唐代 刘希夷 Liu Xiyi  唐代   (651~678)
On behalf of the grief anemone
The music diction Into the plug
In proper proportion songs river one of the two forms operas inthe yuan dynasty Eight
In proper proportion Songs to gather mulberry leaves
hadorwould Military Bank
Attest Row
Spring female line
Lone Pine Posts
Songyue Wen Sheng
Autumn Question Ruyang Wall Lake
Ye Han Shi Temple
Mt. Wu, on the Changjiang River by the Three Gorges meditate on the past
return to the mountain
Shu Cheng meditate on the past
Spring walk and snivel at the same time
Daoyi articles
Son line
Sent in the clear Luo Yin 4 months Entry into
View mirror
late spring
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

View mirror

   Liu Xiyi

Brothel hanging mirror, according to numerous clinical sad. Hair today so, when life can be.
Under the mountain autumn, the moon on the spring period. Sigh Junen do, face unthinkable.


【Source】 卷82_17

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