元代 方回 Fang Hui  元代   (1227~1305)
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
先天易吟三十首 Innateness Yi Yin Thirty head
鲜于伯几举近诗有一官屡厄黄杨闰之句忘其全联因赋呈之 Surname Peter held several one officer repeatedly in recent poetry Ecuador Boxwood Forget the whole leap of the sentence was the joint result of Fu
蟏蛸 xiaoshao
小本兰亭二种 Small Lanting Two
小长桥书事 small Long bridge Book thing
小楼 Small Building
小雪日观残菊有感 Flurry Day View Residual ju Thoughts
小园 Small Garden Garden
小至日书 Small Date Book
晓发富阳县 Aldo Fuyang County
晓发秀州城南 Aldo Show state South
古诗 ancient style poetry


