come back! Some anti-House.
  World Quartet, more and more thieves rape.
  Jun room like _set_ting, static free safety and more.
  Diocese mysterious Yu, Xuan some threshold level.
  Laminated tired pavilion, temporary mountains more.
  Online users Zhu decorated, carved side even more.
  There Yao Dong Ha, some of the summer cold room.
  Agrestis Drive complex, more slowly flowing stream.
  Light winds turn LOH, Bom Sung Lan more.
  The Church of the Olympics, Zhu dust feast more.
  Di room Cuiqiao, hanging curve Joan more.
  Jade integument, bad light more homogeneous.
  Konjac A brush wall, Zhang Luo canopy more.
  Compiling group chimera chi, Huang Qi knot more.
  Room of the concept, more and more blame Jane.
  Blue cream Mingzhu, Huarong prepare more.
  Twenty-eight paternity places, some on behalf of radio delivery.
  Jiuhou ladies, more and more public fast.
  Sheng hang down hair different system, some real full house.
  Yung-like state, along indemnity on behalf of some.
  Weak Yen solid planting, Jian its intention more.
  Fascinating state of repair capacity, Geng some bridal chamber.
  Crescent Man Lu, head Teng light more.
  Extravagant tired Yan Li, left, as the Mian more.
  Repair screen from the pavilion, the king of free paternity more.
  Tsui curtain sad account, decorated Kodo more.
  Red wall of sand Edition, Xuan Yu Liang more.
  Jue Yang Guan carved, some painted snakes.
  Zuotang V threshold, the Pro Quchi more.
  Hibiscus origin, miscellaneous water chestnut charge more.
  Purple stems screens, some of the text edge wave.
  Leopard different decorative paper, some paternity Pei Yi.
  Xuan Liang not only low, Buji Lo more.
  Orchid family tree book, Joan wooden fence more.
  Soul come back! How far more.
  Shi Jia Sui Song, eat some parties.
  Wheat rice millet Jue, get some yellow beam.
  Large brackish acid, Xin Gan line more.
  The beef tendon, Nen if Fang more.
  If the bitter and sour, Chen Wu soup more.
  Mian Gao turtle guns, there are some of Zhe pulp.
  Hu acid Juan mallard, fried Hong Qiang more.
  Loggerhead exposed chicken meat broth, Li and more accurate.
  Ju [m F] honey bait, there Zhanghuang more.
  Yao syrup honey spoon, some real birds feast.
  _Set_back bad cold beverages, and exercise discretion in cool more.
  Hua Chen discretion both have some nectar.
  Return of Anti-so room, King without some proof.
  Meat dish shame not pass, some Luo women music.
  Chen Zhong by drums, made some new songs.
  River of Cailing, promote charge more.
  Beauty both drunk, force is flushed more.
  Subtle play of light, as, currently has more waves.
  Served by fiber paper, Li Qi and not more.
  Man with long hair hang down hair, Yan Lu from some.
  Twenty-eight Qi capacity, more dance from Cheng.
  Ren if the cross-pole, ask the case under the more.
  Yu will se mad, Tian Ming Gu more.
  Palace shocked, some of Chu sent shock.
  Wu Yu Tsai Ou, played some great Lu.
  Shinv complex sit more chaos without distinction.
  Ying Chen release group, more numerous class of its phase.
  Zheng and Wei demon to play, to smells more.
  Ji Chu knot, the first show some independence.
  Kun Bi chess, there are six more Bo.
  CAO points in hand, Qiu phase forced some.
  Into the owl and the Mu, call some five white.
  Jin made rhinoceros ratio, charge some day.
  Shake Ju Chung Keng, wedged Zi se more.
  Do not waste wine, entertainment, Shen night more.
  Blue cream Mingzhu, some brightly wrong.
  Results essays to think, Lan Fong leave some.
  People have a very, concentric Fu more.
  Strong wine to drink thoroughly enjoyed themselves, it is more fun first.
  Soul come back! Some anti-House.
  Chaos said: Come spring hair offering year-old, confused I Nanzheng.
  Qi Ye Ping Xi Lu, Bai Zhisheng.
