寄题钟秀才咏归堂 lodge at Bell question Xiucai Tang Yong return
净光松风阁 Net photosynthesis Matsukaze cabinet
菊花开送徐灵渊 Chrysanthemum Open sent Xu Lingyuan
橘枝词三首记永嘉风土 Orange sticks in mind the word three A prefecture in zhejiang province climate
橘枝词三首记永嘉风土 Orange sticks in mind the word three A prefecture in zhejiang province climate
句 sentence
句 sentence
句 sentence
句 sentence
看柑 See Citrus
柯君振相别三十余年为言亲丧不能举请赋此诗庶几有哀之者 Ke Junzhen with other Thirty The remainder of one's life Is made Pro-funeral Cannot Please cite Fu poem Maybe And those who are sad
哭郑丈四首 Zheng husband cry 4
哭郑丈四首 Zheng husband cry 4
哭郑丈四首 Zheng husband cry 4
哭郑丈四首 Zheng husband cry 4
李处士挽诗 (a surname) Department disabilities lament
梁父吟 Liang fuyin, , a ancient chinese verse name
林叔和见访道旧感叹因以为赠 Lin Shu and Your visit Old road Bemoan mourn for Conceive present