宋代 向子諲 Xiang Ziyin  宋代   (1085~1152)
zhè tiān shī chuān tóng guò mèng shòu jiā) Partridge days AND Xu shi Ye Meng Chuan been granted the same family
zhè tiānxuān hài dài rén zèng bié
zhè tiāntóng qián) Partridge days ditto
zhè tiān Partridge days
zhè tiān Partridge days
suō xíngzhèng bǐng shēn jiǔ jiāng dào zhōng) Tasha hang Governance Bingshen Jiujiang city Road
què qiáo xiān Magpie Fairies
měi rénzhèng dīng yǒu xià gōu zuò) the field [red] poppy Under the governance and ding lute communication for
měi rén the field [red] poppy
měi rénxuān xīn chǒu) the field [red] poppy Vision and Boxer
měi rén the field [red] poppy
gēnglòu zhào shān qīng bái xuānshí wáng fēng liú cháng yīn tóng ) Change loophole Mr Chiu Mountain question Pale When Father Chang-Xuan Wang Feng Fu for the same
gēnglòu change loophole
què qiáo xiān ) Magpie Fairies the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
nán dài zhāng zhòng zōng ) Southern poems Era Zhang zhong Were conferred
què qiáo xiān Magpie Fairies
nán guō xiǎo niàn dào zhuāng
nán Southern Poems
suàn divination operator
mán Song Form
mánzhèng bǐng shēn) Song form Governance Bingshen
mán Song Form
nán Southern Poems
jiǎn lán huāzhèng guǐ ) Jianzimu orchid Governance and Kimi
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
zhè tiān shī chuān tóng guò mèng shòu jiā


  xiǎo yuàn shēn míng bié yòu tiān
   huā néng xiào liǔ néng mián
   xuě jiǔ zhōng nuǎnlián líng fènwài yán
   chāi yàn zhòng piān
   liǎng shān xié dié cuì lián juān
   cháo yún xiàn jīn chūn tài qíng zhī gèng lián

【wénjí】liǔ shù