  Lujiang Xi Road intersection, left a long thin.
  Kwai Ying Xi reliance marsh, facing the Bo.
  Xi Qing Li Si junction, Qi Qian Cheng.
  Hanging fire since Xi Yan, Yuen Yan steam.
  Step and the flash at the Xi, induced Cheng first.
  If greedy suppression through Xi, also cited the right car.
  Come dream with King becoming, after-school first.
  Kings Xi pro hair, dread Green SI.
  Xi Zhu Mingcheng night, when not flooded.
  Gaolan is diameter Xi Road gradually.
  Zhan Zhan Xi river, there are maple.
  Come very Trinidad Head, Spring and heart.
  Soul come back! Yu Xin!
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Qu Yuan

Qu Yuan
  When the customs of the near sad Come Ecuador is willing to give light and travel to distant lands.
  Because of meager no matter Xi, Yan asked by the float?
  Turbid and dirty by Shen Xi, who alone stagnation of their language!
  Dedicated and insomnia the night Come, the soul and to the Shu camp.
  But heaven and earth, infinite Xi, sadness and long life ground,
  Come to the who I Front and to those I do not hear,
  Xi Xi Yi and step away thinking, Chao disappointed flurried and good arms.
  Italy shortage suddenly wandering fortune, and gain the heart sad sad unhappy.
  Mortal and not anti-God Xi, shape withered and left unattended.
  However, in order to end operations in Xi province, but also the run by upright.
  Tian Yu Xi Emptiness to desert, Dan complacent inaction.
  Come smell the pine of the dust cleared, leaving you ready Chengfeng Hu.
  Come live the rest of your Germany, the United States Wang Shi of becoming an immortal,
  Come with the wind instead of going, but at the extension of fame.
  Chen Xing Qi Fu Xi in trust, envy all of South Korea was one.
  Lu Xi-shaped chaos farther away from the crowd and escape escape.
  Changes due to gas and then were held Xi, suddenly ran the ghost of God.
  As though to Yaoxian Xi, Jing Jiao Jiao ever come.
  Post Egypt and the atmosphere super-Shu Xi, the end does not counter the ancient capital.
  Come all the suffering and fear-free, such as the World Mozhi it.
  Preface xi day of fear, Yao-Ling Ye and expedition.
  Come down perish micro-frost, the first zero memorial grass.
  Happy Come chat imitation and pretend, but not as Yongli.
  Sri Lanka who can play left Fang Xi? Shu long to wind conditions.
  Gao Yang Xi Miao beyond, I will adhere to the process?
  Re said:
  Come spring and suddenly it does not flooded, Xi stay for long in this House.
  Regulus is not climbing Xi, Wu Jiang Wang Qiao and entertainment from the game.
  Six air and drink the Hangxie meal Xi, Zheng Yang and rinse with glow.
  The clear protection of the gods, Xi, refined gas into the abusive removed.
  Kai Shun Xi wind to travel from, to the South Nest and breath.
  Come see the prince and places, a stretch of the trial and German.
  Said: "The road may be subject to fortune, can not pass;
  Not within its small fortune, the doctor Eun;
  Not slippery and Spirit, he will naturally;
  Come for a pore of God in the night deposit;
  To be the virtual memory, no longer the first;
  Shu Xi class to become, the German door. "
  Migration of smell to you but then fortune, suddenly almost happiness of the line.
  Remain immortal in the Danqiu, leaving the old town die.
  Wash hair in the soup toward the valley of Xi, Xi Xi Yang Yu Body Come September.
  Xi waterfalls micro fluid absorption, the Wa Ying Wai Wan Yan.
  Xi Ping Yan jade to wrists, strong fine to begin with pure alcohol.
  About the quality off fuse to Yue Xi, God put subtle to prostitution.
  German state of Yan Nan Xi, Li Rong laurel of the winter;
  Shan Xi depression without animals, wild lonely desert their no.
  Camp soul and Gordon _set_ Xi Xia, cloud cover and on the sign.
  Destiny http the switch Xi, volleyball and looking to the gate of heaven.
