醉翁操(七月上浣遊裴園) Tippler cao Jul The first ten-day period of a month Yu Pei Park Garden
醉翁操(和東坡韻詠風琴) Tippler cao And Yong-Su Yun organ
導引(孝宗皇帝虞主自浙江還重華宮鼓吹導引麯) Guide Xiao Zhong Czar Main since Yu Zhejiang Also re-Hua Gong Preach Guide bend
安恭皇后輓詞 Ann Christine Empress Wan-term
安恭皇后輓詞 Ann Christine Empress Wan-term
安恭皇后輓詞 Ann Christine Empress Wan-term
安恭皇后輓詞 Ann Christine Empress Wan-term
安人鄭氏輓詞 Anren Zheng shi Wan-term
八月十四日攜傢泛月次韻 aug Myristic acid daily Pan-month brought home write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
八月四日晚霹靂碎大柳木 Aug 4 night Bolt Broken big willow
跋惠峰詢老所編類海 Postscript Hui-feng exercise classes, compiled by the old sea
跋李少裴修禊序 Postscript Shao Pei (among the old chinese literati) to hold a drinking party on the third day of the third moon array
跋盧申之所藏韋偃三馬 Postscript Lu Nobuyuki One's collection (of rare books, masterpieces, etc.) Ma Wei Yan 3
跋綦北海扈從書事詩 Postscript Qi Ditch Equipage Book thing poem
跋塗毒與惠老偈 Postscript stacked with old martial Hui
跋汪季路所藏修禊序 Postscript Wang Jilu One's collection (of rare books, masterpieces, etc.) (among the old chinese literati) to hold a drinking party on the third day of the third moon array
古詩 ancient style poetry
山高最難圖,意足不待大。 尺楮眇千裏,長江浸橫翠。 畫傢雜雲煙,戃怳徒意會。 苟或森三尺,便若俗子對。 此畫格律嚴,興寄獨超邁。 洗眼映窗明,妙處乃不昧。 流泉見原委,著屋分嚮背。 推車度危橋,指路嚮關隘。 輕舟最渺茫,浦嶼如有待。 山稜瘦露骨,汀洲橫若帶。 木葉黃欲脫,秋容儼然在。 霜餘無片雲,歷歷數沙界。 搜尋目力疲,欲賦無可柰。 近山纔四寸,萬象紛納芥。 欲識無窮意,聳翠更天外。