听尹炼师弹琴 Tingyinlianshi to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
游庐山五老峰 swim Lushan mountain Wulaofeng
登庐山东峰观九江合彭蠡湖 Ascend lushan mountain Dongfengguan Jiujiang city unite Another name of the poyang lake Lake
建业怀古 Jianye county meditate on the past
经羊角哀墓作 trans- Tornado Mourning Cemetery for
过天门山怀友 across Spica mountain Huai You
舟中遇柳伯存归潜山,因有此赠 Boat Liu Bo-Cun-gui hill event because there is such a gift
晚到湖口见庐山作呈诸故人 See late Hukou Lushan mountain As were all decedent
苦春霖作寄友 bitter Chunlin Send to Friends
酬叶县刘明府避地庐山言怀诒郑录事昆季苟尊师兼见赠之 fulfil Ye county Liu government to avoid To house Mountain Yan wai Yi-Cheng Copyist Kun Gou Season Respect the teacher And see the gifts of
高士咏·混元皇帝 Excellent person chant Hun Yuan czar
高士咏·广成子 Excellent person chant Guangchengzi
高士咏·许先生 Excellent person chant allow baas
高士咏·樊先生 Excellent person chant (surname) baas
高士咏·柏成子高 Excellent person chant Bo cheng Sub-high
高士咏·臧丈人 Excellent person chant (surname) father-in-law
高士咏·伯夷叔齐 Excellent person chant Bo yi Shu Qi
高士咏·南华真人 Excellent person chant South China in the flesh