唐代 宋之问 Song Zhiwen  唐代   (656~712)
登逍遥楼 Deng Xiao Yao Building
奉和春日玩雪应制 Feng and Spring Play in the snow write poem according to the emperor's order
伤曹娘二首 Cao Niang 2 injured
郡宅中斋 County home in the fast
称心寺 Heart Monastery
剪彩 cut the ribbon
七夕 the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
桂州陪王都督晦日宴逍遥楼 Guizhou To accompany the king Governor of province Misoka banquet Happy Building
和赵员外桂阳桥遇佳人 And Zhao Ministry councillor Case of Guiyang Bridge belle
函谷关 Hangu Pass
咏省壁画鹤 Yong Province Fresco crane
广州朱长史座观妓 aide Block view of prostitution
谒二妃庙 Ye Fei Temple II
在荆州重赴岭南 be Jing township Re going to south of the Five Ridges(the area covering Guangdong and Guangxi)provinces
则天皇后挽歌 criterion Mikado rear coronach
邓国太夫人挽歌 Tang China Offical's mother coronach
杨将军挽歌 poplar Check coronach
渡汉江 Du Han River
新年作 New Year for
陪群公登箕山赋得群字 Peiqungongdeng Winnow basket mountain Fu de Group of words
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷53_45