  Come to the pilot, such as Hong Leong asked Taiwei of the home.
  Come into the Imperial Palace collection Chung Yeung, made ten days before the concept is clear.
  Come toward the instrument began in earnest too, almost on the eve of the beginning of clinical micro-Lu.
  Tuen Wan Cheng Xi Yu cart, Fun content and with the Chi.
  Eight Dragon Wan Wan Xi drive, _set_ the flag of the Wei Yun snakes.
  The mining Yak Kin Hung Hong Xi, colored complex and show off.
  Services to low Ang Jian Yan Xi, Can not even curl up with pride Ao.
  Come ride cemented to messy, diffuse diffraction spots and side-line.
  Essays are more than bridle and policy Xi, Wu Jiang had almost Sentences Mountain.
  To turn right too Xi Li Hao, the former crispus to start road.
  Gao Yang Gao Xi its not light, heaven and earth to Drive degrees Ling.
  Xi Bo to be a pioneer in wind, atmosphere and cool the provision of Egypt.
  Phoenix wing bearing the flag of their fortune, almost closing the event mat Queen West.
  Lan comet that Jing Xi, lifting shank that rejoice.
  Come down rebels from its land, the fog flow shock waves travel.
  When its warm Dai Xi Mang Tang, and Ben is called basalt.
  Come to palm the line after the Wenchang, the election to the Department of gods and hub.
  Road is long Come, Xu Li Mi and high section.
  The diameter of the left division paternity Come Rain, Thunder and that the right guard.
  To the degree the world to forget to go home Come, meaning to bear Jiao Zi Sui.
  Nei Xinxin and since the U.S. Come and talk to Yin Yue Yu entertainment.
  Albatron travel related to the proliferation of fortune, the old husband suddenly Township Pro askance.
  Fu Huai Yu sad servant heart Come, side horse care but can not.
  Come to think it is the old thinking, long heave a deep sigh and cover tears.
  Lift capacity and the Pan-Xi-ya, talk to inhibit the self-Mi Chi.
  God refers to direct Chi Yan Xi, Wu Jiang south almost to the suspect.
  View of the shortage of parties themselves suddenly Xi, Pei [Rui indiscriminately] [Rui Yang] and from the float.
  Vulcan quit the streets for the emperor Yu Xi, Mi Teng Fei Ying told phoenix birds.
  Zhang, "salt pool" played "bearing cloud" Come, two women Royal "shao" song.
  Xi Xiang Ling harp to make Hairuo dance Feng Yi.
  Yuen Chi insects and the like into the Xi, Liu Qiu and Wei-shaped snakes.
  Ni will be to increase female Juan Xi, Zhu and Xiang Xuan Luan flying birds.
  Bo Yan's no ultimate Xi, Yan and death to wander.
  Shu Xi and greedy Chi section, Chuo almost a poor family must yin.
  Qingyuan Xi Yi Xun windy day, almost from the Chuan Suo by ice.
  Xi Li Xuanming the evil path, inter-dimensional by the duty-bound.
  Zhao Qian Xi win and be found, for Yuxian Hu Ping Road.
  Come operating Quartet, Week Six desert stream.
  Come on to the short list, look down a large gully.
  No way under the towering fortune, on the boundless without days.
  Come see as no mortal, listen to far-out suddenly without the smell.
  Come over inaction as well as clear, which is adjacent to the beginning with Thailand.
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Qu Yuan
  Yuan not only put in three years may not re-see, dried faithful know, and shelter Zhang in slander, up_set_ consider chaos, I do not know that from.
  Nai Wang Zhan Yin Cheng see Taibu said: "I have doubts because of the decision, Mr.." Zhan Yin-side policies are brushed Turtle said: "Jun
  How will teach? "Yuan said:
  "I rather sincere sincere sections, Park allegiance to peace?
  Will be sent to workers, the Sri Lanka almost infinite?
  Mao Ning punish weeding to Ligeng Down?
  Adults will travel to famous or Down?
  Ning right and proper limb, to risk themselves or Down?
  From the vulgar rich, to Yu Health Down?
  Ning holding aloof to fidelity or Down?
