唐代 司空图 Sikong Tu  唐代   (837~908)
Qin songs Five Autumn Thoughts Alley Chua
lower part
lower part
China under Pu transmittal
Since the commandment
Effective Chen Gleaning Ziang Grateful for good treatment 2
Effective Chen Gleaning Ziang
Shangmotisi Nostalgia Monk 2
Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words And show Buddhist monk swim south Wutai
Zengyuanfanggong Fang Shu seng Shu-Fang Jian, Xi were fortunate to avoid purple
U.S. Temple Cen gift letter Buddhist monk
Chang'an Note gift Wang
Send Zheng Ren Regulation
Miscellaneous words 1 for brief a style of old Chinese poems
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Effective Chen Gleaning Ziang Grateful for good treatment 2

   Sikong Tu

High Yan Fei He Jie, pecking damage pleases young group. Who ye playing their sharp, Heights Yung Seoul home.
Since the days of the intrinsic strong bullying, just tongue Wutu. I realized that those grievances, the final correction troubled world alone.
Yang and Xu Yun-containing, Hui Jing Fenhua wood. As for the public by Wyatt, has been how thou _set_tedst boast private.
North Secretary Nong Yan, East Park lock flowers. Seizing is common sense, laughter Jun Acts duh sigh.

【Source】 卷632_9

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