唐代 李适 Li Kuo  唐代   (742~805)
中和节日宴百僚赐诗 Correction Feast banquet Bailiao Ci Shi
中和节赐百官燕集因示所怀 Correction Festival gift Officials of all ranks and descriptions Yanjiyinshi the ideas in one's mind
重阳日赐宴曲江亭,赋六韵诗用清字 The double ninth festival daily Ciyan Bend river Ting Fu 6 Verse Use up words
九月十八赐百僚追赏因书所怀 September The number 18 obliged Bailiao Chasing tours By the book the ideas in one's mind
送徐州张建封还镇 Songxuzhouzhangjianfenghai Town
麟德殿宴百僚 Lindedianyan Bailiao
中和节赐群臣宴赋七韵 Correction Section gives the ministers Yanfuqiyun
三日书怀因示百僚 Three days Form was For show Bailiao
重阳日中外同欢,以诗言志,因示群官 The double ninth festival daily China and foreign countries Wayzgoose Due to Shi Yan said Qunguan
重阳日即事 The double ninth festival daily That is something
丰年多庆,九日示怀 A year of abundance Multi-Qing The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Huai said
七月十五日题章敬寺 jul Fifteen daily Chapter title King Temple
中春麟德殿会百僚观新乐诗一章,章十六句 In spring De lin palace meeting Bailiao Guanxinle Poetry 1 Jhang Jhang Caroche sentence
九日绝句 the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Quatrains
古诗 ancient style poetry



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