  The Zu Zi Li Si, oh yi softly , to do the woman or Down?
  Ning integrity, self-clean or Down?
  Ladder will suddenly funny, such as fat, such as Wei to clean Ying Down?
  Ning Angang if the colt almost a thousand miles?
  General if water will be almost the teal?
  And wave up and down, stealing almost full my footer?
  Kang Ning and steed yoke Down? The track will be almost as nag?
  Hu and Huang Ning almost wing to wing? Xing almost fought over the chicken duck?
  This Shujishuxiong? Go from here?
  World muddy turbid and unclear:
  Onion skin to heavy, crushing the light; Huangzhong destroyed, earthenware pots;
  Hypertonic slander people, Magi unknown.
  Calls silent sigh Come, behold I the Lian Zhen? "
  Zhan Yin is the interpretation of policies and Xie said: "Cardiff has a short foot, inch a director, inadequate materials, Hungry,
  Few to fail, God has been blocked, with the king of hearts, king of the Italian line. Prudential policy can not be governor turtle. "
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Qu Yuan
  Yuan not only put, swim in the river pool, Chant Ze River, color gaunt, haggard. See Fisherman and asked him, saying:
  "Child with non-Sanlv? Why As Sri Lanka!"
  Yuan said: "I Clear Murky world, everyone is drunk I alone am sober, is see the place!"
  Fisherman said: "Saints do not stagnate in the matter, but the world over with.
  Murky world, why not Hu and Yang, the wave of their mud?
  Everyone is drunk, why not feed the bad and the Chuo the Shai?
  Why think deeply held high, since that place is? "
  Yuan said: "I have heard of, who must play the new crown Mu, new bath choosing the vibration clothing;
  On the body of the Cha Cha can, by the things were almost the Wen Wen!
  Ning went to Hunan flow, buried in the belly of the fish river.
  Security can Haohao of white, and dust mask secular peace! "
  Fisherman smile and laugh, drum oar away, is the song said:
  "The Long Waves Come clean, you can wash my Ying.
  Kaleidoscope cloud Come, you can wash my feet. "
  Then go no longer with the statement.
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Qu Yuan
Nine Songs (a) East Huangtai a
Jiri Xi Liang Chen, Mu Yu Xi Shang Huang will.
Yu-Xi Fu sword Joel, cited Qiang Ming Xi gem.
Yao Xixiyutian, He'll Come Qiongfang.
Lan Xi Hui by steaming meat dish, lay the pepper pulp Xi Gui wine.
Yang Xi serrata pat drums, respite Festival Song Come On, Come Hao Chen yu se initiatives.
Xi Jiao Jian Yan Ling clothing, Fong Fei-fei Xi full house.
Xi Fan Fun pentameter would, Jun Xi Yue Xin Xin Kang.
Nine (b) cloud-jun
Bath Xi Mu Lan Fang Tang, Hua Cai Yi Xi, if the British.
Come with both the spirit to stay curled, Black Visible Xi Wei Yang.
Img to Dan Xi Shou Gong, Xi Qi Sun and the Moon light.
Come ride the dragon emperor services, chat Ao Yu Xi ZHOU Zhang.
Xi Ling is insignificant both down, Yan Xi clouds move away.
Come browse a surplus Jizhou, Wang Xi Yan universally poor.
Sifu Jun Xi heave a deep sigh, very painstaking Xi becoming quite.
Nine (c) Xiang Jun
Jun Xi Yi still not, Jian Xi Nakasu who stay?
The United States should be revised to subtle Xi, Xi Gui Zhou Pei I take.
Order Yuan, Xiang Xi no waves, so that the river flow Come On.
Wang Xi future husband, who think blowing mixed Come?
Come north dragon drive Zheng, Zhan My Dao Xi Dongting.
Pak Wai Lai Xi Ficus silk, Xi Lan Jing Sun radius.
Yang Xi Wang http very Pu, Wang Xi Yang Tai Ling.
Yang Ling Xi is not very, more than women heave a deep sigh as Chan Yuan Xi!
Wang Xi slowly flowing tears, hidden Si Jun Xi Pei side.
