元代 方回 Fang Hui  元代   (1227~1305)
三月二十九日饮杭州路耿同知花园 mar Score nine daily drink Hangzhou Road Geng sub-prefect Garden
三月二十九夜二更杭火焚花巷寿安坊至四月一日寅卯止 Mar twain Nineteen Hang burnt to spend the night two more workshops to Lane Life Safety April fools' day Yin-mao only
三月二十日张君輗约饮王子由紫霞道院酒字为韵 Mar twain Zhang Jun Yi about drinking on the 10th Sheikh cause Daisy Li Tao Yuan wine words to rhyme
三月六日再用韵二首 Mar On the 6th Resume charm 2
三月六日再用韵二首 Mar On the 6th Resume charm 2
三月三日西湖第三桥四首 Mar three days The west lake Third Bridge 4
三月三日西湖第三桥四首 Mar three days The west lake Third Bridge 4
三月十八日甲子晴 Mar the number 18 daily A cycle of sixty years fine
三月十七夜大雷雨用韵酬俞好问四首 Mar Seventeen dark Thunderstorm Yu rhyming pay Inquisitive, curious 4
三月十七夜大雷雨用韵酬俞好问四首 Mar Seventeen dark Thunderstorm Yu rhyming pay Inquisitive, curious 4
三月十七夜大雷雨用韵酬俞好问四首 Mar Seventeen dark Thunderstorm Yu rhyming pay Inquisitive, curious 4
三月十七夜大雷雨用韵酬俞好问四首 Mar Seventeen dark Thunderstorm Yu rhyming pay Inquisitive, curious 4
三月十一日问政山次刘元煇韵 Mar Eleven Japan asked the political mountain views Liuyuan Hui Yun
三址年重到紫阳观 Three-year re-site to view Ziyang
三竺道中三首 3 Zhu Road, 3
三竺道中三首 3 Zhu Road, 3
缫丝吟 Reeling Yin
山茶花 flower of this shrub
山中之乐三章送徐明叟胡直内苏德翁归严濑并寄夏自然 In the mountains The three chapters to send music directly Neisu De Weng Ming-old man owned Hu Yan _Set_o and send summer artlessness
山中之乐三章送徐明叟胡直内苏德翁归严濑并寄夏自然 In the mountains The three chapters to send music directly Neisu De Weng Ming-old man owned Hu Yan _Set_o and send summer artlessness
古诗 ancient style poetry


