宋代 叶梦得 Ye Mengde  宋代   (1077~1148)
木兰花(二月二十六日晚雨,集客湖上) Magnolia flower February twain Caroche daily Late rain _set_ off Lake
点绛唇(晚出山榭,春初植兰榭侧,近复生紫芝十二本) Point jiangshouju lip evening Come out from the mountains Lan Tse Tse early spring planting Nearby Quickening Rosie Troubadour root
点绛唇(绍兴乙卯登绝顶小亭) Point jiangshouju lip Shaoxing YiMao Teng Head box
点绛唇(丙辰八月二十七日雨中与何彦亨小饮) Point jiangshouju lip Bing-chen aug Twenty-seven day Rain Yuheyanheng nip
鹧鸪天(十二月二十二日与许干誉赏梅) Partridge days Dec twain Twelfth And Xu To seek for higher reputation Shower the plum with
鹧鸪天(元夕次韵干誉) Partridge days Lantern Festival Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words to seek for higher reputation
鹧鸪天(雨后湖上看落花) Partridge days After the rain Lake behold blossom drop
鹧鸪天(与鲁卿晚雨泛舟出西郭,用烟波定韵) Partridge days Late Qing and Lu Yu Go boating Guo used the West Mist-covered waters _Set_ rhyme
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
水龙吟(三月十日西湖宴客作) Shuilong Yin Mar on the 10th The west lake Entertain guest at a banquet work
水龙吟 Shuilong Yin
千秋岁(次韵兵曹席孟惠廨黄梅) Qian qiusui Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Bing cao Ximenghuixie plum
千秋岁(小雨达旦,东斋独宿不能寐,有怀松江旧游) Qian qiusui Flurry Until dawn East Vegetarian places alone Cannot Sleep soundly with pregnant Loose river formerly-visited place
蓦山溪(百花洲席上次韵司录董庠) Suddenly coulee Bouquet cent-fleurs continent Scholars Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Si Lu Dong-xiang
清平乐 Qingping Yue
雨中花慢(寒食前一日小雨,牡丹已将开,与客置酒坐中戏作) Rain flower defer Cold Food ago Day Flurry Peony Has opened with the customer Zhijiu Sit in Humorous
南乡子(池亭新成晚步) Tone of the south Pool pavilion neoformation Late step
南乡子(自后圃晚步湖上) Tone of the south Afterwards garden Late step Lake
南乡子 Tone of the South
卜算子(五月八日夜,凤凰亭纳凉) Divination operator May eight Day and night Phoenix kiosk enjoy the cool in the open air
卜算子(并涧顷种木芙蓉,九月旦盛开) Divination operator Bingjianqingzhong H. mutabilis l. September dawn in (full) flower
菩萨蛮(湖光亭晚集) Song form Lake Pavilion evening _set_
古诗 ancient style poetry