Zhao Xi Gui Lan oar, chop ice Come snow.
Come Ficus pumila mining water, wood 搴 Come the end of hibiscus.
Media workers of different heart Come, Come light never less grace.
Xi Shi _Set_o shallow, Xi elegant dragon.
Come make infidelity complain long period of not more than to believe Come not between divisions.
Jiang Cheng Xi Gao toward greedy, Xi Xi Mi North Nagisa Festival.
Bird houses on the sub-Xi, Xi Tang Water Week next.
Come to donate I slotted the river, leaving Yu Pei Xi Li Pu.
Come Kakitsubata Fong Chau mining, will be left behind Xi Maid.
Come again when you can not have, and talk with Happy Come capacity.
Nine Songs (d) Xiangfu people
For sub-lowering Xi Di North, head Miao Miao Xi to worry.
Come autumn, curl, wave Come Kiba Dongting under.
White Fan Xi Cheng Wang, Xi Zhang Xi and wedding day.
Niaocuixiping in?
Zeng Xi Mu on what?
Chih-Yuan Xi Li has a blue, think of the son of Xi is not outspoken.
Shortage suddenly Xi Yuan Wang, Xi slowly flowing water view.
Come any food court in the moose?
Xi Jiao water-born what?
Ma Xi Jiang Yu Chi towards Gao, Xi Xi Ji west shore.
Come smell the beautiful woman called for, will drive Xi Teng-kai passed away.
Zhu Shi Xi water, repair of the Xi charge cover.
Purple altar wall of Xi Sun, Fang Jiao Xi receive with both hands into the Church.
Gui Lan Lao Dong Xi, Xi Mei Magnolia pharmacies.
Come for the curtain indiscriminately pumila, both Xi Zhang Xue Hui Mian.
Bai Xi is the town of Xi Shi Lan as Fong Shu.
Chih-bearing housing repair Xi, Xi Du Heng of wind.
Come together Baicao real court, built Fang Xin Xi veranda door.
Jiuyi Bin Xi and welcome, the spirit of the clouds to Come.
Xi Jiang Yu donation sleeve of a robe, the utmost Die Xi Li Pu.
Img Ting Zhou Xi Kakitsubata, Xi Yuan who will be left.
Come when you can not suddenly have to, talk with Happy Come capacity.
Nine Songs (e) Large Siming
Come day open up the door, I take Xi Yuen Fun cloud.
Come make Piaofeng pioneer in the Frozen Rain Come sprinkle dust.
Jun Hui Xiang Xi less than empty San Come From Women.
General Fun General Come Kyushu, where Shouyao Come in for!
Gao Fei Xiang Xi An, Xi Yu Yin and Yang by clear air.
I Come fast speed and the king, emperor of Xi nine hole lead.
Ling Yi Xi are to be, Xi Lu from jade.
Yi Yang Yi Yin Xi, Xi Mozhi are more than for the public.
Xi Shu Ma Yaohua discount will be left behind Come away from the home.
Come both old and very slowly, do not dip more sparse near Xi.
Come Jingle dragon, high-Chi Xi sky.
Results Gui Xi Yan □, Xi Qiang think the more unhappy people.
Come nonetheless unhappy people!
Come May, if this was no loss.
Come with solid human life when, what clutch for Xi?
Nine Songs (vi) less Siming
Xi Mi Qiu-lan Wu, Luo Xi Church under.
Come Kyi leaves, Fang Fei-Fei Xi to attack.
Mrs. Fumiko own Xi, Xi Sun sorrow why?
Orchids Xi green, leafy Come purple stems.
Full Xi beauty, suddenly alone and I head into the Xi.
Come out into the non-words without any hesitation, take the wind Come back to _set_ the cloud flag.
Xi Mo sad sad parting of Health, Lok Mo Le Come new friend.
Wai Yi Xi charge zone, Shuer to Come suddenly dies.
Xi Xi Di rural places, who shall be king Come the occasion of the cloud?
Come September and female swim the river of water washed the wind to Xi Yang Bo.
Salt pool with female Mu Xi, Xi Xi Yang A female hair.
