唐代 阎朝隐 Yan Chaoyin  唐代  
相和歌辞·采莲女 In proper proportion songs Lotus woman
琴曲歌辞·明月歌 Qin songs Bright moon cantus
侍从途中口号应制 Minister En route slogan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制夏日游石淙山 Feng and Saint-system Summertime swim Dan cong Mountain
鹦鹉猫儿篇 Popinjay Cat papers
三日曲水侍宴应制 Three-day feast Qushui paternity write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和九日幸临渭亭,登高应制得筵字 Feng and The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Xinglinweiting Ascend Write poem according to the emperor's order Get the word banquet
奉和送金城公主适西蕃应制 Feng and Accompany golden city archduchess fitness western barbarians write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和立春游苑迎春应制 Feng and The beginning of spring Yu Yuan Spring Festival write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制春日幸望春宫应制 Feng and Saint-system Spring Xing Wang Porno write poem according to the emperor's order
饯唐永昌 Preserves Tang Yongchang
奉和登骊山应制 Feng and Teng Li Shan write poem according to the emperor's order
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷21_82
