我衹在乎你 I Fussy you
離開地球表面 Departure globe land
楓葉飄飄 Maple Leaf Durian
踏雪尋梅 Braving the snow Search Mei
校園的早晨 Campus of morn
守月亮 defend cynthia
如果你也聽說 If you Also understand
月牙灣 Crescent bay
出神入化 reach the acme of perfection
玩酷 Play It Cool
窮開心 Poor boot
愛的期限 loving quantity
生日快樂 Happy birthday!
昭君怨 Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
葬花吟 zanghuayin
雲水禪心 Yun Shui Zen
八月桂花遍地開 Aug laurel Flowers All over open
我不想說我是雞 Me indisposition Said I was chicken
菊花臺 chrysanthemum parterre
死了都要愛 Have had one's chips Must be love
千裏之外 the winged steed off
暗香 plum
愛如潮水 Love, such as tide
圓月亮 circularity cynthia
歌麯 melody
筆記 終極PK