Wang Ning Xi future United States, the Wind suddenly Xi Hao Ge.
Xi Cui Jing Hole Cover, Tang Xi Fu nine comets.
Young Ai counsel sword Fan Xi, Xi Sun independence should the people are.
Nine (seven) Dongjun
Tun Xi will be out of the East, according to Wu Xi Fuso threshold.
Fu Yu Ma Xi An flooding, both night Jiaojiao Xi Ming.
Come drive by Long Zhou Lei, Wei Yi Xi cloud flag _set_.
Come be a long heave a deep sigh, the heart of low-Hui Xi Gu arms.
Xi Qiang sensual and entertain the people, the audience Dan Xi forget to go home.
Huan Xi pay Joseph drums, Xiao Xi Yao Chung Ju.
Come blow yu Ming-chi, Si Ling Bao Xi Yin fascinating.
Xi Cui Fei Xuan Zeng, Xi poetry exhibition will dance.
Come together should be legal section, spirits to Come blocks out the sun.
Tsing Yi Xi White Seduction, held a long shot Sirius vector Xi.
Yu Cao Xi anti perish arc down, discretionary aid Compass Xi Gui pulp.
Come high-Chi Yu bridle essays Xiang, Yao Ming Ming Xi east of the line.
Nine (eight) Bo
Come September and female swim River, Chong Xi wind shear.
Come by water tankers load cover, driving two Long Xi Can Chi.
Deng Kunlun Come around, Come flying mighty heart.
Come despair at the twilight forget to go home, but Pu Xi http very pregnant.
Xi Tong Lung housing scale, purple shell Que Xi Zhu Palace.
Xi Ling What is the water? Come by sea turtle by White Salmon,
Come swim with the river For women, the future flow of exhaust under Fun Xi.
Come play against the eastbound child, send beauty Xi Nampo.
Come to meet the surging waves, fish Maid Accompanying Come to the adjacent neighborhood.
Nine (IX) Mountain Ghost
Come, O mountains if anyone, is Ficus pumila Come and women dill.
Both Xi and Yi with the Air laugh, to sub-Mu Xi good slim.
Come from the text by red fox leopard, Magnolia car Xi Results Gui flag.
Xi Shi Lan was with Du Heng, fold left and think Fang Xin Xi.
Come over at the end but not secluded grove days, the road was dangerous hard Come alone.
Shan Xi Table independence above the cloud Come the next leisurely.
Yao Ming Ming Qiang Xi unlucky day, wind Gone with the Wind Come Rain gods.
Xi Dan to stay spiritual forget to go home, what age Hua Xi Yan to both?
Come show the three mining in the mountains, Dan Leilei Xi Geman Man.
Come despair blame forget to go home son, Jun Xi not think I'm busy.
Shan Xi Fang Kakitsubata human, Xi Yin Yin Shiquan pine.
Jun thinking I Xiranyizuo.
Yu Ming Ming Lei Xi fill fill, Yuan Ming tweeted Xi and night.
Come wind rustling trees rustling, thinking only son of Xi Li You.
Nine Songs (X) War
Cao Ge Wu Xi Phi Xi Jia, Xi short military vehicle received the wrong hub.
Blot out the Sun Jing Xi enemy Ruoyun, rise Come fall soil first to cross.
Ling Yu Yu array Xi overstep the line, the right edge of the left Can Come exterminate injury.
Come tie haze two four horses, aid hit Ming Gu Yu Xi serrata.
Come Wheeling day hate anger, Xi Yan kill all abandoned fields.
Nothing Come out to the non-anti, Xi Road, ultra-long plain ignored.
Come with a sword to rely on the bow of Qin, the first body from the heart does not punish Xi.
Both Youyi Xi Cheng Yong Wu, Xi is not the end strong and Ling.
Body Jisi Come to the Spirit of God, the soul of a ghost Xi Yi Xiong.
Nine Songs (xi) Li Soul
Come into the ceremony will be drums, transfer para Come on behalf of the dance.
Come advocating tolerance and fascinating woman.
Qiu Ju Chunlan Xi, Xi Zhong Gu never long without.
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