唐代 孙逖 Sun Ti  唐代  
和左司张员外自洛使入京中路先赴长安逢立春日…诸公 And left the Secretary Zhang Ministry councillor Ziluoshiru In beijing Way to go first Chang'an meet Establish spring Pinch
和登会稽山 And Teng Kuaiji Mountain
送杨法曹按括州 Send Yang Law cao By including state
葛山潭 Ge Shan Tam
丹阳行 Danyang OK
山阴县西楼 Shanyin County West Tower
夜宿浙江 roost Zhejiang
春日留别 Spring give souvenir on parting
奉和四月三日上阳水窗赐宴应制得春字 Feng and April Three days on the water window Yang Ciyan Write poem according to the emperor's order Spring was the word
奉和登会昌山应制 Feng and Teng Hui-chang Shan write poem according to the emperor's order
正月十五日夜应制(一作沈佺期诗) the first month of the lunar year Fifteen daily dark Write poem according to the emperor's order 1 for Shen quanqi poem
奉和御制登鸳鸯楼即目应制 Feng and poems and writings authored by the emperor ascend Mandarin duck Building the project write poem according to the emperor's order
进船泛洛水应制(一作薛昚惑诗) Into the vessel Pan Luoshui Write poem according to the emperor's order 1 for Xue shenhuo poem
和常州崔使君寒食夜 and Changzhou (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Cold Food Night
和韦兄春日南亭宴兄弟(兄在京) Heweixiong Spring South pavilion banquet Brethren Xiongzaijing
春初送吕补阙往西岳勒碑得云字 Early spring to send Lu Buque Westerly (surname) To record one's achievements by engraving them on a stone tablet (for posterity) Get the word cloud
送越州裴参军充使入京 Send more state PEI Enroll Charge to enter Beijing
送周判官往台州 Send Week Official go Taizhou
送魏骑曹充宇文侍御判官分按山南 Send Weijicaochong Yu-wen Shi Yu Official Points by Shannan
送苏郎中绾出佐荆州 Send Su Physician trained in herb medicine bind up Izusa jing Township
送李补阙摄御史充河西节度判官 To Li Buque absorb The censor full Hexi region official official
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷118_13
