宋代 方蒙仲 Fang Mengzhong  宋代  
Consumer Mei
Laugh sit Kam Song La Mei
write freely
Salt plum
have Line Yongmei Plum Float Diana dusk
have Line Yongmei Xue Xiao flea late moonrise
have Line Yongmei Paleness Long may know my liking
have Line Yongmei Be_set_ Qunyao powder do not sweep
have Line Yongmei Independence Evening breeze Hong sleeves
have Line Yongmei Mush Draw horse to a stop stay dusk
have Line Yongmei Delicate moon_set_ Vacant appear
have Line Yongmei Inselberg Yamashita Drunk sleep to reside
have Line Yongmei In good season Return With snow to see
have Line Yongmei Egami Arcadia Spring For dark
have Line Yongmei Old branch Cross out Number of new flower
have Line Yongmei Cold Ruishuzhiban cannot help (doing)
have Line Yongmei Forest laugh Open ice Face Cream
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Consumer Mei

   Fang Mengzhong

Shahe City in April, the snow color green salt basin.
Wu child sweet crop-full, but the hi acid salt.
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