唐代 高適 Gao Shi  唐代  
淇上别业 Ki-on villa
入昌松东界山行 Chang Song-East Jieshan line into the
同陈留崔司户早春宴蓬池 Secretary for households with Liu-Cui (early)spring Yan Peng Chi
金城北楼 golden city North Tower
同颜六少府旅宦秋中之作 Six with the Yen Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Tour in the fall for Huan
重阳 the Double Ninth Festival
古乐府飞龙曲,留上陈左相(陈希烈) Ancient official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) Dragon Chan left to stay with music Chen Xilie
同李员外贺哥舒大夫破九曲之作 With Li Ministry councillor congratulate Ge shu Doctor Break for nine of
信安王幕府诗 Principal Wang Office of the commanding officer poem
东平旅游,奉赠薛太守二十四韵 Tung Ping Travel Present as a gift (surname) Procurator Score four charm
陪族叔刑部侍郎晔及中书贾舍人至游洞庭五首(其四) Peizushu The ministry of punishments in feudal china Assistant minister Yejizhongshu Gu sheren To Swim dongting Wushou Fourth
和窦侍御登凉州七级浮图之作 And Doushi Yu Teng Liang Zhou 7 Buddha S for
酬河南节度使贺兰大夫见赠之作 fulfil Henan province Governor of one or more provinces in charge of both civil and military affairs during tang dynasty Helan Doctor See for gifts of
奉酬睢阳路太守见赠之作 Feng pay Sui Lu Procurator See for gifts of
奉酬睢阳李太守 Feng pay Sui Li procurator
饯宋八充彭中丞判官之岭南 Jiansongbachong Peng An official's name Official S south of the Five Ridges(the area covering Guangdong and Guangxi)provinces
陪窦侍御泛灵云池 Strato pool accompanied Doushi Yu Pan
陪窦侍御灵云南亭宴,诗得雷字 Accompany Doushi Yu Ling Yunnan Shi Yan Lei Ting was the word
同熊少府题卢主簿茅斋(庐兼有人伦) With the Bear Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Main book title Mao Zhai Lu Lu Be -nied with (a thing) human relations
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷214_38
