宋代 张耒 Zhang Lei  宋代   (1053~1114)
From Nanjing S Chen su Cudrania triloba City
Divert oneself from melancholy 4
Divert oneself from melancholy 4
Wind resistance Leiri Park Maharatnakuta Yamashita
Drunk in Miscellaneous words
Yestereve Ides Have a special sleep Autumn a nap In book Play was Daofu
Last person
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

From Nanjing S Chen su Cudrania triloba City

   Zhang Lei

Huang Cheng thin thorns were old, frightened rabbit out of the cold grass.
Gray sun_set_ Huang West, rode the edge of town to find trail.
Kuwata entry look around all the residents three to five according to Road side.
Twilight cast _set_ dismount temple, red eyes burning house full of smoke dichotoma.
Since the words of more than eighty old monk, old men can not camp of residence.
Village Boy defeated by exhibition kitchen seats, wooden fish hanging on the empty beam.
Quan Xuan Ji Zhuo new hands, green lamp lights according to the evening off.
Of children in full bloom before I sleep, want to pour light into the lattice window moon.
Room by the monk jug struck the night, at the Green put the money to take time.
Push the pillow wine from home, picking lights the flame of copper glenoid blowing.
Kosovo does not leave a large glass drops, then sleep to _set_ eyeful Fen.
Ming launched down residual pot, not afraid of a new cream lost fur wet.

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