县尉林公挽词 An official just below the head of the county Lin kung Wan-term
项君先有幽兴堂其子木即以名庵 Xiang Jun prior Quiet xing Church wood that is to name his son Om
孝宗皇帝挽词二首 Xiao Zhong Czar Wan-Ci 2
孝宗皇帝挽词二首 Xiao Zhong Czar Wan-Ci 2
徐灵渊挽词 Xu Lingyuan pull words
徐仁父先大夫诗卷指其改补锅八句曰愿有请因疏下方 Hsu jen Father first Doctor Poem that said, it is willing to change up pot 8 Send for sb's presence Due to sparse lower part
徐师垕广行家集定价三百 Xu shi Hou Guang Connoisseur group of things having a shared quality Price three hundred
许敬之用余言作松山草堂然游山之意犹未已也申以为箴 Xu Jing Pave I made for Matsuyama Thatched cottage but Swim mountain Not dream of Application has also gone too far Conceive warn