寄献梓橦山侯侍御(时常拾遗谏诤) Send Xianzitongshan Houshi Yu Often gleaning criticize sb.'s faults frankly
壬癸岁书情 Renguisui Book love
河南府试秋夕闻新雁 Henan province Prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination Qiu xi famous New Yan
省试奉诏涨曲江池(以春字为韵。时乾符二年) Provincial examination Fengzhaozhang Bend river pool Yichunziweiyunshiqianfu'ernian
题宣一僧正院 Vision problems are a Monk Institute
和吴学士对春雪献韦令公次韵 And Wu Bachelor Right spring snow Xianweilinggong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
省试一一吹竽(乾符二年) Provincial examination One by one Blow yu Qian Fu years
明月照高楼 Bright moon (surname) tower
广州试越台怀古 Canton More test _set_s meditate on the past
襄州试白云归帝乡 xiangzhoushibaiyunguidi Township
省试内出白鹿宣示百官(乾宁二年) Provincial examination In the White deer To vow Officials of all ranks and descriptions Ning dry years
出关言怀 Exit Yan Wai
壶公山(古老相传古仙姓陈名壶公于此山成道因而名焉) Hu gong Mountain Antiquity Devolution Kosen name CHEN Hu gong Herein Shan Cheng Road So Name Yan
和王舍人、崔补阙题天王寺 Cui and Wang Scheeren Buque inscribe Tennoji
投翰长赵侍郎 cast John long surname assistant minister
鄜畤李相公 Carnival Shi Li Xiang Gong
成名后呈同年 Arrive Was after class
投刑部裴郎中 cast The ministry of punishments in feudal china (surname) physician trained in herb medicine
辇下寓题 Nian under the Apartments title
寄题崔校书郊舍 Send questions Cuijiaoshujiao homes
秋思 Autumn Thoughts
古诗 ancient style poetry
汉宫行庙略,簪笏落民间。直道三湘水,高情四皓山。 赐衣僧脱去,奏表主批还。地得松萝坞,泉通雨雪湾。 东门添故事,南省缺新班。片石秋从露,幽窗夜不关。 梦馀蟾隐映,吟次鸟绵蛮。可惜相如作,当时事悉闲。
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